  • Grapple
  • Grapple
  • the grapple is an item that is needed to climb walls and reach very high places that are otherwise unreachable.
  • The Grapple is a form of equipment that appears in Far Cry 4. Ajay Ghale is able to use the grapple to reach across gaps and unto higher levels. Though it can only be used at designated areas, which are marked by a series of orange ropes, bolted to a cliff, these are very common and scattered across Kyrat, with possibly thousands on the map. Do be warned that you cannot use any sort of weapons while climbing with it, but you can still take damage and you can still be spotted, so be sure to watch for enemies before you begin climbing up.
  • Grapple (Emphases) Grapple is a Jiujutsu emphasis which allows a character to used for initiating and maintaining grapples.
  • Grapple ist ein Pirat auf der Black Pearl.
  • Grapple was a crew member serving on the Black Pearl under Hector Barbossa, and was one of the pirates cursed by the chest of Hernán Cortés on Isla de Muerta.
  • On Cybertron in the past, his buildings were considered works of art. Currently, his abilities are limited by war. But still takes pride in his job, and is prone to severe depression if his works are destroyed in battle. As crane, can lift a 35-ton object, and position it with precision and grace. As robot, has high-temperature arc-welder rifle ... can launch rockets 4.5 miles from wrist sockets. Prone to breakdown in vehicle mode.
  • Full: You and target touched foe are knocked down. You lose your current stance. Concise: Causes knockdown. You are also knocked down. Your current stance ends. __TOC__
  • He's part of the Omega Squad training team that's taking the Winter 2007 Team Tactics class.
  • The Grapple was seen (and is absolutely essential) in Ultima V. After hearing rumors in Buccaneer's Den, the Avatar asked Lord Michael of Empath Abbey for the grapple. Only with it could the quest be completed.
  • Grabbing on to your enemy, you allow the whisping energy along your upper body to flare up, and consume your enemy. As a standard action, make a single CMB attack against your enemy's CMD. If this attack hits you deal the typical amount of damage dealt through a grapple as well as normal damage. Creatures gain a fortitude saving throw DC: 13+Strength modifier or take the grapple damage a second time.
  • Grapple is used to restrain an opponent in close combat. This mechanic is not used in NWN2.
  • When a ship in the battle nav portion of a sea battle has another ship right next to its broadside, that ship may choose to grapple the other ship. When this happens, the swordfighting portion of the sea battle begins. Most battle navvers try to load the opposing ship full of shot before grappling them, so that they start the swordfighting portion of the sea battle with a large amount of unbreakable black blocks. The grapple tokens are disabled during blockade navigation, as you are not allowed to board other ships in the blockade zone.
  • A grapple is a hook or claw used to damage or hold ships. Grapples are most often used to board enemy ships, set them on fire or reduce their stats. Grapples are very important for land based players as they allow them to board enemy ships, turning any sea fight into a land fight. Grapples are equipped in the grapple slot. Every ship has one grapple slot available. Most of the grapples have weight attribute. While stored in ships inventory, they will take up portion of the ships load. After equipping, they will become weightless, they will not take any of the ships load.
  • Back on Cybertron, Grapple's building designs were considered works of art. He realizes that now, in an alien environment on Earth, his ideas are limited by the necessities of war. Nevertheless, he still takes enormous pride in what he does and strives for beauty and quality in all his creations. His problem is that he cares too much; he often succumbs to severe depression should one of his constructions be destroyed in the course of battle.
  • Back on Cybertron, Grapple's building designs were considered works of art. He realizes that now, in an alien environment on Earth, his ideas are limited by the necessities of war. Nevertheless, he still takes enormous pride in what he does and strives for beauty and quality in all his creations. His problem is that he cares too much; he often succumbs to severe depression should one of his constructions be destroyed in the course of battle. Grapple participated in the battle of Korriban where he help defeat Devastator and the Terrorcons but was badly injured by Darth Grievous.
  • History: Aanor Faust was born in Germany a few years after the second outbreak. Her parents were both heavily involved in the military and her existence was most unplanned. Dedicated to her duty more so than her family, Aanor's mother paid only what attention was necessary to her child before throwing herself back into her work. The father of the family was a high ranking officer and was posted away from home more often than not. Through moving around a lot and never really having a stable location to call home, Aanor spent a lot of time on her own. She loved people and conversation, talking every chance she got and often annoying her mother further with her babble.
  • Grapple is a character that appears in Might and Magic: The Dreamwright and Might and Magic: The Shadowsmith. She was one of two yeofolk handlers in Diligence's caravan, and the two were responsible for the fourteen yeofolk that Amonwelle had requested. They would walk with the creatures whe the caravan was moving, bathing their dusty joints with oil. The handlers shared a wagon with the group's alterman.
  • Transformers Wars
  • Pirat
  • 100
Alternate Mode
  • Crane
  • Crane
  • Säbel
  • Barbossas Crew
  • Blue
  • 2010-04-08
  • The Curse of the Black Pearl
  • Dead
  • Weapons Depot
  • Ultima V
  • Black
  • Might and Magic: The Dreamwright
  • Grapple
  • Invaluable as a tool for exploration of mountainous territory, a grappling hook can be obtained from Lord Michael of Empath Abbey. It should be noted that although a grapple makes mountaineering possible, it does not necessarily make it either expedient or safe.
  • FC
  • Consumables
  • FC
  • The Curse of the Black Pearl
  • Architect
  • Same as Ironhide
  • Crewman
  • Hatchet
  • Grappling hook
  • 1740.0
  • Cybertron
  • Yeofolk handler
  • Female
  • Male
  • 1700.0
  • Black Pearl
  • Paths of Destiny
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
Cyber key power
Stealth force Mode
  • arm his vehicle mode some weapons
  • the grapple is an item that is needed to climb walls and reach very high places that are otherwise unreachable.
  • Back on Cybertron, Grapple's building designs were considered works of art. He realizes that now, in an alien environment on Earth, his ideas are limited by the necessities of war. Nevertheless, he still takes enormous pride in what he does and strives for beauty and quality in all his creations. His problem is that he cares too much; he often succumbs to severe depression should one of his constructions be destroyed in the course of battle. During most of the war he help build Autobot Cities on many planets and during a battle on Hoth he got petrified by Gigatron when the Autobots tried to team up against Gigatron. He was later unpetrified after Gigatrons defeat. Grapple participated in the battle of Korriban where he help defeat Devastator and the Terrorcons but was badly injured by Darth Grievous. Grapple and Hoist were hailed as heros as they help rebuild the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and build a space bridge to connect the two universes together.
  • History: Aanor Faust was born in Germany a few years after the second outbreak. Her parents were both heavily involved in the military and her existence was most unplanned. Dedicated to her duty more so than her family, Aanor's mother paid only what attention was necessary to her child before throwing herself back into her work. The father of the family was a high ranking officer and was posted away from home more often than not. Through moving around a lot and never really having a stable location to call home, Aanor spent a lot of time on her own. She loved people and conversation, talking every chance she got and often annoying her mother further with her babble. A military base was not a common place for a child, but it was one that Aanor knew the best. Growing up with soldiers all around, Aanor was raised to know weapons, vehicles and armor. At the age of ten, she expressed a distinct interest in motorbikes and, under the training of an infantry soldier named Kaspar, Aanor learned the basics of riding. She was quite good for a beginner and was eager to learn. It was then that her mother found out about the lessons and, worried that Aanor would get herself killed, put a ban on the activity entirely. Kaspar had argued that she was good at what she did but it did little good. No longer allowed to go near the hangar or garage, Aanor stubbornly set to exploring the areas left to her disposal. Ventilation was her friend and the airline network of the base became her second home. The lab caught her interest, and it was perhaps to spite her mother that Aanor made her way into one of the restricted labs. The creatures in the tanks caught her attention and she left the vents to better explore. The animals of her world hadn't always been the mutants they were today, and were renowned for being dangerous and deadly. She'd never seen them up close like she was now. Fascinated with what she was seeing, Aanor did not realize that one of the larger tanks was empty for some time. When she did, she frowned, curiously inspecting the empty tank for some sign of life and finding none. The sound of movement in the lab with her caught her attention and Aanor started for the vent she had so carelessly wandered away from. If she was caught down here, she would certainly be in trouble. Suddenly, the alarms were going off the security lighting flickered to life. It was then that Aanor came face to face with the escaped inhabitant of the empty tank. A giant octopus, mutated by the anti-virus that had changed the world was free in the lab and perfectly camouflaged against the underside of the lab bench. Aanor hurried faster, failing to see the octopus or even notice it was there until it was slipping from beneath the table and lunging at her with intention to consume. It was then that security arrived, busting down the doors and, upon realizing that Mr mutant was wrapping itself around a person, gunned the damn thing down. Octopus dead, Aanor was saved. Or was she? The suckers on the tentacles of Aanor's attacker were equipped with barbed hooks that tore into her skin. Now infected, the scientists (Aanor's mother included) were left with the choice of trying to stabilize her system or let the virus kill her. They chose to stabilize and save her life, taking her in as one of the test subjects. Her death was logged to of occurred that day in an incident separate to the lab. Aanor Faust existed no more. For years, she was tested and trained, brainwashed to believe that the life she remembered was just something her mind had invented to help her cope. While she fought against it for a time, she came to accept this (at least on the outside), as truth. She remained eager to please and her competitive nature became one of her driving points. The mutation in her system gave her abilities like that of an octopus, and with a special suit built just for her, Grapple was able to mask herself entirely and blend into her surroundings. She was good at what she did and she knew it, and it was her cocky nature, camouflage and driving prowess that caught the Directors attention. Selected from the masses to work under command of another experiment, she became the Scout/Messenger of the general force. The Director, with his quirk for odd titles named her Grapple. It was a name she would use for the rest of her life. For almost four years Grapple lived and worked like this, until finally the experiments decided they were fed up with fighting the war of another. They would be pawns no more. The experiments rebelled, destroying the Facilities they were housed in and escaping into the world. Many were killed and the general populace did not accept them. Grapple took to the wild lands, using her stealth to her advantage until she could set herself up. As one of the lucky ones, her appearance was still human enough that she could pass between the crowds without being suspected. She did however have no paperwork or ID, thus making security checks and job hunting hard. It was then that Grapple met Gustav, an older experiment with the ability to read minds. Using his powers, he had worked his way up to being a high class tech and armor dealer, with close business ties to the android arms dealer Forseti. The man and the machine worked well together and though separate companies, often acted together as one. Reading Grapple's thoughts and knowing her as one of his own, Gustav invited Grapple into his team. For her co-operation and loyalty, Gustav gave Grapple a high powered motorbike of her own. Along with a good pay, Grapple was rewarded for accomplishing the tasks given to her (delivery work and the odd scuffle) with upgrades for her bike and armor. Having nothing but her job, her boss and her team, Grapple focused on being the best in her work. It was on a delivery to Berlin that Grapple found herself knocked from her bike by a truck and skidding along the bitumen highway. Her armor would protect her for a time, but she would be bruised and worse if she didn't stop herself. There was nothing she could do, and it was at this moment that Grapple found herself on the MS Elegante. Abilities/Powers: Designed to be a messenger and a scout, Grapple is built for stealth and speed. She has the of an octopus and can thus vanish from sight and be practically invisible even though she's standing right in front of you. Grapple cannot change her clothes to suit the stealth of her body, but Gustav equipped her with black body suit that is tuned to shift as she does. If she's without the suit, the only way for her to be truely invisible is to strip down and go for the nudie run. Grapple has excellent eyesight, reflexes and balance, making her a good driver and a brilliant rider. Her endurance and stamina are also quite high and if she's feel stubborn enough, Grapple can go for days without sleep or food but it does wear her down and her responses slow, just as it would any other. Strength: Cocky, confident, happy-go-lucky attitude, excellent on a motorbike, can move all sneaky stealthy silent, camo. Weakness: Insecure, not a good hand to hand fighter, fiery temper. Personality: Grapple is quite confident and outspoken. She doesn't take crap from anyone and is quick to anger. Where as most would take the rational path and stop to think, Grapple tends to jump ahead and flip tables. Act first, think later. It's generally a small outburst, a string of curses or kicking at the ground, but push her enough and it's her fist that will be flying for your face. She gets bored very quickly and takes to fidgeting and poking at the people around her for entertainment. Having been around guys for the most of her life, Grapple is more comfortable with them than she is around girls. She knows what buttons to push and is a bit of a tease. Well aware that she's an attractive woman, Grapple has a tendency to make the men in her life, be they co-worker or friend, deliberately uncomfortable. Deep down Grapple is a might insecure and uses her gusto and outgoing personality as a means of protecting herself. Rarely does she let people in to her circle and she never talks about the past. Her abilities are kept secret, even from those she is closest to and really, it's something she likes to pretend doesn't exist. Grapple is very competitive and constantly seeking the approval of those around her.
  • A grapple is a hook or claw used to damage or hold ships. Grapples are most often used to board enemy ships, set them on fire or reduce their stats. Grapples are very important for land based players as they allow them to board enemy ships, turning any sea fight into a land fight. Grapples are equipped in the grapple slot. Every ship has one grapple slot available. Grapples have durability, but it never decreases, no matter how many times they're used. Only exception to this rule are grapples used for boarding ships. Once a ship has been boarded, enemy has the ability to directly attack grapples. This attack will reduce grapples durability or in extreme cases, completely destroy it. Durability of player crafted grapples can be recovered, while other grapples require Almighty Repair Kits. Repairing at shipyard boss will decrease their maximum durability which cannot be recovered ever again. Most of the grapples have weight attribute. While stored in ships inventory, they will take up portion of the ships load. After equipping, they will become weightless, they will not take any of the ships load. Some grapples can be crafted using Foundry skill. They are mostly sold at Shipyard Bosses around the world. They are also dropped from various pirate smuggling ships and pirate raiding ships.
  • Grapple is a character that appears in Might and Magic: The Dreamwright and Might and Magic: The Shadowsmith. She was one of two yeofolk handlers in Diligence's caravan, and the two were responsible for the fourteen yeofolk that Amonwelle had requested. They would walk with the creatures whe the caravan was moving, bathing their dusty joints with oil. The handlers shared a wagon with the group's alterman. Diligence described her as a "pale-skinned woman whose head was crowned with a nimbus of fine hair like pinkish down". She thought the hair suggested that the woman was "of Delver extraction", and also noted that "her long face was not unattractive". She spoke some altercant, but very poorly.
  • The Grapple is a form of equipment that appears in Far Cry 4. Ajay Ghale is able to use the grapple to reach across gaps and unto higher levels. Though it can only be used at designated areas, which are marked by a series of orange ropes, bolted to a cliff, these are very common and scattered across Kyrat, with possibly thousands on the map. Do be warned that you cannot use any sort of weapons while climbing with it, but you can still take damage and you can still be spotted, so be sure to watch for enemies before you begin climbing up.
  • Grapple (Emphases) Grapple is a Jiujutsu emphasis which allows a character to used for initiating and maintaining grapples.
  • Grapple ist ein Pirat auf der Black Pearl.
  • Grapple was a crew member serving on the Black Pearl under Hector Barbossa, and was one of the pirates cursed by the chest of Hernán Cortés on Isla de Muerta.
  • On Cybertron in the past, his buildings were considered works of art. Currently, his abilities are limited by war. But still takes pride in his job, and is prone to severe depression if his works are destroyed in battle. As crane, can lift a 35-ton object, and position it with precision and grace. As robot, has high-temperature arc-welder rifle ... can launch rockets 4.5 miles from wrist sockets. Prone to breakdown in vehicle mode.
  • Full: You and target touched foe are knocked down. You lose your current stance. Concise: Causes knockdown. You are also knocked down. Your current stance ends. __TOC__
  • He's part of the Omega Squad training team that's taking the Winter 2007 Team Tactics class.
  • The Grapple was seen (and is absolutely essential) in Ultima V. After hearing rumors in Buccaneer's Den, the Avatar asked Lord Michael of Empath Abbey for the grapple. Only with it could the quest be completed.
  • Back on Cybertron, Grapple's building designs were considered works of art. He realizes that now, in an alien environment on Earth, his ideas are limited by the necessities of war. Nevertheless, he still takes enormous pride in what he does and strives for beauty and quality in all his creations. His problem is that he cares too much; he often succumbs to severe depression should one of his constructions be destroyed in the course of battle. In vehicular mode, Grapple can lift up to 35 tons and position massive objects with uncanny precision and grace. In robot mode, he uses a high temperature arc-welder rifle that shoots a stream of concentrated infrared energy as it slices through and/or fuses its targets. He can launch explosive rockets a distance of 4.5 miles from the hand socket in each of his wrists. Grapple's extreme artistic sensitivity often results in moodiness and depression, diminishing his value to the other Autobots. He doesn't adapt well to his vehicle mode which often results in mechanical breakdowns.
  • Grabbing on to your enemy, you allow the whisping energy along your upper body to flare up, and consume your enemy. As a standard action, make a single CMB attack against your enemy's CMD. If this attack hits you deal the typical amount of damage dealt through a grapple as well as normal damage. Creatures gain a fortitude saving throw DC: 13+Strength modifier or take the grapple damage a second time.
  • Grapple is used to restrain an opponent in close combat. This mechanic is not used in NWN2.
  • When a ship in the battle nav portion of a sea battle has another ship right next to its broadside, that ship may choose to grapple the other ship. When this happens, the swordfighting portion of the sea battle begins. Most battle navvers try to load the opposing ship full of shot before grappling them, so that they start the swordfighting portion of the sea battle with a large amount of unbreakable black blocks. The grapple tokens are disabled during blockade navigation, as you are not allowed to board other ships in the blockade zone.
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is who of
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