  • 887
  • 887
  • 887
  • El número (887) es el número natural que sigue al 886 y precede al 888. Categoría:Números
  • Annette erfährt, dass die Versicherung ihr den Wiederaufbau des Imbiss endlich bezahlt. Unterstützt von Roman freut sie sich auf einen Neuanfang. Annette fasst wieder Mut und will nun ihrerseits Lena unterstützen. Doch als sie mit Alexander zum Kinderarzt will, wird sie plötzlich von einer Panikattacke heimgesucht. Lena wird von Maximilians Bitte, zurück in die Villa zu ziehen, überrascht. Sie gerät ins Wanken, denn ihre Gefühle für Maximilian sind nach wie vor stark. Doch dann gibt sie ihm einen Korb. Sie will geliebt und nicht nur als Mutter seines Kindes gesehen werden. Doch Lenas Entschiedenheit hält nicht lange und sie wird von Zweifeln geplagt. Nachdem Jenny Marian damit konfrontiert hat, dass er sie nur ganz oder gar nicht haben kann, macht Marian ihr klar, dass er seine Liebe zu ih
  • Barnabas is laying on the alter as the two mysterious hooded figures conclude their ritual over him. The man says that Barnabas will know them when he wakes up, and he will lead them to a new and everlasting life. Julia continues to write in her diary, saying she will not give up hope on Barnabas returning, although she admits there seems to be little hope left. She blows out the candles and decides to return to Collinwood. As she heads back towards the main house, she hears footsteps following her, but doesn't think anything of it and instead quickens her pace.
  • 887
  • 1969-10-30
  • 876
  • 1796
  • 1969-11-18
  • 887
  • El número (887) es el número natural que sigue al 886 y precede al 888. Categoría:Números
  • Barnabas is laying on the alter as the two mysterious hooded figures conclude their ritual over him. The man says that Barnabas will know them when he wakes up, and he will lead them to a new and everlasting life. In 1796, Barnabas awakens and gets off the altar. He makes a motion with his hand, and speaks as if he were possessed. The man introduces himself as Oberon, and the woman introduces herself as Haza. They both greet Barnabas as their master, and Barnabas replies that they have done their tasks well, but he asks Oberon if he has the Ancient Book. Oberon obliges, and mentions that all of the "final preparations" have been made. They give Barnabas the Leviathan Box, and tell him that he will know when the "Chosen One" arrives. Barnabas decrees he will not open the box until that time comes. In 1969, Julia is gazing out the window at the Old House. It has been roughly one month since she returned from 1897, and she has not had any sign from Barnabas. Instead she has heard voices from the past that have been frightening her. Julia writes in her diary that she fears that Barnabas is trapped in the past and lost forever. As she leaves the room, an unknown man is seen spying on her through the window. Julia continues to write in her diary, saying she will not give up hope on Barnabas returning, although she admits there seems to be little hope left. She blows out the candles and decides to return to Collinwood. As she heads back towards the main house, she hears footsteps following her, but doesn't think anything of it and instead quickens her pace. Julia enters the drawing room at Collinwood and greets Carolyn. Carolyn is wrapping a present for her mother, which she explains she bought from a new antique shop in Collinsport. Julia, noticing Carolyn's strange behavior, asks if something is wrong. Carolyn admits she has been depressed lately, but doesn't know why. Julia copes with her, saying she has been worried about Barnabas not returning. Carolyn convinces Julia to go to the antique shop with her tomorrow to get away from Collinwood for a day. She then leaves the room to make some tea, and while alone, Julia hears the voices of Magda and Charity from 1897. In the voices, Julia learns that Barnabas and Kitty have disappeared, and that Edward had followed them to the Old House the night they vanished and was unable to find them. Julia runs out of the parlor, screaming Charity's name, before Carolyn returns to calm her down. Julia then tells her that she is sure that Barnabas is dead. Outside Collinwood, the strange man who has been lurking around the estate is seen, and the Leviathan Altar appears. The unknown man seems unsurprised that the Leviathan Altar has randomly appeared, and he walks to the Old House. He enters through the front door and lights a candle in the drawing room. At Collinwood, Julia and Carolyn are discussing if Barnabas is trapped in the past, or if he might be returning. She tells Carolyn about the voices she has been hearing, and comes to the conclusion that maybe he disappared in the past and has returned to the present. She decideds she must return to the Old House and she quickly leaves. As Julia arrives at the Old House, she notices a light in the window and surmizes that someone is inside, but doesn't believe it's Barnabas. She hides outside near the front door. Julia catches him leaving the Old House and demands to know who he is.
  • Annette erfährt, dass die Versicherung ihr den Wiederaufbau des Imbiss endlich bezahlt. Unterstützt von Roman freut sie sich auf einen Neuanfang. Annette fasst wieder Mut und will nun ihrerseits Lena unterstützen. Doch als sie mit Alexander zum Kinderarzt will, wird sie plötzlich von einer Panikattacke heimgesucht. Lena wird von Maximilians Bitte, zurück in die Villa zu ziehen, überrascht. Sie gerät ins Wanken, denn ihre Gefühle für Maximilian sind nach wie vor stark. Doch dann gibt sie ihm einen Korb. Sie will geliebt und nicht nur als Mutter seines Kindes gesehen werden. Doch Lenas Entschiedenheit hält nicht lange und sie wird von Zweifeln geplagt. Nachdem Jenny Marian damit konfrontiert hat, dass er sie nur ganz oder gar nicht haben kann, macht Marian ihr klar, dass er seine Liebe zu ihr nicht in letzter Konsequenz leben kann. Wieder einmal wird beiden bewusst, dass sie zu unterschiedlich sind, um miteinander glücklich zu werden. So stürzt Jenny sich auf das, was sie noch hat: ihre Karriere als Teamchefin für ihre Mutter.
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