  • Not the Way It Is Meant to Be Played
  • Some people will take a Video Game and do everything you can possibly imagine with it... except playing it as they were supposed to. This is an index of the numerous ways the player community cleverly turns games on their heads, much for the creators' dismay. Over time, many of these subversions get acknowledged, expected, encouraged and finally assimilated into new games, becoming part of standard gameplay. The entry name is based on a popular GPU manufacturer's slogan. This is just a page listing the tropes. Please put examples into their proper pages.
  • Some people will take a Video Game and do everything you can possibly imagine with it... except playing it as they were supposed to. This is an index of the numerous ways the player community cleverly turns games on their heads, much for the creators' dismay. Over time, many of these subversions get acknowledged, expected, encouraged and finally assimilated into new games, becoming part of standard gameplay. The entry name is based on a popular GPU manufacturer's slogan. This is just a page listing the tropes. Please put examples into their proper pages.