  • Valdar
  • Valdar
  • Valdar
  • Valdar was a Nord warrior. He died inside Valthume and his skeleton and ghost can still be found there.
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Valdar – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • Valdar war ein Nord und Bandit in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Er starb in Valthume und sein Skelett und sein Geist findet man, sobald man das Grab betreten hat.
  • Valdar is a PC in the campaign The Second Dawn. Appearance: Short and tan, with brown hair. Valdar’s life path was set from birth. Brought up to follow a long family tradition as a cleric of Bahamut, he spent his formative years under the tutelage of his father, Valrain the Farsighted, and his father’s closest friend, Belagar. Together they traveled far and wide, offering the friendship and service of their order to nobles and peasants alike in many lands, and rooting out servants of evil wherever they were found. In one tragic night while journeying through the wild, Valrain was killed in a sudden attack of retribution by the order’s enemies. Though Valdar and Belagar escaped, Valdar carried the guilt of his father’s death, having fallen asleep on his watch before the fateful raid. Resolv
  • Radiant
  • Männlich
  • 4
  • Bandit
  • Base ID: 0002C18D
  • Ref ID: 0008CE78
  • Male
  • 250
  • Valdar was a Nord warrior. He died inside Valthume and his skeleton and ghost can still be found there.
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Valdar – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • Valdar is a PC in the campaign The Second Dawn. Appearance: Short and tan, with brown hair. Valdar’s life path was set from birth. Brought up to follow a long family tradition as a cleric of Bahamut, he spent his formative years under the tutelage of his father, Valrain the Farsighted, and his father’s closest friend, Belagar. Together they traveled far and wide, offering the friendship and service of their order to nobles and peasants alike in many lands, and rooting out servants of evil wherever they were found. In one tragic night while journeying through the wild, Valrain was killed in a sudden attack of retribution by the order’s enemies. Though Valdar and Belagar escaped, Valdar carried the guilt of his father’s death, having fallen asleep on his watch before the fateful raid. Resolved to honor Valrain’s memory by continuing the work he cherished, Valdar completed his training to gain full status as a cleric, and then parted ways with Belagar to seek the good he might accomplish himself in the service of others. Valdar is well traveled and knowledgeable about much of the world, and yet is reserved in personal contact with others, having little experience at the forefront of diplomatic situations. He is devout in his observance of the tenets of Bahamut, and dedicated in his compassion for others. He shows wisdom enough to withhold his judgment about anything until it is required, and to seek a peaceful solution to any conflict before resorting to violence.
  • Valdar war ein Nord und Bandit in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Er starb in Valthume und sein Skelett und sein Geist findet man, sobald man das Grab betreten hat.
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