  • Fire-suppression drone
  • Fire-supression drones are terran robots that can be used in structures. Part of an all-in-one safety system, these drones are automatically dispatched to put out any fires and perform basic repairs on damaged structures. However, although these drones are effective at doing basic repairs, they do not have a strong enough AI to perform the more delicate repairs needed to restore a structure past half life. By 2504, numerous Terran Dominion outposts were equipped with fire-suppression drones. Raynor's Raiders were able to buy them and outfit their buildings with them as well.
  • Fire-supression drones are terran robots that can be used in structures. Part of an all-in-one safety system, these drones are automatically dispatched to put out any fires and perform basic repairs on damaged structures. However, although these drones are effective at doing basic repairs, they do not have a strong enough AI to perform the more delicate repairs needed to restore a structure past half life. By 2504, numerous Terran Dominion outposts were equipped with fire-suppression drones. Raynor's Raiders were able to buy them and outfit their buildings with them as well.