  • Kouta Tayen
  • Kouta is a Hunter, born in Ashenvale and raised in Teldrassil. He can be seen mostly traveling Azeroth with his faithful companions Tora, Shiro or Akira. In most cases Kouta may come off somewhat anti-social but it is simply a preference to avoid crowds, especially those of which he is not familiar with. His age remains undeterminable due to certain circumstances. However he is fairly lazy and tries to accomplish anything with as little effort as possible and has a rather childish sense of justice which all add to be obviouse signs he is fairly young for a Kaldorei.
  • Kouta is a Hunter, born in Ashenvale and raised in Teldrassil. He can be seen mostly traveling Azeroth with his faithful companions Tora, Shiro or Akira. In most cases Kouta may come off somewhat anti-social but it is simply a preference to avoid crowds, especially those of which he is not familiar with. His age remains undeterminable due to certain circumstances. However he is fairly lazy and tries to accomplish anything with as little effort as possible and has a rather childish sense of justice which all add to be obviouse signs he is fairly young for a Kaldorei. Unlike many of his kin he doesn't think too seriously of the religeous beliefs of his people and prefers to think of things in a more logical sense, though the interest may be small he still enjoys and makes an effort to partake in the Kaldorei traditions