  • Isabella created a Showbiz-oriented talk show with Phineas, Ferb and Candace. To relevant issues, gossips, blind items, and latest happenings in showbiz. Isabella's Headlines will review including her segment, "Watcha Want?" that will post a comments from facebook. These segments are: Phineas: Phinview - These are the questions send from the followers (Twitter) that are answer by the celebrity each day. The interview are the real question that they are expect thoughts, and relationships to you from the celebrity. Isabella: Whatcha want? Comments and suggestions from facebook.
  • Isabella created a Showbiz-oriented talk show with Phineas, Ferb and Candace. To relevant issues, gossips, blind items, and latest happenings in showbiz. Isabella's Headlines will review including her segment, "Watcha Want?" that will post a comments from facebook. These segments are: Phineas: Phinview - These are the questions send from the followers (Twitter) that are answer by the celebrity each day. The interview are the real question that they are expect thoughts, and relationships to you from the celebrity. Ferb: Follow Ferb- Celebrities will follow these place and describe that will look their creativity acts, shootings, tapings,events and all these places that the celebrity follows. Isabella: Whatcha want? Comments and suggestions from facebook. Candace: Sight-Stuff- The blind item that are the celebrities are their happenings. She give it a clue to reveal after pronounce it. All: Controversials Confessions- They will interview a celebrity every sometimes that will catch the issues thru hopes and deepest thoughts in Showbiz. The show will last up to 1 hour of showbiz news. Starts Monday, October 17, Weeknights from 6:00 to 7:00 PM only on Disney XD.