  • Fictional Field of Science
  • The world is full of wonderful things, with countless new discoveries paving the way to whole new scientific fields. A hundred years ago, fields like genetics, quantum physics and computer sciences were either almost unheard of, or simply did not exist yet. Go back a hundred years more, and more scientific disciplines we know today did not exist yet. May or may not be a fictional extension of an already existing Real Life discipline. Compare/Contrast Fantastic Science, which is when the new "science" studies/explains the supernatural. Not to be confused with Fiction Science.
  • The world is full of wonderful things, with countless new discoveries paving the way to whole new scientific fields. A hundred years ago, fields like genetics, quantum physics and computer sciences were either almost unheard of, or simply did not exist yet. Go back a hundred years more, and more scientific disciplines we know today did not exist yet. Science Fiction writers have picked up on this, and creating a whole new scientific field has become a common method to show that this is The Future. It also helps legitimize their Applied Phlebotinum (especially if it's a Minovsky Physics-type one) by telling us that there's a whole scientific field dedicated to it, making it feel more like an ingrained part of the work's setting. May or may not be a fictional extension of an already existing Real Life discipline. Compare/Contrast Fantastic Science, which is when the new "science" studies/explains the supernatural. Not to be confused with Fiction Science.