  • System Shock
  • System Shock
  • System Shock
  • System shock
  • System Shock ist eine Computerspielreihe, die Elemente von 3D-Action-Rollenspiel und Ego-Shooter miteinander verbindet. Die Spielreihe vereint eine überdurchschnittliche Spielerfreiheit mit der Unmittelbarkeit der Egoperspektive und enthält viele Elemente des Cyberpunk-Genres, womit es als indirekter Vorgänger der ebenfalls von Warren Spector entwickelten „Deus Ex“-Serie gilt.
  • System Shock — компьютерная игра, содержащая элементы RPG и шутера от первого лица. Cочетает в себе большую свободу действий и содержит элементы жанра киберпанк. System Shock вышла в 1994 году для MS-DOS-PC на дискетах и годом позже для компьютеров Макинтош. Игра была разработана Looking Glass Studios и выпущена Origin Systems. Наряду с дискетной версией в том же году была выпущена расширенная CD-ROM-версия, отличавшаяся поддержкой высоких разрешений и содержавшая видеоролики и голосовые вставки.
  • System Shock by Looking Glass Studios was a groundbreaking First-Person Shooter with Survival Horror and RPG Elements set in a Cyberpunk future. It wasn't exactly a smashing success in sales, but it produced a sequel that was probably one of the best FPSes in history and spawned one of the most memorable villains in all of video games.
  • System shock is the generic term for the effects which cause destruction when using polymorph magic (including polymorphitis). In all three cases, the associated message is some variation on "shuddering." In real world terms this is perhaps better described as a massive trauma. Monsters have a one in 25 chance of dying without leaving a corpse when hit by a wand of polymorph, polymorph spell, or potion of polymorph. The test is done after the tests for magic resistance. Chameleons, doppelgangers, and sandestins are immune, unless the hero has protection from shape changers .
  • --09-23
  • Киберпанк
  • Шутер от первого лица
  • Ролевая игра
  • Survival Horror
  • System Shock
  • Origin Systems
  • System Shock cover.jpg
  • 16
  • Обложка официального прохождения
  • 6
  • System Shock
  • 16
  • PC
  • MS-DOS , Apple Macintosh
  • Die deutsche Version enthält grünes statt rotem Blut und ein toter Körper wurde aus dem Spiel entfernt.
  • slows enemies by 50% for 4 seconds. The slow amount decays over its duration.
  • 1994
  • 1999-08-11
  • Verbesserte Dark Engine
  • System Shock
  • System Shock 2
  • Looking Glass Studios
  • Dark Fate Team
  • Неофициальный:
  • System Shock — компьютерная игра, содержащая элементы RPG и шутера от первого лица. Cочетает в себе большую свободу действий и содержит элементы жанра киберпанк. System Shock вышла в 1994 году для MS-DOS-PC на дискетах и годом позже для компьютеров Макинтош. Игра была разработана Looking Glass Studios и выпущена Origin Systems. Наряду с дискетной версией в том же году была выпущена расширенная CD-ROM-версия, отличавшаяся поддержкой высоких разрешений и содержавшая видеоролики и голосовые вставки. Критики включили System Shock в несколько списков Славы. Игра имела умеренный коммерческий успех с объёмами продаж, превышающими 170 000 экземпляров, но в конечном итоге Looking Glass потеряли деньги на проекте. В 2016 году Nightdive Studios собрали более миллиона долларов наKickstarter для создания ремейка игры.
  • System Shock ist eine Computerspielreihe, die Elemente von 3D-Action-Rollenspiel und Ego-Shooter miteinander verbindet. Die Spielreihe vereint eine überdurchschnittliche Spielerfreiheit mit der Unmittelbarkeit der Egoperspektive und enthält viele Elemente des Cyberpunk-Genres, womit es als indirekter Vorgänger der ebenfalls von Warren Spector entwickelten „Deus Ex“-Serie gilt.
  • System shock is the generic term for the effects which cause destruction when using polymorph magic (including polymorphitis). In all three cases, the associated message is some variation on "shuddering." In real world terms this is perhaps better described as a massive trauma. Objects have a chance of shuddering depending on type and beatitude. A wand or cursed object has a one in 3 (guaranteed for stacks of more than 4) of shuddering. An uncursed non-wand object has a one in 8 chance of shuddering. For a blessed object the chance is one in 12. The chance is doubled if the object stack is larger than 4 objects. When an object shudders, randomly up to all but one, or one if there was only one object, is destroyed. For each object in the original stack, there is a one in (45 + Luck) chance of a golem being created. (Only one golem can be created per square affected by polymorph.) If a golem is created, then after all objects on a square have been polymorphed, up to as many objects as the appropriate golem weighs in weight units are deleted. The game looks at each object in order from the top of the pile, and deletes it if it is of the same material as the object which shuddered to create the golem. (However, with a chance of one in (number of objects remaining to be deleted + 1), the object will only be deleted if it is not of the same material.) Monsters have a one in 25 chance of dying without leaving a corpse when hit by a wand of polymorph, polymorph spell, or potion of polymorph. The test is done after the tests for magic resistance. Chameleons, doppelgangers, and sandestins are immune, unless the hero has protection from shape changers . The player is not subject to instant destruction like the other classes of polymorphable things. Instead, when you polymorph randomly, a die is rolled; if the result is greater than 1 more than your constitution, you lose 1d30 hit points and abuse your constitution. This effect will not occur if you have polymorph control, or if your polymorph form is decided by polymorphing between vampires and vampire bats, worn dragon scale mail, or lycanthropy.
  • System Shock by Looking Glass Studios was a groundbreaking First-Person Shooter with Survival Horror and RPG Elements set in a Cyberpunk future. It wasn't exactly a smashing success in sales, but it produced a sequel that was probably one of the best FPSes in history and spawned one of the most memorable villains in all of video games. In the first game, a character known for the most part only as "The Hacker" is caught breaking into the mainframe of your typical cyberpunk megacorporation, and is offered a chance at freedom and a prime-grade neural interface in return for performing nonstandard modifications to the Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network (or SHODAN), the AI on the corporation's space station. After coming out of the six-month coma needed to heal from his surgery, the Hacker finds that SHODAN has gone absolutely insane after having her ethical controls removed, and has transformed the entire crew into cyborgs and mutated monsters devoted entirely to her. The Hacker stops SHODAN from destroying the earth and wipes her completely from the database. The sequel, made in collaboration with Irrational Games, founded by former LGS employees, is set 42 years later; due to the events of the first game, anti-Mega Corp outrage resulted in formation of Unified National Nominate, the quasi-socialist world government. After UNN (albeit under TriOptimum grant) scientist Marie Delacroix discovers the secret of faster than light travel, UNN and TriOptimum mount a joint mission to Tau Ceti The game involves the maiden voyage of the Von Braun, the first ship with FTL Travel equipped, accompanied by the UNN Rickenbacker. The game begins with the awakening of the player character, a cybernetically-enhanced soldier, from cryosleep to receive a small amount of exposition from a voice identified as a surviving member of the Von Braun's crew, and then immediately has to escape his sick room that has been exposed to space, beginning his long adventure in avoiding his own death. The original, floppy disc-based version of System Shock played fast-and-loose with SHODAN's gender. Several times the evil computer was described as a "he", and the character art was ambiguous. From the CD version onwards SHODAN was explicitly female, voiced with cool command by Terri Brosius. A combination of superior scripting and excellent voice acting transformed SHODAN from a stock villain into a memorably sexy computer dominatrix from hell; she is by far the most memorable character in the series, and is considered one of the best video game villains in general. Both System Shock and System Shock 2 received critical acclaim, but neither was a commercial success due to release dates that pitted the games against strong competition: System Shock was released in the wake of Doom and was sort-of competing with Marathon, and System Shock 2 went up against the equally groundbreaking Half-Life. Still, the games have endured, and even spawned a spiritual sequel in Bioshock. A third game was briefly rumored with a 2006 trademark renewal and claims by PC Gamer UK, then disappeared. It is unlikely that Irrational, as a part of 2K Games, can even work on another title in the series so long as Electronic Arts continues to hold the trademarks, so it is sadly likely that this is all we're going to get.