  • Solgryn
  • Solgryn is the creator and final boss of a similar fan-game called I Wanna Be The Boshy. His game was heavily inspired by IWBTG, and made in 'commemoration' of an IWBTG player called Boshy, who claimed IWBTG to be 'too easy'. Really, IWBTB was made to give Boshy 'the finger'. In IWBTB, Solgryn appears as the World 12 Boss, a giant box of Danish Oatmeal, and is easily considered the hardest boss of the game. For more information, please follow this link:
  • Solgryn (also known as The Cereal Box Of Death, SoulGryn) is a giant cereal box who has the picture of a random guy with a yellow light surrounding it. "SOL Gryn" can be seen at the top of this cereal box. He always seems to try and kill Boshy with green plasma and lightning. Solgryn can rawr and go to his 2nd phase which hes the same but MADDER, in this phase he can summon past enemies and shoot a HUGE purple and blue wave. He also often resides at Final Path in its portal to his lair.
  • Boshy
  • None
  • Killing Heros and trying to kill Boshy
  • None
  • Solgryn
  • Unknown
  • To kill Boshy
  • Cereal Box
  • 25000
  • Cereal Box Of Death
  • Final Path
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Has not died
  • Solgryn is the creator and final boss of a similar fan-game called I Wanna Be The Boshy. His game was heavily inspired by IWBTG, and made in 'commemoration' of an IWBTG player called Boshy, who claimed IWBTG to be 'too easy'. Really, IWBTB was made to give Boshy 'the finger'. In IWBTB, Solgryn appears as the World 12 Boss, a giant box of Danish Oatmeal, and is easily considered the hardest boss of the game. For more information, please follow this link:
  • Solgryn (also known as The Cereal Box Of Death, SoulGryn) is a giant cereal box who has the picture of a random guy with a yellow light surrounding it. "SOL Gryn" can be seen at the top of this cereal box. He always seems to try and kill Boshy with green plasma and lightning. Solgryn can rawr and go to his 2nd phase which hes the same but MADDER, in this phase he can summon past enemies and shoot a HUGE purple and blue wave. He often tries to make all of Boshy's friends DIE in his burning flame lair of ultimate pain. He even tries to kill random heroes like Mario, Luigi or even Peach and sometimes Wario when he is raging. He also flies to either Hell or Jerkworld to plan to kill Boshy with other villains, But the other villains barely pay attention to him. Solgryn can fly and can teleport sometimes to get around all the places, He also often resides at Final Path in its portal to his lair.