  • Plegia
  • Unlike its easterly neighbor, Ylisse, Plegia worships the Fell Dragon Grima as the god of annihilation. This leads to a conflict between the two nations for their worship of different dragons which lasted for nearly 1000 years. Plegia is ruled by their king, Gangrel, but his power affects only some of the nation. The other portion is ruled by a religious sect, the Grimleal, a cult that worships the Fell Dragon. Despite being a theocracy, only a minority of citizens worship Grima, although everyone, even the rulers such as Gangrel, are forced to pay lip service to the Grimleal.
  • Unlike its easterly neighbor, Ylisse, Plegia worships the Fell Dragon Grima as the god of annihilation. This leads to a conflict between the two nations for their worship of different dragons which lasted for nearly 1000 years. Plegia is ruled by their king, Gangrel, but his power affects only some of the nation. The other portion is ruled by a religious sect, the Grimleal, a cult that worships the Fell Dragon. Despite being a theocracy, only a minority of citizens worship Grima, although everyone, even the rulers such as Gangrel, are forced to pay lip service to the Grimleal. Despite its desert landscape, Plegia has a bountiful navy and a large treasury, which Chrom borrowed from after the defeat of Gangrel. The Plegian army is mostly comprised of Barbarians, Dark Mages, Wyvern Riders, Myrmidons and Thieves.