  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • ...
  • (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
  • Location: Sector 16 System Name: The Terrior System Star Type: [ Binary System ] 1 White Dwarf and 1 Red Giant No of Moons: 3 Moons, named Alpha, Beta and Colony 4 Distance from earth: Approximately 1600 light-years Population: 15,590 Water:Land Ratio: 4:1 Weather Control System: Constant temperature of 22 °C, 5.0 mm rain per day Native Species: None
  • Terra Nova är en forskningsstationen i Antarktis. I en alternativ tidslinje Doktor Daniel Jackson hade funnit platsen av Beta Gate efter studerat en tavla med koordinater till platsen som skrevs av en annan Daniel Jackson i forna Egypten. Platsen av basen sågs på bilden av Antarktis av platsen av Stargate. (SG1: "Moebius, Part 1") kategori:Tau'ri utposter kategori:Platser i Antarktis
  • A Terra Nova é um continente de Anama. Categoria:Anama Categoria:Geografia
  • Terra Nova, ook bekend als het nieuwe continent, is het dunst bevolkte gebied van Aathar. Dit gigantisch continent is ontdekt toen de Flotilla er aanstrande en een permanente magische rift opende. Sindsdien hebben verschillende rijken het continent proberen te koloniseren. Zarkos' Val had veel moeite hier voet aan wal te krijgen, waardoor de zeitgeist van de bevolking zwaar beschadigd geraakte.
  • Terra Nova refers to the most dangerous criminal Organization in terra, founded in 2300, they coordinate between terror outfits and seldom directly launch attacks. This Organization is considered illegal by most of the nations in Terra. They are based out of Badara which freely supplies arms to this organisation from where these arms are distributed to other organisations. This organisation is a sister organisation. To the Terra Nova
  • Emperor Gaius Diocletianus was the last best hope for Rome. He took an empire that had grown weak and made it strong. He took an army that was broken and reforged it. He took laws that had grown old and useless, and re-wrote them, creating prosperity and contentment. Through his tireless efforts a nation that seemed on the verge of falling into darkness stepped into the light once more. But Diocletian was not content with merely restoring Rome. He wished to give Rome something new. And thanks to a recent invention, he now could. Something as small as a needle made of special metal that would always point towards the North meant that the art of navigation would never be the same again. Ships could now travel the open ocean without fear of being lost.
  • Terra Nova – lokacja w Assassin's Creed: Rogue.
  • The HvBrg Terra Nova was a Hoverbarge that was featured in The Matrix Online, which provided the home of one hundred and forty operatives, sixty-three Operators and twenty other crew. Its notable crewmembers were Gemaskeerd and Enmascarado, who sabotaged the ship by shutting down fourteen pads on the hovercraft. None except for the two saboteurs survived.
  • thumb|right Terra Nova fue una serie que se emitió en la cadena estadounidense Fox. Su estreno en Estados Unidos estaba previsto para finales de mayo de 2011. Después de muchas variaciones el estreno oficial se produjo el 26 de septiembre de 2011. Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:TV
  • Satellites Location: Milky Way / Exodus Cluster / Asgard System / First planet <default>Colony</default> Human Prerequisite: Bring Down the Sky (Mass Effect)
  • Terra Nova était une planète de classe M à moins de 20 années-lumière de la Terre. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'hésitez pas à [ éditer] cette page pour le terminer. Des précisions sur les informations nécessaires à compléter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou créer un texte original.
  • O Terra Nova é um cão nativo de uma Ilha no Canadá,onde é muito frio,e essa espécie só consegue viver em temperaturas amenas (de 10º negativos á 18º).thumb|um Terra nova Categoria:Cães salva-vidas Categoria:Cães de caça Categoria:Esboços Categoria:Cães de porte alto Categoria:Cães de porte médio Categoria:Molossos Categoria:Boiadeiros
  • thumb|Der Planet Terra Nova. Terra Nova ist ein von Menschen besiedelter Planet, welcher etwa 20 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt ist. Der Planet besitzt zwei Monde. Er ist die Heimatwelt der Novaner, Nachfahren von menschlichen Kolonisten aus dem 21. Jahrhundert.
  • Questa è la Wiki italiana della serie televisiva "Terra Nova" Chiunque è invitato ad entrarvi... Potrai leggere, esplorare ed anche collaborare per ingrandire e migliorare la Wiki ... BENVENUTO ...
  • Questa è la Wiki italiana della serie televisiva "Terra Nova" Chiunque è invitato ad entrarvi... Potrai leggere, esplorare ed anche collaborare per ingrandire e migliorare la Wiki ... BENVENUTO ...
  • The plot involves humans from the post-apocalyptic future traveling through a time portal to live in an Alternate Universe (maybe; see below) that resembles the Middle Cretaceous. From what we see in the first episode, all life on Earth is dying in the future and so the people have gone through the portal to Set Right What Once Went Wrong. Essentially, the premise is more or less a reason to have dinosaurs and humans interacting on a television show. The showrunners have promised that the show will take pains to prevent upsetting dinosaur fans. There is a Character Sheet.
  • Terra Nova is a collaborative blog for academics and professionals in game studies. It focuses primarily on the study of virtual worlds. Started in 2003 by Edward Castronova, Julian Dibbell, Dan Hunter, and Greg Lastowka, Terra Nova initially focused heavily on research and questions surrounding real money trading (RMT) in online virtual worlds. Coverage has expanded to include impacts of gaming on culture, architecture and law.
  • By 2069, Humans had already established themselves within their own solar system, having founded New Berlin on the Moon, Utopia Planitia on Mars, and a few asteroid bases. Deep space became the next frontier for the species, and the question began to be asked: "Could Humans colonize deep space?" The journey to Terra Nova from Earth would take nine years at the warp speeds attainable in that period. The SS Conestoga was commissioned for the task, and was specially constructed so that it could be dismantled on arrival to serve as homes and service buildings for the colony.
  • Terra Nova wurde bei der ersten Welle der Allianz-Erkundungen entdeckt und war ein Kolonialisierungskandidat der Klasse-1. Der Planet war die zweite extrasolare Kolonie der Menschen und die erste jenseits des Charonrelais. Derzeit hat er die höchste Bevölkerung aller Allianzkolonien.
  • Terra Nova (or Eta Cassiopeia III) is a Class M planet located in the Eta Cassiopeia star system of the Alpha Quadrant, and is less than twenty light years from the Sol system. In 2078, Terra Nova became the first planet outside the Sol system to be colonized by Humans. After several years of success with the colony, Earth decided to send more colonists to the planet, which didn't meet with the approval of the Novans. Shortly after, the colony was struck by an asteroid which unleashed massive radiation in the planet's atmosphere. Survivors were able to escape underground, but communications with Earth were cut-off, and the colony was officially declared lost, causes unknown.
  • Terra Nova a été classée planète colonisable de catégorie 1 à sa découverte, lors de la première vague d'analyses de l'Alliance en 2150. Deuxième colonie extrasolaire humaine et première au-delà du relais de Charon, elle détient aujourd'hui le record de démographie de toutes les colonies de l'Alliance.
  • 20
  • ANAMA - Mapa de Áribo.png
demog densidade
  • X
Malowidło w jaskini:
  • 1
Planet Name
  • Terra Nova
nombre solicitado
  • es.terranova
  • 0.950000
  • 95
  • Terra_Nova__.png
  • Keine
  • 1.300000
  • 13
  • 56
  • Keine
  • Erdstunden
  • Terra Nova
  • Keine
  • Erdjahre
  • None
  • 15
Miasto, państwo, rejon, w którym się znajduje:
  • Ocean Atlantycki; rejon Fort Louis
  • 37.300000
  • 373
  • Gartenwelt
  • Jaskinia___.png
  • 0.910000
  • 91
  • Alternate timeline humans
  • Nein
opis pod zdjęciem
  • Terra Nova widziana z poziomu morza
  • at least two moons
Full Name
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova Wiki
  • Terra Nova Wiki
  • Aktiv
area total
  • X
  • Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova
  • --07-25
  • Planet View
  • Planetenansicht
  • Terra Nova from orbit in 2151
  • Exodus Cluster
  • Exodus-Cluster
  • it.terranova
  • it.terranova
  • no
  • no
Native Species
  • Diggers
  • Flying animals
  • The planet "Terra Nova" from orbit in 2151
  • The remains of the "Terra Nova" colony
  • n/a
  • Terra Nova colony, overview.jpg
  • X
Current status
  • Online
  • Edward Castronova, Julian Dibbell, Dan Hunter, and Greg Lastowka
Alternate Name
  • Eta Cassiopeia III
  • Terra Nova Wiki, es un proyecto de Fandom, que recopila toda la información posible sobre la serie de Fox Terra Nova
  • 2171
  • 2183
  • 2186
  • 347000
  • 4150000
  • 4400000
  • 4
  • None
  • Asgard
  • Asgard
  • mit Dhain sprechen [-25,-36]
  • Terra Nova
  • Stricknit
pais menos povoado
  • X
pais mais populoso
  • X
pais mais povoado
  • X
pais menos populoso
  • X
  • No
  • Abandonada
  • 5261
  • 250
Launch date
  • 2003
  • erster
  • first
  • State of Change
  • 1.500000
  • 15
  • Wiki Terranova
  • 2152
  • 1
  • 2011-09-01
  • Terra Nova planet.jpg
  • * levelabhängige EP * 10.995 Kamas
Fragmenty Animusa:
  • 2
  • 5
Współrzędne na mapie:
  • 1
numero territorios
  • X
menor pais
  • X
numero paises
  • X
maior pais
  • X
  • de
ponto mais baixo
  • X, X, X m abaixo do nível do mar
ponto mais alto
  • X, X, X m
Indiański słup:
  • 1
  • ...
  • (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
  • Location: Sector 16 System Name: The Terrior System Star Type: [ Binary System ] 1 White Dwarf and 1 Red Giant No of Moons: 3 Moons, named Alpha, Beta and Colony 4 Distance from earth: Approximately 1600 light-years Population: 15,590 Water:Land Ratio: 4:1 Weather Control System: Constant temperature of 22 °C, 5.0 mm rain per day Native Species: None
  • Terra Nova är en forskningsstationen i Antarktis. I en alternativ tidslinje Doktor Daniel Jackson hade funnit platsen av Beta Gate efter studerat en tavla med koordinater till platsen som skrevs av en annan Daniel Jackson i forna Egypten. Platsen av basen sågs på bilden av Antarktis av platsen av Stargate. (SG1: "Moebius, Part 1") kategori:Tau'ri utposter kategori:Platser i Antarktis
  • Terra Nova a été classée planète colonisable de catégorie 1 à sa découverte, lors de la première vague d'analyses de l'Alliance en 2150. Deuxième colonie extrasolaire humaine et première au-delà du relais de Charon, elle détient aujourd'hui le record de démographie de toutes les colonies de l'Alliance. Hormis un désert équatorial particulièrement aride, Terra Nova présente un climat tempéré à proximité des pôles. Le véritable moteur de la croissance démographique a cependant été la découverte d'énormes gisements de platine dans les années 2170 : ce métal rare, nécessaire au fonctionnement des accumulateurs d'hydrogène qui alimentent les véhicules privés, a entraîné une "ruée vers le platine" en termes de main-d'œuvre comme de financements. Depuis maintenant douze ans, Terra Nova connaît une augmentation démographique annuelle de 30 % qui ne semble pas près de s'essouffler.
  • By 2069, Humans had already established themselves within their own solar system, having founded New Berlin on the Moon, Utopia Planitia on Mars, and a few asteroid bases. Deep space became the next frontier for the species, and the question began to be asked: "Could Humans colonize deep space?" Terra Nova was discovered in the mid-21st century by astronomers working for the Space Agency. Due to its proximity to Earth, the decision was made to establish a colony on the planet. The success of such a colony was considered uncertain from the start, and the expedition became known as "the Great Experiment." The space agency mentioned in the episode might have been the International Space Agency, or possibly even the United Earth Space Probe Agency which was known to have operated in the era. Captain Mitchell was selected to lead the expedition. Nearly two hundred colonists, made up of specialists and families, would be selected to join him on this mission. The journey to Terra Nova from Earth would take nine years at the warp speeds attainable in that period. The SS Conestoga was commissioned for the task, and was specially constructed so that it could be dismantled on arrival to serve as homes and service buildings for the colony. The Conestoga arrived at her destination on June 23, 2078. Captain Mitchell oversaw the groundbreaking for the colony shortly thereafter. The very first transmissions from the colony were broadcast worldwide on Earth, and the population watched entranced as Humanity made its first claim on the cosmos. The colony proved to be amazingly successful, a fully-functioning community on a world in deep space. Earth grew interested in repeating the experience. Working from the position that "nothing succeeds like success," in 2083 the heads of the Space Agency announced their intentions to launch a second ship full of colonists to Terra Nova. The colonists already living on Terra Nova were not amenable to the idea of now having to share the home they'd struggled to build. An organized opposition arose, led by a man named Mark Logan. Relations with Earth became severely strained, culminating with Logan's transmitting threats of violence upon any ships that entered the planet's orbit. Tragically, that was the last message received from Terra Nova. Earth lost contact with the colony shortly thereafter. The Space Agency decided that it didn't have the resources to launch an investigation, and it was decided that the fate of the Terra Nova colony would have to remain a mystery. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
  • A Terra Nova é um continente de Anama. Categoria:Anama Categoria:Geografia
  • Terra Nova, ook bekend als het nieuwe continent, is het dunst bevolkte gebied van Aathar. Dit gigantisch continent is ontdekt toen de Flotilla er aanstrande en een permanente magische rift opende. Sindsdien hebben verschillende rijken het continent proberen te koloniseren. Zarkos' Val had veel moeite hier voet aan wal te krijgen, waardoor de zeitgeist van de bevolking zwaar beschadigd geraakte.
  • Terra Nova refers to the most dangerous criminal Organization in terra, founded in 2300, they coordinate between terror outfits and seldom directly launch attacks. This Organization is considered illegal by most of the nations in Terra. They are based out of Badara which freely supplies arms to this organisation from where these arms are distributed to other organisations. This organisation is a sister organisation. To the Terra Nova
  • Terra Nova wurde bei der ersten Welle der Allianz-Erkundungen entdeckt und war ein Kolonialisierungskandidat der Klasse-1. Der Planet war die zweite extrasolare Kolonie der Menschen und die erste jenseits des Charonrelais. Derzeit hat er die höchste Bevölkerung aller Allianzkolonien. Obwohl der Planet von einer unwirtlichen äquatorialen Wüste durchzogen ist, haben die Gebiete rund um die Pole ein mildes Klima. Der Fortschritt der Entwicklung war mäßig, bis im Jahr 2170 großflächige Platinablagerungen entdeckt wurden. Dieses seltene Material, das bei der Herstellung von Brennstoffzellen für Privatfahrzeuge benötigt wird, sorgte für eine wahre Schwemme an Einwanderern und Investoren aus dem gesamten Allianzraum. In den letzten zwölf Jahren ist die Bevölkerung von Terra Nova um 30% angestiegen, und das Wachstum scheint vorerst kein Ende zu nehmen.
  • Emperor Gaius Diocletianus was the last best hope for Rome. He took an empire that had grown weak and made it strong. He took an army that was broken and reforged it. He took laws that had grown old and useless, and re-wrote them, creating prosperity and contentment. Through his tireless efforts a nation that seemed on the verge of falling into darkness stepped into the light once more. But Diocletian was not content with merely restoring Rome. He wished to give Rome something new. And thanks to a recent invention, he now could. Something as small as a needle made of special metal that would always point towards the North meant that the art of navigation would never be the same again. Ships could now travel the open ocean without fear of being lost.
  • The plot involves humans from the post-apocalyptic future traveling through a time portal to live in an Alternate Universe (maybe; see below) that resembles the Middle Cretaceous. From what we see in the first episode, all life on Earth is dying in the future and so the people have gone through the portal to Set Right What Once Went Wrong. Essentially, the premise is more or less a reason to have dinosaurs and humans interacting on a television show. The showrunners have promised that the show will take pains to prevent upsetting dinosaur fans. There is a Character Sheet. Completely unrelated to the video game Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri.
  • Terra Nova – lokacja w Assassin's Creed: Rogue.
  • The HvBrg Terra Nova was a Hoverbarge that was featured in The Matrix Online, which provided the home of one hundred and forty operatives, sixty-three Operators and twenty other crew. Its notable crewmembers were Gemaskeerd and Enmascarado, who sabotaged the ship by shutting down fourteen pads on the hovercraft. None except for the two saboteurs survived.
  • Terra Nova is a collaborative blog for academics and professionals in game studies. It focuses primarily on the study of virtual worlds. Started in 2003 by Edward Castronova, Julian Dibbell, Dan Hunter, and Greg Lastowka, Terra Nova initially focused heavily on research and questions surrounding real money trading (RMT) in online virtual worlds. Coverage has expanded to include impacts of gaming on culture, architecture and law. Terra Nova is cited in the traditional media on issues of gaming in virtual worlds, most notably issues regarding Second Life and World of Warcraft. Various issues have been discussed, from the virtual economy of Star Wars Galaxies to the impact of learning in MMOs.
  • thumb|right Terra Nova fue una serie que se emitió en la cadena estadounidense Fox. Su estreno en Estados Unidos estaba previsto para finales de mayo de 2011. Después de muchas variaciones el estreno oficial se produjo el 26 de septiembre de 2011. Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:TV
  • Terra Nova (or Eta Cassiopeia III) is a Class M planet located in the Eta Cassiopeia star system of the Alpha Quadrant, and is less than twenty light years from the Sol system. In 2078, Terra Nova became the first planet outside the Sol system to be colonized by Humans. After several years of success with the colony, Earth decided to send more colonists to the planet, which didn't meet with the approval of the Novans. Shortly after, the colony was struck by an asteroid which unleashed massive radiation in the planet's atmosphere. Survivors were able to escape underground, but communications with Earth were cut-off, and the colony was officially declared lost, causes unknown. The colonists were eventually rediscovered in 2151 by Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the Enterprise (NX-01). While the descendants of the colonists were initially untrusting of the Enterprise crew, they soon agreed that Earth was not responsible for the asteroid strike, and poisoned rain, and decided to work to relocate their populace to a new uncontaminated area. (ENT episode: "Terra Nova") Afterwards, United Earth Starfleet dispatched the Intrepid-class light cruiser to act as space defense for the Terra Nova colony. (ST reference: The Official Starships Collection #44) Logan City soon became the capital city of the colony, and following admittance into the United Federation of Planets in 2178, the planet's inhabitants increased to around 374,000 by 2376. (ST reference: Star Charts)
  • Satellites Location: Milky Way / Exodus Cluster / Asgard System / First planet <default>Colony</default> Human Prerequisite: Bring Down the Sky (Mass Effect)
  • Terra Nova était une planète de classe M à moins de 20 années-lumière de la Terre. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'hésitez pas à [ éditer] cette page pour le terminer. Des précisions sur les informations nécessaires à compléter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou créer un texte original.
  • O Terra Nova é um cão nativo de uma Ilha no Canadá,onde é muito frio,e essa espécie só consegue viver em temperaturas amenas (de 10º negativos á 18º).thumb|um Terra nova Categoria:Cães salva-vidas Categoria:Cães de caça Categoria:Esboços Categoria:Cães de porte alto Categoria:Cães de porte médio Categoria:Molossos Categoria:Boiadeiros
  • thumb|Der Planet Terra Nova. Terra Nova ist ein von Menschen besiedelter Planet, welcher etwa 20 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt ist. Der Planet besitzt zwei Monde. Er ist die Heimatwelt der Novaner, Nachfahren von menschlichen Kolonisten aus dem 21. Jahrhundert.
  • Questa è la Wiki italiana della serie televisiva "Terra Nova" Chiunque è invitato ad entrarvi... Potrai leggere, esplorare ed anche collaborare per ingrandire e migliorare la Wiki ... BENVENUTO ...
  • Questa è la Wiki italiana della serie televisiva "Terra Nova" Chiunque è invitato ad entrarvi... Potrai leggere, esplorare ed anche collaborare per ingrandire e migliorare la Wiki ... BENVENUTO ...
is Astronomie of
is Miejsce of
is Birthplace of
is Affiliation of
is Central of
is Homeworld of
is Orbit of
is colonies of
is wikipage disambiguates of