  • External link
  • An external link is a link to another website.
  • External links are extremely dangerous. An External link can take the one who uses it out of the Universe into the realm of the darkly shining worlds. And there is no way of returning back from the ultimate infinite voids of Externum because spacetime gets so confused that unfortunate traveler is lost forever in asynchronous temporal anomalies and instantly seeing deaths of multiple forgotten universes. Properly tagged packages containing External links usually have following label: "Do not use External links at home!"
  • An external link is a link to another website.
  • External links are extremely dangerous. An External link can take the one who uses it out of the Universe into the realm of the darkly shining worlds. And there is no way of returning back from the ultimate infinite voids of Externum because spacetime gets so confused that unfortunate traveler is lost forever in asynchronous temporal anomalies and instantly seeing deaths of multiple forgotten universes. Due to extreme danger, External links should be used only by ones with ability of returning from the supreme oblivion of the land of Death and far beyond. Let them be the ones that deliver you from the deceit, and back into perfect accordance with the laws of nature. Properly tagged packages containing External links usually have following label: "Do not use External links at home!"