  • Sakiyan
  • Sakiyan
  • During much of the Old Republic, there was considerable debate on the classification of Sakiyans as near-human or alien. Imperial scientists firmly established them as alien, but could only cite the differences in the brain structure of the Sakiyans as the basis for their decision. Over the millennia of their civlization, the Sakiyans have resisted or survived invasions, from the ancient Sith to the Drackmarians. This made them wary and suspicious of the galactic community. The musculature and ligament-attachment angles of the Sakiyan body gave them incredible strength and agility, making a Sakiyan about half again as strong as a comparable human.
  • [Source] Les Sakiyans sont une espèce originaire de la planète Sakiya dans l'Espace Hutt. Ils sont humanoïdes et possèdent une peau épaisse pouvant être rose pâle à noir. Sakiya est contrôlée par le Clan Hutt qui a réduit les Sakiyans en esclaves. Sixtat était un chasseur de primes Sakiyan actif durant la Guerre des Clones, un autre se trouvait à la Cantina de Chalmun le jour où Luke Skywalker et Obi-Wan Kenobi y entrèrent.
  • In the days of the Old Republic, xenobiologists had differing opinions as to whether Sakiyans should be classified as Near-Human. In the days of the Empire, Imperial scientists concluded that they were a distinctly alien (though Humanoid) species on the basis of their unusual brain structure. Sakiyan Force-users were rare.
  • Bipédie
  • 140.0
  • Une paire, blanc et noir
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • Rose à noir
  • The Kloo Horn Cantina Caper
  • Sakiyan
  • Black, jade, plum
  • Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
  • *Djas Puhr *Sixtat *Vadoo
  • Enlarged hairless craniums, keen senses and quick reflexes, tapered ears
  • Sakiyan
  • explore/the-movies/episode-iv/
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • During much of the Old Republic, there was considerable debate on the classification of Sakiyans as near-human or alien. Imperial scientists firmly established them as alien, but could only cite the differences in the brain structure of the Sakiyans as the basis for their decision. Over the millennia of their civlization, the Sakiyans have resisted or survived invasions, from the ancient Sith to the Drackmarians. This made them wary and suspicious of the galactic community. The musculature and ligament-attachment angles of the Sakiyan body gave them incredible strength and agility, making a Sakiyan about half again as strong as a comparable human.
  • In the days of the Old Republic, xenobiologists had differing opinions as to whether Sakiyans should be classified as Near-Human. In the days of the Empire, Imperial scientists concluded that they were a distinctly alien (though Humanoid) species on the basis of their unusual brain structure. Their hairless skin came in a variety of shades, from pale to jet-black, purple, and crimson (although members of the pale-skinned subspecies are normally treated as outcasts in Sakiyan society). Their brains were nearly twice the size of a Human brain, and the parts of the Sakiyan brain devoted to sensory input and processing were superior even to those of the Bith. They had incredible infrared, peripheral vision and excellent aural and olfactory senses, considered nearly supernatural by other species. Their pupils contracted into slits instead of points, and their ears ended in sharp points. They were known to have 150% the strength and dexterity of humans, and averaged between 1.6 and 2.1 meters tall. Tarnese Bleyd, Thorp, Tuden Sal, and Djas Puhr were Sakiyans. Sakiyan Force-users were rare.
  • [Source] Les Sakiyans sont une espèce originaire de la planète Sakiya dans l'Espace Hutt. Ils sont humanoïdes et possèdent une peau épaisse pouvant être rose pâle à noir. Sakiya est contrôlée par le Clan Hutt qui a réduit les Sakiyans en esclaves. Sixtat était un chasseur de primes Sakiyan actif durant la Guerre des Clones, un autre se trouvait à la Cantina de Chalmun le jour où Luke Skywalker et Obi-Wan Kenobi y entrèrent.
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