  • Noratami
  • It was many years after the event of the Fourth Great Shinobi World War, that the Noratami's unrest lead to an unified revolt, an invasion against the people of Sunagakure. In this event, the Noratami dealt considerable damage to the defenses of the Hidden Sand, and the same revolt lead to the weakened state of Gaara, which was taken advantage of by forces in the shadows. Many of the tribes of the Noratami were wiped out, and those left remaining would be regarded with hate and disdain.
  • It was many years after the event of the Fourth Great Shinobi World War, that the Noratami's unrest lead to an unified revolt, an invasion against the people of Sunagakure. In this event, the Noratami dealt considerable damage to the defenses of the Hidden Sand, and the same revolt lead to the weakened state of Gaara, which was taken advantage of by forces in the shadows. Many of the tribes of the Noratami were wiped out, and those left remaining would be regarded with hate and disdain.