  • States of Phlebotinum
  • Some Applied Phlebotinum come in multiple states, solid, liquid, gas, plasma, etc. Usually it's necessary to convert it from one state to another in order to use it. May involve Phlebotinum Handling Equipment. Sometimes the alternate state is inherently destructive, in which case it is Toxic Phlebotinum. Examples of States of Phlebotinum include:
  • Some Applied Phlebotinum come in multiple states, solid, liquid, gas, plasma, etc. Usually it's necessary to convert it from one state to another in order to use it. May involve Phlebotinum Handling Equipment. Sometimes the alternate state is inherently destructive, in which case it is Toxic Phlebotinum. A practical manner of Holding Back the Phlebotinum. A writer wanting to assess new mind-blowing powers to their phlebotinum can avoid breaking the plot with the mere existence of such a thing by compartmentalizing the excessive powers to a specific state that will simply be used up or destroyed. Due to rarity or difficulty in making more, it never need be mentioned again. Also can be used to neatly avert the Forgotten Phlebotinum problem. The basic phlebotinum already has established powers that would break the immediate plot if used that way, but instead the writer switches to a new state of the phlebotinum, essentially resetting the list of established powers to zero. Examples of States of Phlebotinum include: