  • Bartender's Memo
  • During his first visit, the memo explains that the code for the door is the final four digits of the bar's phone number. This number isn't written anywhere in the bar or building area; to find it, Henry must return to his apartment and look out of one of the windows of his bedroom. From there he can see a large billboard advertising the bar, complete with a phone number. The code is the last four digits of the number, as described in the memo.
  • During his first visit, the memo explains that the code for the door is the final four digits of the bar's phone number. This number isn't written anywhere in the bar or building area; to find it, Henry must return to his apartment and look out of one of the windows of his bedroom. From there he can see a large billboard advertising the bar, complete with a phone number. The code is the last four digits of the number, as described in the memo. Upon Henry's second visit to Building World and the bar, the memo is different; it now states that the bar had to change its phone number due to complaints. The sign on the roof, as the note mentions, has not been altered yet, but the door combination has: it's now the last four digits of the new phone number. In order to get this number, Henry must go to his apartment and use the phone in his bedroom to call the bar's old number. A recorded message provides the new number, and thus the keycode for the back door.