  • Hell Seeker
  • A Hell Seeker is a character who actively is trying to get into Hell. Literally Hell, as in the afterlife of endless torment. Maybe he thinks that he will like it there, being allowed to "reign in hell" rather than becoming one of the tormented souls. (Such a character is usually eventually proven wrong, ending up at the bottom of the hellish food-chain.) Or maybe he's just trying to punish himself. Or maybe he lives in a setting where Hell is something much cooler than the horrors believed in by certain Real Life religions. Examples of Hell Seeker include:
  • A Hell Seeker is a character who actively is trying to get into Hell. Literally Hell, as in the afterlife of endless torment. Maybe he thinks that he will like it there, being allowed to "reign in hell" rather than becoming one of the tormented souls. (Such a character is usually eventually proven wrong, ending up at the bottom of the hellish food-chain.) Or maybe he's just trying to punish himself. Or maybe he lives in a setting where Hell is something much cooler than the horrors believed in by certain Real Life religions. Contrast Heaven Seeker. Also contrast To Hell and Back and Deal with the Devil. The former is for characters who want to go to hell but want to get out afterwards, while the latter is when the character accept hell after death in return for getting good things in life - but does NOT have ending up in hell as a goal in itself, and is likely to try to escape from the deal. Not to be confused with the Hellraiser Hellseeker, although that movie is an example. See also Dystopia Justifies the Means. Examples of Hell Seeker include: