  • Tidal guardian
  • The Tidal Guardian is a Naga unit building that is a tower. It helped both Illidan and Vashj in their efforts. It consists of a pool containing a tube worm. Most of the time the tube worm hides inside the pool, but when enemies are near the serpent emerges and spits lightning bolts at the opponents.
  • The Tidal Guardian is a Naga unit building that is a tower. It helped both Illidan and Vashj in their efforts. It consists of a pool containing a tube worm. Most of the time the tube worm hides inside the pool, but when enemies are near the serpent emerges and spits lightning bolts at the opponents. Tidal guardians are great serpents that patrol the waters around Nazjatar. (DF 120) Tidal guardians are tube wyrm captured and trained by the naga. They serve the naga as defenders (particularly in Nazjatar), though this strategy is not widespread. Tidal guardians is the term naga used for the trained tube wyrm. (DF 207)