  • Q'lava
  • Q'lava
  • Q'lava
  • Q'lava
  • thumb|Eine Schale mit Q'lavas. Q'lavas gehören zu den wenigen Früchten, welche die Vorta gern essen. Anfang 2373 bietet die Vorta Kilana Benjamin Sisko einige Q'lavas an, als die beiden wegen eines abgestürzten Jem'Hadar-Angriffsjägers auf Torga IV verhandeln. Aber Sisko lehnt dies ab. Kilana meint, die Früchte seien nicht giftig und zum Beweis isst sie eine Frucht davon. (DS9: ) Da die Vorta gegen fast alle Gifte immun sind, kann es durchaus sein, dass Q'lava für Menschen giftig sind.
  • Kilana bood kapitein Benjamin Sisko q'lava aan gedurende een patstelling om een Jem'Hadar aanvalsschip op Torga IV. Sisko weigerde dit, ondanks haar verzekering dat het niet vergiftigd was. (DS9: "The Ship") Aangezien de Vorta immuun zijn voor de meeste gifstoffen was het waarschijnlijk slim van Sisko om te weigeren.
  • Q'lavas are fruit that originate from Dominion space. They are popular with the Vorta. In 2373, Kilana offered Benjamin Sisko a q'lava during their negotiations over a Jem'Hadar fighter. She told Sisko they were not poisonous, to which Sisko added "Not to you, anyway". (DS9 episode: "The Ship") In 2376, q'lavas were served on Deep Space 9 at a reception welcoming Bajoran and Cardassian delegates to the station. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: This Gray Spirit)
  • In 2373. Kilana offered q'lava to Captain Benjamin Sisko during a stand-off over a Jem'Hadar attack ship on Torga IV, claiming it to be a personal favorite. Sisko declined, despite her assurances that they were not poisoned. (DS9: "The Ship")
  • thumb|Eine Schale mit Q'lavas. Q'lavas gehören zu den wenigen Früchten, welche die Vorta gern essen. Anfang 2373 bietet die Vorta Kilana Benjamin Sisko einige Q'lavas an, als die beiden wegen eines abgestürzten Jem'Hadar-Angriffsjägers auf Torga IV verhandeln. Aber Sisko lehnt dies ab. Kilana meint, die Früchte seien nicht giftig und zum Beweis isst sie eine Frucht davon. (DS9: ) Da die Vorta gegen fast alle Gifte immun sind, kann es durchaus sein, dass Q'lava für Menschen giftig sind.
  • In 2373. Kilana offered q'lava to Captain Benjamin Sisko during a stand-off over a Jem'Hadar attack ship on Torga IV, claiming it to be a personal favorite. Sisko declined, despite her assurances that they were not poisoned. (DS9: "The Ship") The Star Trek Encyclopedia (citation needed • [ edit]) pointed out that later in DS9 Season 5, in the episode "Ties of Blood and Water" , Weyoun stated that the Vorta are actually genetically engineered to be immune to most forms of poison – which "comes in handy" for a race of diplomats. Weyoun demonstrated this by drinking a glass of poisoned kanar toxic enough to kill a dozen Cardassians. Therefore, as the Encyclopedia says, Sisko was probably wise to decline Kilana's offer, and it is unclear if q'lava is safe for Humans to consume.
  • Kilana bood kapitein Benjamin Sisko q'lava aan gedurende een patstelling om een Jem'Hadar aanvalsschip op Torga IV. Sisko weigerde dit, ondanks haar verzekering dat het niet vergiftigd was. (DS9: "The Ship") Aangezien de Vorta immuun zijn voor de meeste gifstoffen was het waarschijnlijk slim van Sisko om te weigeren.
  • Q'lavas are fruit that originate from Dominion space. They are popular with the Vorta. In 2373, Kilana offered Benjamin Sisko a q'lava during their negotiations over a Jem'Hadar fighter. She told Sisko they were not poisonous, to which Sisko added "Not to you, anyway". (DS9 episode: "The Ship") In 2376, q'lavas were served on Deep Space 9 at a reception welcoming Bajoran and Cardassian delegates to the station. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: This Gray Spirit)
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