  • Thasus
  • Thasus
  • Thasus
  • Thasus
  • Thasus
  • Thasus
  • In Greek mythology, Thasus (pronounced: /ˈθeɪsəs/ or /ˈθeɪzəs/) was a son of Poseidon (or, in other versions, Cilix or Agenor). In the stories, he was one of those who set out from Phoenicia in search of Europa, and "founded" the eponymous town of Thasos on the island of the same name.
  • Thasus ist ein Planet und Heimatwelt der Thasianer. Bis 2266 ist die Existenz der Thasianer nur ein Gerücht und Thasus gilt als unbewohnt. Laut Informationen der Sternenflotte gibt es auf Thasus keine essbaren Pflanzen. In diesem Jahr findet die Antares (NCC-501) Charlie Evans auf Thasus, der dort 2252 mit seiner Familie abgestürzt ist. Er ist der einzige Überlebende des Unglücks. Als sich später herausstellt, dass er übernatürliche Kräfte hat, erscheinen einige Thasianer und nehmen ihn wieder mit nach Thasus bevor die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) ernsthaft durch ihn geschädigt werden kann. (TOS: )
  • Thasus was the capital city of the country of Aldemir. The city was by pure coincidence located almost exactly at the geographical middle of Aldemir Island.
  • Planeta hogar de los Thasianos. Considerado poco hospitalario, en el año 2252 una nave terrestre se estrelló en ese lugar, y el único sobreviviente, Charlie Evans, permaneció varado 14 años en la superficie hasta que fue rescatado por la USS Antares.
  • Thasus est une planète inhospitalière et le monde d'origine des Thasiens.
  • Voor het jaar 2266 werd gedacht dat Thasus een onbewoonde planeet was. Er waren alleen legenden en geruchten over de Thasians. Er werd beweerd dat ze voorwerpen onzichtbaar konden maken, en dingen uit het niets konden laten verschijnen, maar er was geen concreet bewijs van hun bestaan.
  • Thasus è un pianeta inospitale, dimora dei thasiani. Prima del 2266, si riteneva che Thasus fosse disabitato. Alcune leggende e dicerie riguardo i thasiani gli attribuivano il potere di rendere gli oggetti invisibili e di creare forme dal nulla tuttavia non si avevano prove circa la loro esistenza.
  • In 2252, a transport ship crashed on Thasus, with a young boy, Charlie Evans, the only survivor. In order to keep the boy alive, the Thasians cared for him and granted him their psychokinetic abilities. In 2266, Charlie escaped from Thasus on the Antares. In the alternate reality 2260s, a bottle of Saurian brandy was picked up on this planet by the crew of the USS Enterprise. (Star Trek Beyond)
  • Thasus (also known as Thasus IV) was a inhospitable planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, the fourth planet in orbit of the Thasus star system, at coordinates 4.97S 2.23W. Thasus was the homeworld of a non-corporeal species known as the Thasians. (FASA RPG module: The Federation) In the later 23rd century, by reference stardate 2/2306.01, Thasus was under full Federation quarantine. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
Planet Name
  • Thasus
  • Thasus
  • 100
  • Thasus
  • Alpha ou Bêta
  • Planète
  • Thasians
Alternate Name
  • Thasus IV
  • planet
  • Thasians
  • Thasus
  • Thasiens
  • Thasus star system, coordinates 6.02S 5.07E, Alpha or Beta Quadrant
  • Stone, wood
  • Thasus (also known as Thasus IV) was a inhospitable planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, the fourth planet in orbit of the Thasus star system, at coordinates 4.97S 2.23W. Thasus was the homeworld of a non-corporeal species known as the Thasians. (FASA RPG module: The Federation) Prior to the 2250s, Federation surveys of the planet reported some highly sophisticated artifacts located on the planet's surface, but indicated that conditions hadn't changed on the planet for at least three million years. The survey also indicated that the Thasians had once thrived on the planet millennia ago. (TOS novelization: Charlie X) In 2252, a transport carrying a shipload of passengers crashlanded on the surface of the planet. The only survivor of the crash was Charles Evans, a three-year-old human child. With the child facing certain death, the Thasians took pity upon him and granted him some of their psionic powers, which allow him to care for himself by creating anything that he needed out of thin air. In 2266, Charlie (now 17) was able to escape from the planet aboard the Federation cargo vessel USS Antares and used his psionic powers to control its crew. Eventually, Charlie was transferred to the USS Enterprise, which he also tried to take control. Before he could do much damage, the Thasians came to take Charlie back to Thasus. (TOS episode & novelization: Charlie X) In the later 23rd century, by reference stardate 2/2306.01, Thasus was under full Federation quarantine. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
  • In Greek mythology, Thasus (pronounced: /ˈθeɪsəs/ or /ˈθeɪzəs/) was a son of Poseidon (or, in other versions, Cilix or Agenor). In the stories, he was one of those who set out from Phoenicia in search of Europa, and "founded" the eponymous town of Thasos on the island of the same name.
  • Thasus ist ein Planet und Heimatwelt der Thasianer. Bis 2266 ist die Existenz der Thasianer nur ein Gerücht und Thasus gilt als unbewohnt. Laut Informationen der Sternenflotte gibt es auf Thasus keine essbaren Pflanzen. In diesem Jahr findet die Antares (NCC-501) Charlie Evans auf Thasus, der dort 2252 mit seiner Familie abgestürzt ist. Er ist der einzige Überlebende des Unglücks. Als sich später herausstellt, dass er übernatürliche Kräfte hat, erscheinen einige Thasianer und nehmen ihn wieder mit nach Thasus bevor die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) ernsthaft durch ihn geschädigt werden kann. (TOS: )
  • Thasus è un pianeta inospitale, dimora dei thasiani. Prima del 2266, si riteneva che Thasus fosse disabitato. Alcune leggende e dicerie riguardo i thasiani gli attribuivano il potere di rendere gli oggetti invisibili e di creare forme dal nulla tuttavia non si avevano prove circa la loro esistenza. Nel 2266, la Antares trovò su Thasus Charles Evans, che era stato abbandonato alcuni anni prima, quando era ancora un bambino. Evans mostrò di possedere una vasta gamma di poteri psionici che usò per prendere il controllo della USS Enterprise. La conferma dell'effettiva esistenza dei thasiani ci fu nel momento in cui una nave proveniente da Thasus prelevò Evans dall'Enterprise, allo scopo di impedirgli di compiere altri danni. La nave ripartì facendo presumibilmente rotta verso il loro mondo. Da allora non ci furono altri contatti ufficiali con loro. (TOS: "Il naufrago delle stelle")
  • Voor het jaar 2266 werd gedacht dat Thasus een onbewoonde planeet was. Er waren alleen legenden en geruchten over de Thasians. Er werd beweerd dat ze voorwerpen onzichtbaar konden maken, en dingen uit het niets konden laten verschijnen, maar er was geen concreet bewijs van hun bestaan. In 2266 ontdekte de Antares de jongeling Charles Evans op Thasus. Evans liet vele onverklaarbare krachten zien, waarmee hij later de Enterprise onder controle kreeg. Voordat hij het leed kon verergeren verscheen er een schip vanaf Thasus, waardoor het bestaan van de Thasians bevestigd werd. Ze haalden Evans van de Enterprise, en namen hem waarschijnlijk mee terug naar hun planeet. Deze ontmoeting was het enige contact tussen de Federatie en de Thasians. (TOS: "Charlie X")
  • Thasus was the capital city of the country of Aldemir. The city was by pure coincidence located almost exactly at the geographical middle of Aldemir Island.
  • Planeta hogar de los Thasianos. Considerado poco hospitalario, en el año 2252 una nave terrestre se estrelló en ese lugar, y el único sobreviviente, Charlie Evans, permaneció varado 14 años en la superficie hasta que fue rescatado por la USS Antares.
  • Thasus est une planète inhospitalière et le monde d'origine des Thasiens.
  • In 2252, a transport ship crashed on Thasus, with a young boy, Charlie Evans, the only survivor. In order to keep the boy alive, the Thasians cared for him and granted him their psychokinetic abilities. In 2266, Charlie escaped from Thasus on the Antares. He was later transferred to the USS Enterprise, which was to transport him to Colony Alpha 5, where he would be reunited with his closest living relatives. Charlie's powers proved dangerous, however, as he used them for his own benefit without regard for the consequences to others. Realizing that Charlie was gone, the Thasians retrieved him from the Enterprise, and took him back to Thasus, where he would no longer pose a danger. (TOS: "Charlie X" ) In the alternate reality 2260s, a bottle of Saurian brandy was picked up on this planet by the crew of the USS Enterprise. (Star Trek Beyond)
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