  • Howe's Transcendental Toybox
  • A complete collector's guide to everything that has ever been produced to tie in with the series. From hardback books, trading cards and chocolate Christmas tree decorations, to stained glass windows, underpants and metal models, this book is a fascinating and enthralling look at the world wide history, development and collectability of Doctor Who merchandise. Anyone who is a Doctor Who fan, science fiction enthusiast, armchair television historian, or collector of pop culture memorabilia will be fascinated by this book and the story it has to tell.
Release Date
  • --11-23
  • Howe's Transcendental Toybox
  • 0
  • Trade Paperback, -- pages
  • Telos Publishing
  • ISBN 0-9538681-0-9 ,ISBN 1-903889-56-1 , ISBN 1-903889-57-X , ISBN 1-84583-012-1 , ISBN 1-84583-033-5
  • A complete collector's guide to everything that has ever been produced to tie in with the series. From hardback books, trading cards and chocolate Christmas tree decorations, to stained glass windows, underpants and metal models, this book is a fascinating and enthralling look at the world wide history, development and collectability of Doctor Who merchandise. This is the first and only reference and price guide to the entire history of Doctor Who memorabilia from 1963 to the present. It will catalogue every kind of merchandise produced in the past 36 years, provide photos for many of the items listed, and discuss many aspects of the show's long history in light of the vast amount of collectible material produced about it. The book will document the history of the world's longest-running science fiction television show from the perspective of the marketing and merchandising juggernaut that the series spawned. Anyone who is a Doctor Who fan, science fiction enthusiast, armchair television historian, or collector of pop culture memorabilia will be fascinated by this book and the story it has to tell.