  • Django
  • Django
  • Django
  • Django
  • Django
  • blazblue crisis reversed
  • Django es un personaje secundario de la película Ratatouille.
  • Django is de vader van Remy en Emile. Hij is ervan overtuigd dat ratten beter zijn dan mensen.
  • thumb|265pxDjango es una película hispano-italiana de 1966, escrita, producida y dirigida por Sergio Corbucci. Protagonizada por Franco Nero, en el papel principal.
  • Django – amerykański western w reżyserii Quentina Tarantino. Swoją premierę miał 25 grudnia 2012.
  • Musaraigne de l'UGMEC qui joue du tambour.
  • Django (ジャンゴ Jango) is a minor character in Beyblade: Metal Fusion. He is one of Japan's top 20 Bladers. He is known for fast lightning launch which is why he is given the nickname the Bolt. However, his lightning launch is shot down in Mid-air by Tobio, proving that it is not as fast as everyone thought.
  • Django is a character labeled as The Costume Guy in Total Drama Idiots. He was placed on the 'Screaming Parasites' team.
  • Django (ジャンゴ) is a mysterious wolf-like character that plays the role of the sub-final boss in Ehrgeiz. He is a mystical creature seeking a mysterious force, and awaits visitors in the back of the ancient ruins. Django can be unlocked as a playable character by meeting certain conditions in the game. His attacks are similar to certain characters in Tobal 2, such as Dog, Ikkaku, Tri Horn, and Spike Shield. His standard costume is gray fur, however his alternate costume (red fur) has many resemblances to Red XIII. His attack names reference Red XIII, his father Seto and Final Fantasy summons.
  • Django is a Python-based web-development framework. Version 1.0.1 was released on 31 October, 2008. Django is endorsed by Guido von-Rossum, who is the Python benevolent dictator.
  • Django is the father of Remy and Emile, as well as the leader of the rat colony.
  • Django is Remy and Emile's father and a major character in Ratatouille. He is voiced by Brian Dennehy.
  • Django (蛇五(ジャンゴ), Jango) is the oldest of the brothers. He is the apparent leader and a coldhearted sword master. After watching Jam and Junk fall before Ramenman he begs for his life but then slashes at Ramenman as he walks away. But because Shumai notices it he fails, and Ramenman defeats him with the Kōhō Fuusha. Seiyuu * Koji Totani
  • (The "D" is silent) A Spaghetti Western from 1966 directed by Sergio Corbucci (not to be confused with Sergio Leone) and starring Franco Nero as the titular Django, an Old West gunfighter who drags a coffin behind him wherever he goes. Pretty standard set-up: mysterious, Badass stranger comes to town, shoots a lot of bad guys, and plays two groups of outlaws against each other, all in search of revenge and/or money. Had a reputation at the time for being one of the most violent movies ever, though by modern standards it's nowhere close.
  • Ollessaan vielä Mustakissapiraatti, hänellä ei ollut mainittavan arvoista suhdetta Kuron kanssa. Kuro oli laskelmoiva kapteeni, ja Django toteutti hänen toiveensa sen kummempia miettimättä. Joukon hajottua aika kuitenkin kultasi hyvin nopeasti muistot, ja he pitivät toisiaan parhaimpina ystävinään. Jatkuvasti he yrittivät löytää toisensa, mutta kohtalo puuttui peliin, eivätkä he koskaan kohdanneet. Kerran he kävivät jopa tietämättään keskenään sokkotreffeillä paperipussit päässä, jopa naiden toisiaan, mutta eivät silti tunnistaneet toisiaan.
  • Tier: 10-A. 9-C with firearms. 8-C with prep Name: Django Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Human Powers and Abilities: Human level attributes, Sharpshooting, Skilled with guns, Very genre-savvy Attack Potency: Athlete level. Street level with firearms (His revolver can blow a hole in a man's head, the rifle that he used could easily kill horses). Building level with prep (Blew up the building at the Candyland plantation with explosives) Speed: Normal Human with Peak Human reactions (Shot a man before he could even reach his gun) Stamina: High Standard Equipment: Revolvers, rifles
  • Django is the Emperor of Zylacia a unique planet home to immortals also known as vampires and humans. A civil war had raged on the planet for many years until the signing of the peace treaty by Django Sabata and the leaders of the immortals. The technology on the planet is solar based and also powered by magic. During the civil war Django was bitten by his father who was turned into a vampire. This in turn gave him the ability to turn into a vampire or black Django whenever he felt like it. After the peace treaty and being the chosen one of lore Django was elevated to Emperor. Django still carries the trusty Gun Del Sol and all its many frames and batteries. He also carries the Gun Del Hell a dark matter based gun. After being elected Django went on a military campaign of conquest conqueri
  • 9223372036854775807
  • Good
  • None
  • To steal food
  • 1.0E8
tytuł filmu
  • Django
gatunek filmu
Data premiery
  • 2012-12-25
  • Ratatouille
  • El Chef Skinner, los Humanos
  • angielski
  • Skinner, Health Inspector, His sons in trouble
  • Jango
  • Servicial, atento, desconfiado
  • Git, other rats
  • Ratatouille
  • There are no recorded roars for Django.
  • Django
  • heroes
  • Screaming Parasites
  • Blue
  • Seven Star Fighting God Guyferd Episode 22: Guyferd Dies!
  • Remy, Emile
  • island beach
  • Large obese gray rat
  • Gray-Blue
  • Django
  • django
  • Dark
  • Steel
  • Helpful, caring, fatherly, strict, serious, tough
  • django
  • Django in Seven Star Fighting God Guyferd
  • Zodiac
  • ?
Czas trwania
  • 9900.0
Oryginalny Tytuł
  • Django Unchained
  • Joueur de cistre
  • Hangs out at La Ratatouille with the rest of the colony.
  • ?
  • ?? tons
  • Zodiac
  • Líder de la manada de ratas
  • ?? meters
  • blazblue crisis reversed
  • Teeth
  • Speed
  • None
  • ジャンゴ
  • Django.jpg
  • Blader
  • Leader of the rat colony
  • Ratatouille
  • ?
  • None
  • Male
  • male
  • super powerfull
  • boy/aquarion
  • "We're not birds, we're rats. We don't leave the nests, we make them bigger."
  • a
wikipage disambiguates
  • Go Inoue
  • Una gran rata gris
  • Clay Wolf 125B
  • Matt Baram
  • Camp des Pérégrins
  • Kingdom Keepers VII: The Insider
  • blazblue crisis reversed
  • Django es un personaje secundario de la película Ratatouille.
  • Django is de vader van Remy en Emile. Hij is ervan overtuigd dat ratten beter zijn dan mensen.
  • thumb|265pxDjango es una película hispano-italiana de 1966, escrita, producida y dirigida por Sergio Corbucci. Protagonizada por Franco Nero, en el papel principal.
  • Ollessaan vielä Mustakissapiraatti, hänellä ei ollut mainittavan arvoista suhdetta Kuron kanssa. Kuro oli laskelmoiva kapteeni, ja Django toteutti hänen toiveensa sen kummempia miettimättä. Joukon hajottua aika kuitenkin kultasi hyvin nopeasti muistot, ja he pitivät toisiaan parhaimpina ystävinään. Jatkuvasti he yrittivät löytää toisensa, mutta kohtalo puuttui peliin, eivätkä he koskaan kohdanneet. Kerran he kävivät jopa tietämättään keskenään sokkotreffeillä paperipussit päässä, jopa naiden toisiaan, mutta eivät silti tunnistaneet toisiaan. Ennen Merivoimiin liittymistä, hän ystävystyi myös heikon tyypin, Fullbodyn kanssa. He himoilevat jatkuvasti Hinan etanaista olemusta ja tanssivat jatkuvasti yhdessä. Jotta he olisivat edes jotenkin Merivoimille hyödyksi, he käyttävät aseenaan jättiläismäistä, telaketjuilla kulkevaa rubikin kuutiota, jonka eri paneeleita painellen he aktivoivat erilaisia aseita, kuten minigunin ja ohjukset. Rubikin kuutio voi muuttua myös muotoaan taistelurobotiksi.
  • Django – amerykański western w reżyserii Quentina Tarantino. Swoją premierę miał 25 grudnia 2012.
  • Musaraigne de l'UGMEC qui joue du tambour.
  • (The "D" is silent) A Spaghetti Western from 1966 directed by Sergio Corbucci (not to be confused with Sergio Leone) and starring Franco Nero as the titular Django, an Old West gunfighter who drags a coffin behind him wherever he goes. Pretty standard set-up: mysterious, Badass stranger comes to town, shoots a lot of bad guys, and plays two groups of outlaws against each other, all in search of revenge and/or money. Had a reputation at the time for being one of the most violent movies ever, though by modern standards it's nowhere close. Inspired a number of other Spaghetti Westerns that also used the word "Django" in their titles, Italian copyright law being pretty lax on stuff like that. Most recently it was announced that Quentin Tarantino is making a film titled "Django Unchained". And the Fandom Rejoiced indeed. Not to be confused with Sukiyaki Western Django(Though pretty clearly inspired by it) or the hypnotist from One Piece. * Badass - Django. He's a Spaghetti Western protagonist, what did you expect? * Bandito * Bloodless Carnage - Except for the infamous ear slicing scene, there's almost no blood in the movie, despite literally dozens of people who get gunned down. * Cavalier Consumption - Eating food is given as a textbook example of villainy. Watch and learn. * Chekhov's Gun - That coffin Django's always carrying around, and that quicksand at the start of the movie. * Fan Service - Three words: hooker mud wrestling. Also, that one prostitute doing a striptease. * Follow the Leader - A Fistful of Dollars was so successful translating Yojimbo into a Wild West setting that the makers of Django decided to do the same thing. And, sure enough, a bunch of later movies then copied Django. * Gorn - When some outlaws cut off a man's ear and make him eat it. That scene got the movie (which is otherwise no more violent than the average Spaghetti Western) banned in several countries. * The Gunslinger - Django, of the Quick Draw and Trick Shot variety. Also acts as a Vaporizer when he pulls the machine gun out of his coffin. * Handicapped Badass - Django, after his hands are broken. * Hooker with a Heart of Gold - Maria and a couple of the other prostitutes. * Improbable Aiming Skills - Django. Even when his hands are broken, he manages to kill six men using six bullets in far less than six seconds. * No-Holds-Barred Beatdown - Django gets one at the hands of Hugo's men and the hooves of Hugo's horses. * No Woman's Land - All the women in the movie are prostitutes, and the outlaws work very hard to keep it that way. * Old Friend - General Hugo Rodriguez, the leader of the Mexican bandits, turns out to be an old friend of Django's. * One-Man Army - Django. It helps that he's the only person with a machine gun. * Roaring Rampage of Revenge - It's unclear how much of Django's violence is this and how much is his quest for gold. * Spaghetti Western - One of the most famous non-Leone examples of the Subgenre.
  • Django is the Emperor of Zylacia a unique planet home to immortals also known as vampires and humans. A civil war had raged on the planet for many years until the signing of the peace treaty by Django Sabata and the leaders of the immortals. The technology on the planet is solar based and also powered by magic. During the civil war Django was bitten by his father who was turned into a vampire. This in turn gave him the ability to turn into a vampire or black Django whenever he felt like it. After the peace treaty and being the chosen one of lore Django was elevated to Emperor. Django still carries the trusty Gun Del Sol and all its many frames and batteries. He also carries the Gun Del Hell a dark matter based gun. After being elected Django went on a military campaign of conquest conquering Tallon IV Bryyo Norion and Elysia.
  • Django (ジャンゴ Jango) is a minor character in Beyblade: Metal Fusion. He is one of Japan's top 20 Bladers. He is known for fast lightning launch which is why he is given the nickname the Bolt. However, his lightning launch is shot down in Mid-air by Tobio, proving that it is not as fast as everyone thought.
  • Django is a character labeled as The Costume Guy in Total Drama Idiots. He was placed on the 'Screaming Parasites' team.
  • Django (ジャンゴ) is a mysterious wolf-like character that plays the role of the sub-final boss in Ehrgeiz. He is a mystical creature seeking a mysterious force, and awaits visitors in the back of the ancient ruins. Django can be unlocked as a playable character by meeting certain conditions in the game. His attacks are similar to certain characters in Tobal 2, such as Dog, Ikkaku, Tri Horn, and Spike Shield. His standard costume is gray fur, however his alternate costume (red fur) has many resemblances to Red XIII. His attack names reference Red XIII, his father Seto and Final Fantasy summons.
  • Django is a Python-based web-development framework. Version 1.0.1 was released on 31 October, 2008. Django is endorsed by Guido von-Rossum, who is the Python benevolent dictator.
  • Django is the father of Remy and Emile, as well as the leader of the rat colony.
  • Tier: 10-A. 9-C with firearms. 8-C with prep Name: Django Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Human Powers and Abilities: Human level attributes, Sharpshooting, Skilled with guns, Very genre-savvy Attack Potency: Athlete level. Street level with firearms (His revolver can blow a hole in a man's head, the rifle that he used could easily kill horses). Building level with prep (Blew up the building at the Candyland plantation with explosives) Speed: Normal Human with Peak Human reactions (Shot a man before he could even reach his gun) Stamina: High Range: Standard melee range, Several meters with his revolver and rifle Intelligence: Average, but he is very unpredictable while fighting Standard Equipment: Revolvers, rifles Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses.
  • Django is Remy and Emile's father and a major character in Ratatouille. He is voiced by Brian Dennehy.
  • Django (蛇五(ジャンゴ), Jango) is the oldest of the brothers. He is the apparent leader and a coldhearted sword master. After watching Jam and Junk fall before Ramenman he begs for his life but then slashes at Ramenman as he walks away. But because Shumai notices it he fails, and Ramenman defeats him with the Kōhō Fuusha. Seiyuu * Koji Totani
is inwoners of
is Familia of
is Family of