  • Planet Eris
  • The implicit setting of a majority of web comics and roleplaying games. Especially those descended from Sluggy Freelance and Goats. Guess what? Remember last week when The Devil possessed our resident alien when we killed that vampire? Well, this week we've got time traveling wizards on our tail! Good thing we acquired those Psychic Powers from that black monolith two weeks ago, eh? This is the most common setting for the Flat Earth Atheist. Examples of Planet Eris include:
  • The implicit setting of a majority of web comics and roleplaying games. Especially those descended from Sluggy Freelance and Goats. Guess what? Remember last week when The Devil possessed our resident alien when we killed that vampire? Well, this week we've got time traveling wizards on our tail! Good thing we acquired those Psychic Powers from that black monolith two weeks ago, eh? ...Basically, every concept or creature that was ever touched upon in popular culture is not only real, but has a vested interest in the main characters. However, despite the rampant weirdness, everything superficially appears to be identical to the present day. Distinguished from superhero comic book settings in that in comics, the unusual is used as a plot device ("This guy comes from space, and that's why he has powers!"), whereas Planet Eris uses it as a plot enabler ("What if they all go into space, where binocular vision is considered a superpower?"). Often comes hand-in-hand with the Law of Conservation of Normality. Often develops a complex and nuanced Crossover Cosmology. Use of this in a serious manner with separate explanations of how all of the weirdness came to be turns it into a Fantasy Kitchen Sink. This trope is named after Eris, the goddess of Chaos in Principia Discordia, the prime text of the Discordian religion. Also relates to the original Ancient Greek mythology version of Eris as the goddess of discord, strife and quarrels. Look up the The Iliad (especially the Judgement of Paris scene) for one of her most famous roles therein, you know the Original Snub and 'For the Fairest' and the Golden Apple Corps. Not to be confused with Eros, god of sexual love and beauty, or Ares, god of war, or Chaos/Khaos/χάος, who was the void before the creation of gods and earth. Yeah, Greek Myth was involved. Suffice to say Eris is the embodiment of the modern term chaos, discord and the fun stuff. Finally, note that this has nothing to do with the recently discovered dwarf planet Eris, apart from the fact that Discordians did have a hand in suggesting the name. Hey, I've never been there, have you? Ditto for Planet Arus. This is the most common setting for the Flat Earth Atheist. Examples of Planet Eris include: