  • 762
  • 762
  • 762
  • Simone ist zufrieden, dass Lena eingewilligt hat, ihr Taufkleid zu nehmen. Doch was heckt Simone eigentlich aus? Mike entdeckt in der Kirche einen mysteriösen Fremden, der sich als Journalist ausgibt. Als er wenig später am Imbiss auftaucht, wird jedoch klar, dass mehr dahinter stecken muss. Während Jenny eine Geburtstagsüberraschung für Marian plant, wird dieser von Deniz mit einer Kontaktanzeige überrascht. Kategorisch lehnt Marian ab, und erhält dabei Unterstützung von Brigitte , die sich als seine Freundin ausgibt. Und während Jenny dem Treffen mit Marian entgegenfiebert, nimmt Brigitte Marian in Beschlag...
  • El setecientos sesenta y dos (762) es el número natural que sigue al 761 y precede al 763. Categoría:Números
  • Evan and Quentin begin a ceremony, but are interrupted by the arrival of Gregory Trask. Trask overhears their callings and turns it to his advantage. Tomorrow is a full moon. Trask is outside, he is the figure. He's heard some of the summoning. "Perhaps you should have summoned for a doctor," he says when he sees Quentin. Evan tries to cover that he and Quentin was playing a little game, an intellectual exercise, an experiment. Trask leaves. When Quentin laughs at Evan's worry over himself, Evan gets very angry. He also flubs when he says, "She will tell your sister." Evan threatens Quentin who attack Evan but Evan throws him off and kicks him out of the house, telling him to not come back. His light has a lion face on it.
  • 762
  • 1969-05-20
  • 753
  • 1897
  • 1969-05-27
  • 762
  • Simone ist zufrieden, dass Lena eingewilligt hat, ihr Taufkleid zu nehmen. Doch was heckt Simone eigentlich aus? Mike entdeckt in der Kirche einen mysteriösen Fremden, der sich als Journalist ausgibt. Als er wenig später am Imbiss auftaucht, wird jedoch klar, dass mehr dahinter stecken muss. Während Jenny eine Geburtstagsüberraschung für Marian plant, wird dieser von Deniz mit einer Kontaktanzeige überrascht. Kategorisch lehnt Marian ab, und erhält dabei Unterstützung von Brigitte , die sich als seine Freundin ausgibt. Und während Jenny dem Treffen mit Marian entgegenfiebert, nimmt Brigitte Marian in Beschlag...
  • El setecientos sesenta y dos (762) es el número natural que sigue al 761 y precede al 763. Categoría:Números
  • Evan and Quentin begin a ceremony, but are interrupted by the arrival of Gregory Trask. Trask overhears their callings and turns it to his advantage. Tomorrow is a full moon. Trask is outside, he is the figure. He's heard some of the summoning. "Perhaps you should have summoned for a doctor," he says when he sees Quentin. Evan tries to cover that he and Quentin was playing a little game, an intellectual exercise, an experiment. Trask leaves. When Quentin laughs at Evan's worry over himself, Evan gets very angry. He also flubs when he says, "She will tell your sister." Evan threatens Quentin who attack Evan but Evan throws him off and kicks him out of the house, telling him to not come back. His light has a lion face on it. Chimes go off. Minerva comes to Collinwood and is greeted by a malicious Quentin who in turn for the irritating Minerva gives him, sets seeds of doubt in her about Trask and Judith’s relationship. Minerva has come just to give Judith her plum preserves. Minerva also tells Quentin, "I don't drink. The Rev. Trask does not approve of drink especially in women." Judith, Quentin tell she, nips at the brandy frequently. Minerva leaves, Quentin happy he's caused her much distress. Evan calls Quentin to reconcile. Close up on Quentin's mouth. Quentin tells him that Trask has feet of clay. Minerva recounts how he seemed to court the old lady in Providence and another in Boston. She mentions they went to the theater, the restaurants, and planned a trip around the world. The two women did not take him seriously. Trask goes to Evan. Trask tells him, blackmailing him, "You called the devil and you got me." Trask knows that Evan is Satanist, "A Satanist... you are one, aren't you?" Close up on Trask's mouth as he blackmails Evan some more. He wants something from Evan and Evan can use the black arts to do it. Tim is grading papers at the school. Minerva comes in and chastises him for his leniency on the students' work. She wants him to throw out one paper and be harsher on all. She’s a biatch. Trask returns; Minerva leaves. Trask manipulates Tim, telling him how he was once a young teacher also. He says Latin, "I love, you love, he loves." Trask tells him that Evan needs someone to translate a Latin manuscript. In time, Evan can get Tim a job and Trask strongly implies he will let Tim leave here, knowing Tim is unhappy here. Tim is surprised and happy. Trask tells Tim, "I have always known exactly what you are." Evan makes a potion. Trask calls him to tell him Tim is on his way. The potion will be put on the edges of the pages of the manuscript. Evan says they should never have teased Tim about that: it is exactly the right thing to do. Later, Evan has watched Tim translate all night. Tim is put into a trance by the potion and Evan speaks to him. Tim does not know who he is. At the correct signal, Tim will kill on command.
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