  • Engine TUGS-Featuring Thomas and Salty
  • Engine TUGS-Featuring Thomas and Salty is a Thomas/TUGS Parody Series. It is all about Thomas the Tank Engine, The Fat Controller's first engine, Henry the Green Engine, The Fat Controller's second engine, Edward the Blue Engine, The Fat Controller's third engine, Gordon the Big Engine, The Fat Controller's fourth engine, Whiff the Garbage Engine, The Fat Controller's firth engine, Murdoch, The Fat Controller's sixth engine, Salty the Dockyard Diesel, The Fat Controller's seventh engine and James the Red Engine, The Fat Controller's eighth engine and The Fat Controller's rival is Diesel 10 who has devious engines called Devious Diesel, Diesel 10's first engine, Arry, Diesel 10's second engine, Bert, Diesel 10's third engine, Dodge, Diesel 10's fourth engine and Splatter, Diesel 10's last e
  • Engine TUGS-Featuring Thomas and Salty is a Thomas/TUGS Parody Series. It is all about Thomas the Tank Engine, The Fat Controller's first engine, Henry the Green Engine, The Fat Controller's second engine, Edward the Blue Engine, The Fat Controller's third engine, Gordon the Big Engine, The Fat Controller's fourth engine, Whiff the Garbage Engine, The Fat Controller's firth engine, Murdoch, The Fat Controller's sixth engine, Salty the Dockyard Diesel, The Fat Controller's seventh engine and James the Red Engine, The Fat Controller's eighth engine and The Fat Controller's rival is Diesel 10 who has devious engines called Devious Diesel, Diesel 10's first engine, Arry, Diesel 10's second engine, Bert, Diesel 10's third engine, Dodge, Diesel 10's fourth engine and Splatter, Diesel 10's last engine and with Evil Spencer and George the Steamroller often.