  • Escape from the Boiling Rock
  • Escape from the Boiling Rock
  • The skirmish resulted in a victory for Team Avatar, who sustained no losses, and led to Suki joining the group. The escape also resulted in Princess Azula being betrayed by her two best friends, Mai and Ty Lee, thus leading, among other things, to her mental breakdown. It was the first successful escape attempt from the Fire Nation's most advanced maximum security prison.
  • The Escape from the Boiling Rock was one of the final engagements in the Fire Nation's war for world domination. Although the engagement was strategically minor, it did have an effect on history, as the implications of the escape were disastrous for the Fire Nation. The infiltration and subsequent escape was carried out by select members of Team Avatar. The infiltration and escape lasted around two days, with the first attempt being unsuccessful. The escape was one of the final events before the arrival of Sozin's Comet, when the Fire Nation would suffer a strategic defeat.
  • Fire Nation
  • Select Members of Team Avatar
  • Select members of Team Avatar
  • * Mai and Ty Lee imprisoned
  • Mai and Ty Lee imprisoned for treason
  • *Boiling Rock's no escape record broken * Azula's airship captured
  • * Boiling Rock's no escape record broken * Azula's airship captured * Azula begins to lose her sanity
  • Summer, 100 ASC
  • Summer, 100 AG
  • 1.0
  • * Hakoda * Sokka * Zuko
  • * Princess Azula * The Warden
  • * Sokka * Hakoda
  • * The warden * Princess Azula
  • 2.0
  • Team Avatar's victory
  • * Team Avatar's victory * Suki, Hakoda, and Chit Sang liberated from the prison * Mai and Ty Lee imprisoned * Suki joins Team Avatar
  • * Azula * Many prison guards * Ty Lee
  • * Princess Azula * Ty Lee * Many prison guards
  • * Zuko * Sokka * Suki * Hakoda * Chit Sang * Mai
  • * Chit Sang * Hakoda * Mai * Sokka * Suki * Zuko ---- * Ty Lee
  • * Battle at Wulong Forest * Liberation of Ba Sing Se * Comet Enhanced Agni Kai
  • * Battle at Wulong Forest * Comet-Enhanced Agni Kai * Liberation of Ba Sing Se
  • The skirmish resulted in a victory for Team Avatar, who sustained no losses, and led to Suki joining the group. The escape also resulted in Princess Azula being betrayed by her two best friends, Mai and Ty Lee, thus leading, among other things, to her mental breakdown. It was the first successful escape attempt from the Fire Nation's most advanced maximum security prison.
  • The Escape from the Boiling Rock was one of the final engagements in the Fire Nation's war for world domination. Although the engagement was strategically minor, it did have an effect on history, as the implications of the escape were disastrous for the Fire Nation. The infiltration and subsequent escape was carried out by select members of Team Avatar. The infiltration and escape lasted around two days, with the first attempt being unsuccessful. The skirmish resulted in a victory for Team Avatar, who sustained no losses. The escape also resulted in Princess Azula being betrayed by her two best friends, Mai and Ty Lee, thus leading, among other things, to her mental breakdown. The skirmish also caused Suki to join Team Avatar. It was the first successful escape attempt from the Fire Nation's most advanced maximum security prison. The escape was one of the final events before the arrival of Sozin's Comet, when the Fire Nation would suffer a strategic defeat.
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