  • Tomb of the Gods
  • The Tomb of the Gods was a colossal gatehouse in a giant underground cavern, built by non-humans in the time before recorded history. A large subterranean passage led to the site, which eventually was overgrown with a plant-like substance that emitted heat. The structure was several stories tall, with a massive main entrance surrounded by giant stone tentacles. Inside the entryway was a giant antechamber, with a map of the stars on the ceiling, hundreds of feet above the floor. The antechamber also held the monumental door leading into the building, and had walls with the tentacle motif and small green nodules. The door had an inset spot for the key.
  • Tomb of the Gods
  • Giant underground vault
  • prehistoric
  • not human
  • The Tomb of the Gods was a colossal gatehouse in a giant underground cavern, built by non-humans in the time before recorded history. A large subterranean passage led to the site, which eventually was overgrown with a plant-like substance that emitted heat. The structure was several stories tall, with a massive main entrance surrounded by giant stone tentacles. Inside the entryway was a giant antechamber, with a map of the stars on the ceiling, hundreds of feet above the floor. The antechamber also held the monumental door leading into the building, and had walls with the tentacle motif and small green nodules. The door had an inset spot for the key. Inside the door was a large circular green smooth-walled pit leading down into the earth.
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