  • Breim
  • Breim was founded for 2500 years ago by a guy with only one dream and a bag of beans. Now Breim is known for many reasons. The population in Breim is mainly divided by two. The metal guys and fags. The metal guys listen to heavy metal etc, and wear black and are long haired. The fags are a bunch 20 year old guys in pink t-shirts who use a large amount of snus. They use to drive around Breim in their super non-fancy cars and hit on 14-16 year old chicks. There is also many country freaks in Breim (dah). Those are people in cowboy hats who refuse to buy cars and ride horses instead while singing sick country songs about their whiskey and mother. Enough about them. Breim is also known for the biggest milk product factory in Norway.
  • Breim was founded for 2500 years ago by a guy with only one dream and a bag of beans. Now Breim is known for many reasons. The population in Breim is mainly divided by two. The metal guys and fags. The metal guys listen to heavy metal etc, and wear black and are long haired. The fags are a bunch 20 year old guys in pink t-shirts who use a large amount of snus. They use to drive around Breim in their super non-fancy cars and hit on 14-16 year old chicks. There is also many country freaks in Breim (dah). Those are people in cowboy hats who refuse to buy cars and ride horses instead while singing sick country songs about their whiskey and mother. Enough about them. Breim is also known for the biggest milk product factory in Norway. People that live in Breim is called Breimians. A Breimian prefers to spend every minute every second of its life by drinking. They drink as often as they can. Even tho Breimians wear black and listen to heavy they are good people with a big heart. But take my advice, if you live in a big city...and you visit Breim you will die of boredom. But if you want to come here anyway you can choose between two camping places. In Reed or Byrkjelo. (Pick the Byrkjelo one and you will meet cool people) The most fameous building in Breim is the Esso Station. Everything happens in the Esso Station. The fags are in one corner with their non-fancy cars and techno while the heavy metall people are in another and just....being cool. There is a lot of people training in Breim. And a lot people just slacking. But the training people usually hang out in the second most fameous building - Stadion Bygget. In there you can do almost everything. Lift weights, run around like a mad chicken, play football and other useless ball sports and even play Guitar Hero!!! The Stadion-Bygget rocks for most of the Breimians. And then we got the farmers. Those are the people who dont sleep or eat. Only do hard work so the comunity can survive thanks to them. There are a lot of farmers in Breim.