  • 293
  • 293
  • 293
  • 293
  • Diana und Julian können ihr Glück kaum fassen: Sie lieben sich und werden heiraten! Überglücklich lassen sie alle Welt daran teilhaben. Natürlich hat Julian eine Überraschung im Ärmel. Nadja zieht bei Nina ein und schafft es mit Marian Hilfe, den Konflikt zwischen Deniz und Nina zu entschärfen. Nadja muss sich eingestehen, dass sie Marian zunehmend beeindruckender findet. Doch dann erhält Nadja einen Brief aus Italien mit einem verheißungsvollen Jobangebot. Maximilian ist ganz in seinem Element: Er schließt einen Pakt mit Axel, umgarnt gleichzeitig Jenny und schafft es, Simone Misstrauen zu besiegen. Doch das reicht ihm nicht: Er möchte die DVD mit dem Beweismaterial gegen Simone. Um an die DVD zu gelangen, stellt er Axel eine perfide Falle...
  • El dos cientos noventa y tres (293) es el número natural que sigue al 292 y precede al 294. Categoría:Números
  • Barnabas Collins wakes from his coffin, as Willie Loomis descends the stairs to inform him that Dr. Julia Hoffman visited the Old House earlier in the day. Barnabas has no intention of speaking with her tonight, and plans to visit Collinwood. When Willie questions Barnabas' reasons for going to the great house, Barnabas is forced to remind him who is the servant and who is the master.
  • 293
  • 1967-07-20
  • 289
  • 1967
  • 1967-08-09
  • 293
  • Diana und Julian können ihr Glück kaum fassen: Sie lieben sich und werden heiraten! Überglücklich lassen sie alle Welt daran teilhaben. Natürlich hat Julian eine Überraschung im Ärmel. Nadja zieht bei Nina ein und schafft es mit Marian Hilfe, den Konflikt zwischen Deniz und Nina zu entschärfen. Nadja muss sich eingestehen, dass sie Marian zunehmend beeindruckender findet. Doch dann erhält Nadja einen Brief aus Italien mit einem verheißungsvollen Jobangebot. Maximilian ist ganz in seinem Element: Er schließt einen Pakt mit Axel, umgarnt gleichzeitig Jenny und schafft es, Simone Misstrauen zu besiegen. Doch das reicht ihm nicht: Er möchte die DVD mit dem Beweismaterial gegen Simone. Um an die DVD zu gelangen, stellt er Axel eine perfide Falle...
  • Barnabas Collins wakes from his coffin, as Willie Loomis descends the stairs to inform him that Dr. Julia Hoffman visited the Old House earlier in the day. Barnabas has no intention of speaking with her tonight, and plans to visit Collinwood. When Willie questions Barnabas' reasons for going to the great house, Barnabas is forced to remind him who is the servant and who is the master. Willie follows Barnabas upstairs, and attempts to persuade the vampire not to see Victoria Winters. He doesn't like the plans Barnabas has in store for the governess. But Barnabas claims he has no sinister agenda, and has no plans to harm her: Victoria will fall in love with him of her own free will. Willie disbelieves him; he is filled with worry over both Maggie Evans being alive and allowing Julia to conduct her experiments in the Old House. Although Barnabas admits he must cooperate with Julia, he orders Willie to watch her carefully. He finds it ironic that Willie is filled with concern for Victoria, yet is indifferent to the fate of Julia. After servant and master engage in a verbal sparring match, Barnabas departs for Collinwood. Burke Devlin is having coffee with Victoria, who is daydreaming about Seaview, in the Drawing room. They discuss her dream house, and Victoria teases Burke about having spotted a three-masted scooner carrying riches from the Orient approaching from the ocean. Burke offers to drive her out in order to have a look at the house himself. Victoria accepts, but wants to dress in something warmer first. The last time she was at the house, she felt cold. Victoria changes her mind; she doesn't want to leave David Collins after he was upset about losing his friend. At that moment, Barnabas drops in for a visit. The moment Victoria greets Barnabas, Burke breaks his new-found rudeness record in two seconds flat. Barnabas learns of the house Victoria has fallen in love with, and expresses his interest in seeing it. Victoria invites Barnabas along, and Burke makes a snide remark. When Victoria suggests turning the trip into a picnic tomorrow afternoon, but Barnabas points out it might not be a good idea to view the house in daylight. After all, the authorities would not look kindly on trespassers. Victoria agrees. When she starts to head upstairs to check on David, Barnabas hears of David's disappointment over his new friend. While waiting for Victoria to return, Barnabas expresses his interest in Seaview and an impatient Burke slips into chauvinistic rude mode over the governess' delay. It doesn't take long for the two men to engage in a verbal sparring match, and Burke questions Barnabas' background. Barnabas claims to have lived a solitary life on the outskirts of London with his cousin Niall Bradford. It is clear Burke doesn't believe him. At that moment, Victoria returns and Barnabas' compliment to her earns him an icy stare from Burke.
  • El dos cientos noventa y tres (293) es el número natural que sigue al 292 y precede al 294. Categoría:Números
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