  • Sovereignty of Serenia
  • The kingdom of Serenia was the first home of all the world's people after the withdrawal. The exact spot of their arrival had never been marked by stone or statue or eidolon, but that is not there way; but many hold that the place is where the house of the great wizard Crispinophur now sits. It is said that house has been there, never aging, since the beginning of time. It is also claimed that it was built in less than an instant by the same magician, who himself was already an old man when time began.
  • The kingdom of Serenia was the first home of all the world's people after the withdrawal. The exact spot of their arrival had never been marked by stone or statue or eidolon, but that is not there way; but many hold that the place is where the house of the great wizard Crispinophur now sits. It is said that house has been there, never aging, since the beginning of time. It is also claimed that it was built in less than an instant by the same magician, who himself was already an old man when time began. It is somewhat peaceful in Serenia now. This has not always been so. Not so many years ago, the Sovereignty's present Queen was abducted by a wizard named Harlin and imprisoned in Harlin's castle. The same wizard used his magic to change the geography of the land, dividing it, and creating barriers. He surrounded the village of Serenia with the Endless Desert, he moved the Great Mountains north, put the North Sea in between. These were to stop any intruders from reaching him. Serenia's King at the time, George IV, was able to convince a wandering barbarian, the Wanderer to attempt rescuing her. The man accomplished his quest, but walked away from the offered marriage and kingdom. Priscilla and her husband, Kenneth the Huge, rule now. They have legislated peace and love and harmony between all. The penalties for breaching those laws is severe. The Sovereignty of Serenia lies to the north and west of the Kingdom of Daventry, beyond the River Fools and the Great Mountains. It gives its name to the continent of Serenia, and is one of the continent's great lands. Despite being somewhat near to each other, commerce and communication between the two lands is limited because of the physical barriers, between the two lands. Nonetheless, the inhabitants of both places are similar, consisting generally of humans and the Little Folk. Most humans live in the one small town of the realm, a lovely place with the usual shops and places of business. The town goes by the name Serenia. The bakery is renowned for the goodness of its pies, as is the inn for its unsavory clientele. It is located alongside a river, just south of Crispin's House. It is a couple of hours from the Great Mountains. The town was once surrounded by the Endless Desert when Harlin created or rather expanded the deserts to act as one of the obstacles to his enemies. This desert lay to the south of a forest and was divided by a chasm of Harlin's creation. The woods lie south east of the Northern Sea. Harlin shifted the Great Mountains to the North and created a wide ocean in between. Serenia is now surrounded by the forest lands, having apparently returned to its original state, or been healed by magic. Serenia, however, is generally a less violent land than most, an island of peace in a less tranquil world. This reflects both its name and its ruler' policies of harmony amongst all beings. While some of the more cynical persuasion quip that the first law of the land is "You will be happy--or you will regret it", the truth of the matter is that the people of Serenia believe peace to be the natural order of things and, in believing it to be true, ensure that it is. It is an innocent, though effective, magic which should be practiced more. On Serenia's western edge is a great and trackless desert, Endless Desert. Serenia is bordered on the north by a dark and daunting forest, Dark Forest. Finally to the east hover the Great Mountains, an almost impassible barrier, and part of Serenia's border with Daventry. King Graham traveled through the land with Cedric to rescue his family. At around the same time Crispin attended to an emergency in a neighboring land.