  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Paladin
  • Coming soon...
  • __TOC__
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Enemy in Shadow Hearts Covenant
  • not found (paladin.gif) 神聖なる光の擁護者にしてAllianceの守護者たるPaladinは、 Tirisfal Gladesの森で荒らされた大地の南へと侵略するForsakenのUndeadたちと戦い、撃退するその勇士を見ることができるでしょう。彼らは Dark Portalからの魔の軍隊に対しての警戒を常に怠っていないのです。Paladinは巨大なハンマーと光の力を行使し、戦いにおいては指揮者として集団 を指揮します。 Paladinは戦士とスペルユーザーのハイブリッドClassです。Paladinは、HealingやSeal、或いは他のAbilityから Groupに加えるのに申し分の無い能力を持っています。PaladinはGroupの全てのメンバーにPaladin毎にひとつAuraの効果を与え、 特定のプレイヤーに対しては特定のSealを使うことができます。 PaladinはDefenes能力に優れ、倒すことがかなり難しいClassです。Paladinは聖なる光によって、他のMelee Classと違い自らを癒すことができます。加えて、幾つかの能力は対Undead/Demon用のものであり、破邪に特化した戦士ともいえます。
  • Paladin (Japanese: 王国兵士 Ōkoku Heishi), or Soldier, is one of the twelve lives the player can choose in to lead in the game Fantasy Life. It may be chosen as the player's main life during the start of the game or can be chosen at any time during the game whilst not in a storyline mission. The Paladin's Life Shop is located at Mt Snowpeak (The Crowned Champion's House).
  • Paladins are holy warriors and followers of Saradomin. They will follow any order given them by their god, and have great faith in him.
  • The Paladin is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. It rides a horse, and prefers using Swords, Sabels, Blades, Cutlasses, and Machetes, as well as equip Horse Armor for its horse.
  • Paladin can be picked at the church of the capital city for your race Paladins gain access to unique abilities such as hands of healing, wrath of god and shield of faith
  • Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection. Attacks land units.
  • The following traits are common to original paladins, cavaliers, and blackguards. * Power Source: Divine. You are a divine warrior, a crusader and protector of your faith. * Armor proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale, plate; light shield, heavy shield * Implement proficiency: Holy symbol * Bonus to defenses: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +1 Will * Hit points: 15 + Constitution score at 1st level, plus 6 every additional level * Healing surges per day: 10 + Constitution modifier
  • The Paladin is mostly similar to the Warrior except for some slightly different equipment choices which are not very significant in the long run. What is significant, however, is that the Paladin is always more resistant to special spell effects and other nasty conditions, in exchange for not being quite as adept at getting multiple strikes with a weapon. Paladins tend to be favorite choices for converting into a Geomancer in The Thief of Fate.
  • thumb|Paladyn Paladyn jest hybrydową klasą świętego wojownika. Jego głównym zadaniem jest walka w zwarciu, którą wspiera swoimi zdolnościami leczniczymi. Paladyni mają odpowiednie zdolności, aby odgrywać odpowiednie role, włączając w to Damage Dealera (Retribution), Tank'a (Protection), oraz Uzdrowiciela (Holy). Mogą używać aur oraz błogosławieństw, które zapewniają użyteczne buffy dla innych graczy pozwalające otrzymywać potężne obrażenia lub takowe zadawać.
  • A Paladin is an NPC located primarily in Ardougne Square but has a singular spawn in Falador Centre. It is a mid level NPC with fairly low hp, which may be ideal for lower levels to train on.
  • Paladin and Deadpool met in the following comics: * Deadpool (volume 3) #8-9 * Thunderbolts #129-131
  • The Paladin is a Hero who becomes available when you have both a level 30 Warrior and level 15 Cleric in your roster. The Role of the Paladin Magical Defense(M.Def) Tank. Because of their high starting Magical Defense, and their M.Def per level rate, Paladin's make the best M.Def tanks in the game.
  • The Paladins are an order of warriors who serve as the pilots of Voltron. The lions choose their pilots, seeking warriors that embody their spirit. In ages past, the Paladins were Alteans, Galras and lived in the Castle of Lions. Ten thousand years after King Alfor hid the lions on planets all across the universe, the lions chose new Paladins: five humans from planet Earth. The motif of the five Paladins is that they embody the five classical elements: water (ice), earth, fire, air, and plant life or "forest." Each has a specific trait that the lion looks for in a pilot.
  • Paladin is the third Class from the Soldier Base Class. Players can attain this class upon completing the Soldier and Knight Growth Ring.
  • Paladin is a slang term for a character with Warrior as the primary profession and Monk as the secondary profession. It is derived from other games such as D&D where "paladin" is often a warrior-type class with healing abilities. See Also: * Warrior Monk
  • Paladin is a mercenary antihero in the Marvel Universe.
  • Paladin is a Giant Monster that is one of the Clockwork.
  • Ah, the Paladin. A Holy Warrior. A Classic Class.
  • Alignment: Lawful good. Hit Die: d10.
  • Paladin is a vocational class in the Dragon Quest game series. Paladins have strong Strength, Speed and Wisdom. To open this class, a character must have mastered a number of skills from both the Priest and Fighter skill sets. In VII, the paladin has a low chance of killing the enemy instantly, regardless of remaining HP. This chance rises when the higher rank the paladin is.
  • Covenant Unit Elite Support Paladin
  • The Paladin (聖騎士 Seikishi?, "Holy Knight") is a recurring job class in the Tales series.
  • The Paladin is the elite unit of the Humans, being heavily armored, and dealing a lot of damage. However, it costs fairly much resources, and needs three buildings, making this an expensive unit. With the Fire Blessing, it deals much more damage, because of the Fireburst the sword gives. The Fire Blessing also provides excellent resistance against Fire Mage users, like Orcs.
  • Paladins are masters of distance weapons. They are particularly skilled in the use of Bows and Crossbows. Overall, paladins are balanced between physical abilities and magical abilities. They advance at an acceptable rate in Melee and Shielding skills, and are not totally inept concerning magical skills, either. Paladins are not severely lacking in any area of ability, but only stand out in their use of distance weapons.
  • There is nothing more encouraging and inspiring in a battlefield than a Paladin fighting for one's side. Whether he or she is defending the exposed flanks or taking the fight to the enemy, a Paladin in action is a wonderful si
  • The Paladin is a unique class that appears in the game Busin 0: Wizardry Alternative Neo for the Playstation 2. It is an upgrade to the Knight class of Wizardry: Tales of the Forsaken Land. Because of the special requirements to become a Paladin, a member of this class cannot be recruited (or a character cannot change into one) until the game has been completed at least once.
  • All The Paladins are devoted to hunting down, and destroying all evil in the lands of Ticova. NOTE: Paladins are only available after becoming a member of the Paladin Order.
  • Sachez que vous progresserez moins rapidement qu'un prêtre ou qu'un mage. Si vous êtes humain le choix de faire paladin est responsable !!... Si vous êtes pressés, attendez votre dernière renaissance (x6 en général).
  • Paladin (パラディン) is a scout character.
  • Paladin is a boss in Breath of Fire II.
  • Paladins are hand-picked members of the Templars.
  • Paladins are special soldiers employed by Gautama.
  • Str: +3 Int: +0 Wis: +1 Dex: +0 Con: +2 Chr: +2
  • The Paladin is a playable character.
  • This page is specifically for the paladin class in BG:EESoDBGIIToBBGII:EE. For the version in BGTotSC, refer to Paladin (Baldur's Gate).
  • The Paladin is a Holy Warrior hybrid class. Their primary role is that of a melee fighter and secondary as a healing class. Paladins have the ability to play a variety of different roles, including DPS (Retribution), Tanking (Protection), and Healing (Holy). They can cast auras and blessings that provide useful buffs for other players while withstanding heavy physical damage with plate armor and strong defensive abilities.
  • Paladin was not a pirate. He or she believed pirates are filthy scum. No, Paladin was a civilized citizen of Alpha Island. But now he or she's banned.
  • The Paladin Project is a TFP program designed to create physically, genetically, technologically, and mentally superior "super-soldiers" as a special fighting force within the TFP Military. It was commissioned by Kal Wardin.
  • How to aquire: To get this class, you need a Rank 10 Warrior (or Warlord) AND Healer (or Acolyte) to get it. Talk to Artix's NPC in Swordhaven to begin the quest chain.
  • Der Paladin ist eine spielbare Klasse aus Diablo II. Er gehört zu den Rittern von Westmarch, die reinen Herzens sind und den Lehren von Zakarum folgen. Sie kämpften einst gegen die Armeen des verrückt gewordenen Köngigs Leoric. Der Paladin ist ein exzellenter Kämpfer, dessen Glaube ihm einen zusätzlichen Schild liefert und für das kämpft, was glaubt, dass es das richtige sei. Seine Standhaftigkeit gibt ihm die Stärke seine Mitstreiter zu inspirieren und weiter anzutreiben. Manche betrachten ihn als religiösen Fanatiker, andere sehen in ihm die Stärke und Tugendhaftigkeit des Lichts.
  • Paladins are renowned warriors and war-leaders. This title is a pure matter of honour, though many paladins are given dangerous lands and made marquises to put their talents to good use.[1a]
  • The Paladin is perfect for assault on an enemy position because of its shield. However, the shield only protects one way and does not allow the user to shoot outwards. Still, a Paladin can be used as a shield for the ground troops, which will be allowed to shoot outwards. The main disadventage of the Paladin is that it cannot beat a Goliath in combat, and therefore, Paladins should try their best to avoid Goliath encounters whenever possible. The vehiclle is also unique in the speed for its weight, being able to travel decent distances quickly, given it has enough time to accelerate. The plasma attack is not powerful enough to kill a Scorpion, or stagger it very well, making the Paladin only able to avoid an incoming kamikaze is to use the hightened speed Paladins have.
  • Die Paladine sind die Geweihten des Lichtgottes Innos und sie verkörpern Innos Willen auf Ardea. Diese überaus mächtigen Krieger sind in der Lage die Magie des Lichts in spezieller Form zu wirken und erhalten auch sonst durch ihren Gott zusätzliche Kräfte. Paladine unterliegen einem strengen Kodex und beten täglich zu Innos, der ihnen von Zeit zu Zeit Visionen oder Aufträge gibt. Paladine lassen keine weltliche Instanz über ihnen gelten, sondern sehen sich als direkte Diener Innos'. Ihr Ordenssitz befindet sich auf einer Insel in Ozeanien.
  • A Paladin is more focused on defense and the ability to heal them selves and later on a friend. A full list of spells can be found on the Spells page. To become a paladin, a player must first reach Level 30 and have the vocation of a warrior. After these requirements have been met you can then embark upon Raymond's Challenge to achieve your Subclass.
  • The noblest of beings, paladins are a strange mixture of both benevolence and arrogance. Preferring combat with honorable weapons such as a shield and sword a paladin's true strength lay in his ability to lead others into combat. Although they have a definate preference for melee combat, paladins are known to heal both themselves and others. The 8% (up to 24% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to beneficial auras is quite noteworthy since auras often benefit the entire group. They can use resurrection gems at level 30. -- In game description
  • Paladin is the eleventh solo campaign mission in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist.
  • The Paladin prays for the power of the holy gods to protect all precious things in battle and to defeat the evil spirits that appear before him. Healing himself through Holy Blessing, the Paladin uses Hate Aura to protect his fellow party members.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ en:Paladin de:Paladin es:Paladin ja:ナイト
  • Players can pickpocket Paladins at level 70 Thieving to gain 151.8 experience, 80 coins and 2 chaos runes, and possibly a court summons.
  • Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) The Paladin is a Champion unit from the Clan Box. The Paladin is able to swap places with any unit on the row that it occupies. This makes it especially useful when friendly units who are worth more, such as a King, are threatened. __TOC__
  • One of LORE's heroes, Artix, is a paladin. The stat used for training this class is strength, but in the future when this and other classes are updated, it will most likely use intellect as well.
  • Paladins are indomitable warriors who've pledged their prowess to something greater than themselves. Paladins smite enemies with divine authority, bolster the courage of nearby companions, and radiate as if a beacon of inextinguishable hope. Paladins are transfigured on the field of battle, exemplars of divine ethos in action. Primary Stat: Strength. Hit Points gained per level: 6.
  • Paladinos são a classe arqueira do Tibia, eles usufruem dos poderes dos poderosos arcos, das lanças, dos arcos bestas (Crossbows) e das armas tacáveis (A classe throwing). Atualmente são considerados a vocação mais equilibrada do jogo, ficam no meio termo entre os knights e os magos (Druids e Sorcerers). Seu arsenal de magias é do elemento Holy (Sagrado).
  • Jason Partridge (October 17, 1969) in Cardiff, Wales and is a Welsh professional working for the Facebook promotion Wrestler:Unstoppable's company Tri State Champions.
  • Den här sidan saknar innehåll. Om du har något vettigt att skriva, eller är bra på att översätta, gör det. Paladin är en av spelarklasserna. De använder för det mesta distansvapen, till exempel pilbåge och spjut.
  • Paladins are masters of distance weapons, e.g. Bows, Crossbows, Spears and Stars. Paladins are balanced between physical and magical abilities. They advance very fast in Distance and are not totally inept concerning magical skills. Compared to Knights, Paladins increase at the same rate in Shielding and advance slightly slower in Melee. Paladins are not severely lacking in any ability, but their forte is the use of distance weapons.
  • The following are changes in the Paladin class from its listing in Paizo material.
  • The paladin is a hybrid class with the ability to play all three major roles, including healing, tanking and DPS. They have auras, blessings and seals that provide useful buffs for other players while wearing plate armor to heavily mitigate damage and strong defensive abilities. Paladins are considered holy knights or blood knights. Paladins begin the game able to wear plate. Paladins can use a shield. Paladins use melee weapons, including one- and two-handed axes, maces and swords, as well as polearms.
  • Paladins are found in East Ardougne, wandering near the castle and market. They are from Ardougne's Holy Order of Paladins, and wear the symbol of Saradomin. Three paladins are found in the Underground Pass and must be killed during the quest. They have special drops related to the quest. Players can pickpocket Paladins at level 70 Thieving to gain 151.8 experience, 80 coins and 2 chaos runes.
  • Paladin is Wulder's adviser to his people on earth. He is the leader of Amara as well as the commander of the Amara Military, and is the main rallying point of the fight against Pretender. While seemingly immortal, his health is affected when people's belief in Wulder fades. He has numerous mystical abilities given to him by Wulder. His death almost occurred in the fourth book due to Wulder's fading influence.
  • The Paladin is the Crincillin military's answer to the threat of air raids. Able to obliterate aircraft with little resistance, it's deployed to make sure that no opposition stays airborne. In the blink of an eye, the Paladin can lift off into the atmosphere to pummel anything unfortunate enough to still be on the ground.
  • A Paladin is one of the highest military commanders in the Reef. There are seven Paladins: four commanding the Royal Armada, two commanding the Royal Army, and one commanding the Royal Awoken Guard.
  • Guerrier solide et polyvalent entrainé à encaisser les coups, le paladin utilise la magie et les symboles sacrés pour attirer les ennemis à lui. Il peut alors décider de se protéger derrière un bouclier, ou bien renvoyer les dégâts grâce à de puissantes barrières magiques.
  • Do you believe in Odin? Witness the Paladin's might and see the power of the divine for yourself! Non-believers are sure to convert and sinners will repent! The Paladin is a shining symbol of piety and devotion who uses his fighting ability in the service of Odin and his fellow man. His skills can punish the wicked or inspire the faithful.
  • Captain "Paladin" is the callsign of Yankee Team's Ghost Lead. He is active in the near future. He leads his team in Taiwan against the Phantoms. Following the raid, his team returned to base. He talked with them and served as a sounding board for their concerns. He was then called to the interrogation room to talk to the captured Phantom Virgil. Paladin favors the Blitz technology and the F2000.
  • Paladin (PLDN) is a recurring promoted class in the Shining series. It is the default promotion option for knights.
  • The paladin is a hybrid class with the ability to play a variety of different roles — including healing (Holy), tanking (Protection), and DPS (Retribution). They have auras, blessings and seals that provide useful buffs for other players while withstanding heavy physical damage with plate armor and strong defensive abilities. Paladins are also considered to be holy knights or blood knights.
  • El Paladin es un ejercito cinco-en-uno creado por Hal-G. Se usaron como protección de Naga en su pelea contra Dragonoid Ínfinito
  • The perfect heathen slaying unit for those following the noble path, the Paladin is immune to disease and gets a bonus against demons. Paladins are the strongest Disciple unit. Only Good aligned players can build Paladins.
  • The Armor has been redesigned and now grants Inner Light, an automatic healing stat taking effect each round. New official weapons and helmet can be bought from Artix.
  • Holy Infantry slightly less effective than Knights in melee combat. Paladins can cast holy magic to heal allies and damage undead units including ghouls.
  • Despite lacking Bloodlines, the Franks have the strongest Paladin in the game due to their civilization bonus.
  • Paladins are holy warriors. The operative words being holy, as in divinely inspired or patronized, and warrior, which implies an amount of martial prowess in terms of being used against other living, and unliving things. All paladins must have a patron deity, and for good reason, without it they'd lose the majority of their class abilities, and they'd have no idea how to live their lives. Paladins are required to have a code. They must live by a set of principles or ethics to maintain their class. If you want to arbitrarily decide how to do good, and do it without 'restrictions', the chaotic equivalent of the paladin is the Holy Liberator.
  • Los Paladines son maestros en distance weapons, p.e. Bows, Crossbows, Spears y Stars. Los Paladines tienen un buen balance entre habilidades físicas y mágicas. Avanzan muy rapido en Distance y no son totalmente inútiles usando mágia. Comparado con los Knights, los Paladines incrementan su Shielding de forma similar y avanzan un poco más despacio en Melee. Paladins are not severely lacking in any ability, but their forte is the use of distance weapons.
  • На это существо 4 умением советуется ставить: ледяную броню( так как существо имеет способность мишень, то он пробивает любую броню, а комбинация ледяная броня + злость поможет быстро набрать урон, что поможет паладину очень больно бить по врагу. С этого существа можно снять злость.
  • A paladin is a fervent knight of his deity. He is a champion of justice, a destroyer of evil. Paladins in Polaqu differ slightly from the standard described in PHB.
  • Paladins are a Star Child class available in Conception 2. They are very defensive units who wield spears into battle. They are not initially unlocked, and become unlocked late into the game as Feene is the only mother with the same stat distribution shape as them.
  • Paladins of the Chatos Academy were early forerunners of the Jedi Knights. Paladins was also a name for the palace guards of Iziz; however, they obviously were unrelated to the former. A Paladin character is mentioned in the Rodian play The Trickery of Vosdia Nooma.
  • The paladin is the Tier 5 class following in the phalanx hybridizing even further in the combination of the sword and shield skills whit power of sacred magic .
  • En Paladin er en spilbar klasse i World of Warcraft, og ifølge Loren har de været der siden Den Anden Krig. Det var i midt Den Anden Krig at der kom disse hellige krigere. Lord Uther Lysbringeren og Alonsus Faol dannede The Silver Hand, som var en gruppe hellige krigere, senere kaldt Paladiner. The Silver Hand smulrede i løbet af Den Tredje Krig, fordi kronprinsen af Lordaeron, Arthas Menethil dræbte Uther.
  • A Paladin is a level 3, human unit. It promoted from Knight and it was the highest possible upgrade for this line of profession. It equiped with Charge skill which allow it to boost it attack while attacking it enemies but in return the enemies counterattack is also being boost. On top of that it also proceess the ability to heal +4 which allows all the friendly unit adjacent to it being heal on thier wound.
  • "The way of the Paladin is to seek to know that which truly is. The Paladin strives to learn his own inner nature and that of others. The Paladin does whatever needs to be done to bring light to the world. Not for glory, not for gain, the Paladin becomes a Paladin because it is his will." (Rakeesh) A Paladin is a person of Honor. The more good deeds one accomplishes, the more abilities they have at their command - the most noticeable being a blue flame surrounding the blade of their weapon (which is traditionally a sword).
  • Paladins are the back bone of every good party. They've got great Defense and Health, but have lacks in their offensive side. They learn powerful Aura's, which can either protect the party or buff them in some ways. As a Paladin, you will be counted on as a Cleaner or a Tanker. With their lacks in offensive abilities, they mostly uses them as human shields for the party or cleaning up, after the AoE'rs.
  • [[Datei:Cecil Harvey Dissidia.png|thumb|Cecil als Dunkelritter und Paladin aus Dissidia: Final Fantasy]] Der Paladin ist ein wiederkehrender Beruf in der Final Fantasy-Serie mit magischen Fähigkeiten. Welche magischen Fähigkeiten er besitzt, ist aber von Spiel zu Spiel unterschiedlich. Vornehmlich Cecil Harvey, welcher im Laufe der Handlung von Final Fantasy IV vom Dunkelritter zum Paladin wird, wird mit eben diesem Beruf assoziiert. Weitere Charaktere, die mit dieser Charakterklasse in Verbindung gebracht werden, sind Celes Chere aus Final Fantasy VI sowie Beatrix aus Final Fantasy IX.
  • Diese Fähigkeit kostet 2 Lernpunkte. Wer sie erlernt hat, richtet gegen alle "bösen" Gegner (Untote, Dämonen, Vampire, Werwölfe) im Nahkampf +10 Schadenspunkte an.
  • Paladins are a melee-oriented class with an exceptional talent for Divine Magic. They have an excellent skillset featuring healing, concentration, athletics, dodge, literacy, and stealth; superior starting equipment (typically blessed); and have a variety of special powers linked to a favourable standing with their god. Paladins can be played well by almost any race. Drakelings, dark elves, orcs, and dwarves are notably good choices.
  • As an ally, the paladin comes in a variety of either grey-gold, black, or blue, and has many helmet customizations. He has the ability to wield weapons, shields, and amulets like you do. Another feature is that you can transform into the Paladin, so you can look and fight as him.
  • Though not directly called such, by the end of Mask of Eternity, Connor had become a sort of Paladin of ideals. Wearing the holy Armor of Light, wielding the Sword and Shield of Truth, and holding the Chalice of Order.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ de:Paladin fr:Paladin es:Paladín ja:ナイト
  • The Paladin (パラディン Paradin) is a horse-mounted combat physical class that recurrently appears across the Fire Emblem Series, beginning from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light. Commonly the promoted form of the Cavalier class, the equipment armed by the Paladin class varies depending on the title. On the whole, Paladins are known to be outfitted with Swords and Lances as their primary weapons of choice. A game's Jagen archetype is likely to be a Paladin.
  • Paladins are monsters located in East Ardougne. They require level 70 Thieving to pick-pocket, granting 152 experience, 80 coins and 1 Chaos-Rune per pickpocket. A large group of Paladins can be found in a small room on the second floor of King Lathas' castle but to access the room again level 70 Thieving is required. Three paladins are also encountered during the Underground Pass quest. They must be killed for the insignia they carry which allows deeper access into the dungeon.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ en:Paladin fr:Paladin es:Paladin ja:ナイト
  • Paladin on ihminen Ardougnessa. Niitä on ympäri kaupunkia. Ne käyttävät Meleetä. Jos haluaa varastaa paladineilta thieving pitää olla 70. 1. * OHJAUS
  • Le Paladin est une arme fiable et durable, développée par les forces de l’ordre en quête d’une arme compacte et puissante pour leurs agents infiltrées.Incroyablement petite par rapport à sa puissance, le Paladin est une variante du pistolet lourd Carnifex. Son chargeur est plut petit que celui du Carnifex, mais il est bien plus puissant. 1. * REDIRECTION
  • Paladins are warriors of good and utilise the skills of Chivalry, Devotion, and Forging.
  • Le Paladin a de nombreux builds possibles. Il est une des classes les plus adaptables en ayant des builds bons pour le JcM (comme Hammerdin) et des builds bons pour le JcJ (comme FoHer).
  • Il Paladin è una classe ibrida, cioè ha la caratteristica che può essere giocata in diversi ruoli in base ai talenti scelti: Holy (Healer), Retribution (DPS), Protection (Tank). Sono dotati di aure, blessing e seal che forniscono utili buff agli altri giocatori. I paladin, così come i Death Knight e i Warrior, possono indossare oggetti Plate, in modo da fornire un'ottima armatura contro i danni fisici. La classe paladin è considerata unicamente dell'Alleanza(sono infatti denominati all'interno di questa fazione "I Cavalieri Sacri"):nel combattimento possono sopportare ogni tipo di dolore(fungendo nel ruolo di tank) e possiedono le abilità tipiche del Guerriero,ma, essendo dotati di più spiritualità, possiedono anche gli stessi poteri magici dei Sacerdoti, quali gli attacchi magici sacri, l
  • Paladin Paladin is a guild dedicated to helping members play Dofus to the best of their ability. Our guild name, Paladin, means "Knights who do good deeds" Founded on November 5, 2006 we are currently a level 44 guild with close to our maximum membership level. Members have access to the guild house, owned by the guild leader Shawsheen located in Bonta. We are very involved in Dragoturkey breeding and own 3 paddocks for this purpose and for members in which to house their mounts. We value dedicated mature players who posses a desire to participate in group activities, socialize, and have fun.
  • Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers Effect: Continuously attacks opponents until their dead MP Cost: 0 Prerequisites: Rank 1 Recharge Time: 1 second Description: A quick strike dealing weapon damage plus magical damage. Also grants Zeal, allowing mana regeneration when dealing or recieveing damage for 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Rank 1 Recharge Time: 2 seconds Description: Heals up to two friendly players MP Cost: 25 Prerequisites: Rank 2 Recharge Time: 6 seconds Description: Magical. A light based damage attack, works well on undead enemies MP Cost: 15 Prerequisites: Rank 3 MP Cost: 40
  • Not many Paladins are encountered by the Order of the Stick. Almost all of them are associated with the Azure City and are devoted to the Twelve Gods. Soon Kim, a Paladin of the City, founded the Sapphire Guard of Paladins to protect his gate. In OOTS comics, when Paladins summon their Holy Paladin Mount, (an animal which they ride and fight on) they use a Pokeball and say ", I choose you!", a reference to Pokemon. Paladins who perform evil deeds, are punished by their gods and lose their properties, like what happened to Miko Miyazaki when she murdered Lord Shojo.
  • Role: Paladins serve as beacons for their allies within the chaos of battle. While deadly opponents of chaos, they can also empower goodly souls to aid in their crusades. Their magic and martial skills also make them well suited to defending others and blessing the fallen with the strength to continue fighting. Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral Hit Die: d10 Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 hl (average 175 hl) Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. All of the following are class features of the paladin. Learning martial techniques is described in the Skills Section of this system.
  • O Paladin é um cavaleiro sagrado, consagrado pelos poderes e divindades do bem e da luz. Paladins são escolhidos pelos poderes divinos e de nenhuma outra maneira. Apesar de existirem muitos que possuam uma ou mais qualidades para ser um Paladin, somente aqueles que são verdadeiramente exemplos perfeitos do poder da luz são escolhidos para se tornarem Paladins. Image:TA2-HumePaladin.jpg
  • The Paladin's specialty is his ability to swap Oaths (or Stances). He can choose to battle in Oath of Judgment or Oath of Protection which can be switched via his 3rd active skill. File: Shiny.png His Resource bar increases every time a skill is cast.
  • Die Berufung des Paladins besteht darin, die Schwachen zu beschützen, den Ungerechten ihre gerechte Strafe zuteil werden zu lassen und das Böse aus den düstersten Ecken der Welt zu verbannen. Diese heiligen Krieger schützen sich mit einer Plattenrüstung, um selbst den herausforderndsten Gegnern entgegen treten zu können. Mit dem Segen des Lichts können sie Wunden heilen und in einigen Fällen sogar Tote zum Leben erwecken.
  • The Paladins are members of an extremist secret society dedicated to eliminating Jumpers. Jumpers and Paladins are at "war" according to Griffin. According to Griffin, Paladins have been around since medieval times and have been hunting and killing Jumpers ever since. They justify their discriminatory actions by claiming, "Only God should have the power to be all places at all times". Griffin also mentions that there are hundreds of people within the Paladin society.
  • A Paladin is a holy knight, crusading in the name of good and order, and a divine spellcaster. By definition and game restriction, a paladin is almost always of lawful good alignment. A paladins is expected to demonstrate and embody goodness – they are not supposed to lie or use poison. A paladin is a champion of justice and destroyer of evil, protected and strengthened by an array of divine powers.
  • A paladin was a holy crusader, sworn to an oath to promote and fight for their beliefs and values. As paragons of their beliefs, paladins were granted the ability to wield divine magic by deities or similar powers. So long as a paladin stayed true to their oath, they retained the ability to wield these powers. The life of a paladin more commonly attracted good persons to it than those with malice in their heart, but evil paladins were not unheard of.
  • Paladin left his city and crossed the Badlands to do some target shooting with his revolver. At Roundabout Creek, he met the young Mobian Prince Emerson, son of King Theodore. Paladin demonstrated his shooting by hitting a branch of the tree above him, intriguing the young Mobian. He let Emerson try to shoot a branch himself, but the recoil knocked the young prince on his back. Paladin then sought to show off his ability by shooting something challenging, something that moves, and he took aim at a nearby bird. However, before he pulled the trigger, Emerson jumped in the way of the shot and was killed.
  • Paladins are the virtuous defenders of the weak and tireless enemies of the undead. Mixing elements of the warrior and the clerics of the Holy Light, the paladin is a tough melee fighter. The tradition of the Holy Light is unique to a few of the Alliance races and the blood elves of the Horde. Here is a list of .
  • Ze względu na bardzo małą prędkość poruszania się, jest to czołg o charakterze defensywnym. Jego bronią jest działo laserowe, które zadaje słabsze obrażenia niż te używane w Goliacie (Goliath), jednak dobrze spisuje się przeciwko piechocie oraz pojazdom latającym ze względu na bardzo duży kąt nachylenia głównej wieżyczki (prawie 90 stopni). Jego największym atutem jest możliwość rozłożenia ochronnej tarczy (PPM), która niweluje wszystkie ataki w jej obrębie. Czas, przez jaki tarcza może zostać rozłożona, determinuje wskaźnik pozostałej energii, która może dodatkowo spadać w skutek ataków. Istnieje także specjalne combo, które łączy użycie obydwu trybów ognia. Aby tego dokonać, należy rozłożyć tarczę a następnie użyć pierwszego trybu ognia. Spowoduje to wytworzenie małej fali uderzeniowej w
  • Alignment restrictions: lawful good only Hit die: d10 Proficiencies: armor (light, medium, heavy), shields, weapons (martial, simple) Skill points: 2 + int modifier ( (2 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level) Skills: concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, lore, parry, persuade, ride, taunt Unavailable feats: curse song, extra music, lingering song, quicken spell, weapon specialization These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of paladin. Primary saving throw(s): fortitude
  • PaplovagA Szent Fény támogatói, a Szövetség védelmezői, a paplovagok megtalálhatóak Tirisfal Tisztás északi erdőitől kezdve (ahol az Élőhalottak előrehaladását próbálják megakadályozni) az Átkozott Földek déli vidékéig, szüntelenül vigyázva területüket a Sötét Portálon túlról érkező démoni hordákkal szemben. Hatalmas kalapácsaikkal és a Szent Fény erejével felvértezve ezek a szent harcosok csapatokat irányítanak a harcok során, s mindvégig a csata sűrűjében forgolódnak. Engedélyezett fajok: Ember Ember Ember, Törp Törp Törpe, Vérelf Vérelf Vérelf, Draenei Draenei Draenei
  • These noble warriors hail from Trinsic, in the warm southern reaches of Britannia. There, the sworn oath can be taken at great value, and none fear betrayal, for the paladins live the virtue of Honor. Their deep beliefs in the value of good lend strength to their magic, which they wield with a certain flair. Paladins have a very strict code which they live by. They value this code above all things, including their own life. Paladins never steal or start petty squabbles. Because a paladin is so skilled and trustworthy, they are respected by everyone, and doubted by no one. They are a powerful and trustworthy companion on even the most perilous journey.
  • Paladins take their adventures seriously, and even a mundane mission is, in the heart of the paladin, a personal test - an opportunity to demonstrate bravery, to learn tactics, and to do good in the world. Divine power protects these warriors of virtue, warding off harm, protecting them from disease, healing them and their allies, and guarding against fear. Finally, a paladin can use this power to destroy evil. Even a novice paladin can detect evil, and more experienced paladins can smite evil foes and turn away undead. Many of the paladin's special abilities also benefit from a high charisma score.
  • The Paladin is a hybrid class focusing on tanking and Psionics. How to Obtain: From the previous Mystic+Combat classes, Paladin can be reached simply by training Psionics. From any other class, it's easiest to obtain by training Weapons and Mystic only. Using Items runs a high risk of getting one of the Item-related classes instead. X360: Units can only start in this class. Upgrade Options: PC options: Being a Rank 5 class the Paladin does not have a lot of upgrade options left. The only straight upgrade is a Sovani class: For non-Sovani, this is the only straight upgrade:
  • The Paladin rips through his enemies with both Pistols and Blades. He is not only a damage specialist able to deal with most situations, but also has quite a few tricks up his sleeve. He uses strong Focus attacks to deal high amounts of damage, and can not only Impair and Afflict is foes, but also teleport to them and create his own zone of dominance on the battlefield.
  • Paladins kun je vinden in Ardougne, vaak rond het kasteel en de markt. Vanaf level 70 Thieving kun je ze bestelen, voor 151,75 ervaring, met als buit 80 coins en 2 chaos runes. Weinig mensen trainen combat op hen, omdat ze goedkope spullen achterlaten, de besten zijn level 2 clue scrolls, en ze kunnen vaak 8 hitten. Paladins zullen spelers aanvallen wanneer ze van de stallen met zilver, edelstenen en specerijen steelt. Ze zitten in de gilde: Ardougne's Holy Order of Paladins.
  • En paladin er en hybrid som kjemper i nærkamp og en sekundær spellcaster. Paladiner har muligheten til å spille mange roller, herav tank, healing eller DPS. De kan kaste auraer og blessings som skaffer gode buffs for andre spillere mens de står imot mye skade med plate rustning. Paladins er en defensiv klasse designet for å vare lengre enn sine motstandere. Paladins har også diverse Undead-spesifikke evner som Exorcism, Holy Wrath og Turn Undead som gjør de veldig effektive når de kjemper mot demoner og undeads (ikke spillerklassen Undead).
  • This page is about the Empire City Guardsman. For the trait, please see the Avatar Trait Lawyers for Sapphire Comics, the publishers who produce the hit ‘Lady Lightning’, ‘Justiciar’, ‘Southern Belle’ and ‘Erinyes’ comic books, have filed a suit in New York Superior Court against local superheroes Dr. Thunder and Paladin. The lawsuit claims that Dr. Thunder and Paladin infringe upon the Distinctive Likeness of the copyrighted characters Lady Lightning and Justiciar. Lawyers for the Empire City Guard , the team that both Dr. Thunder and Paladin work with, completely dismiss these charges. “This is obviously a cheap attempt to drum up publicity for the DVD release of the ‘Lady Lightning’ movie. The similarities of dress and ability of the copyrighted characters and these two real, living per
  • Numerous Paladin orders exist/have existed. The position of "Paladin" stems at least as far back as the Protectors of the Word, which were formed just prior to Rakkis's crusade against the West. Since this time, different sects of Paladins have formed, with separate goals and bases of operation. What these orders share in common (in theory at least) is their devotion to the teachings of Akarat and spreading the Zakarum faith. By the End of Days however, many Paladin orders had been disbanded. Some formed new orders (such as the Templars), while others went rogue or freelance. Others have simply died. While the Knights of Westmarch continue to function, they have distanced themselves from the Zakarum, and are more focused on defending Westmarch from physical rather than spiritual harm.
  • thumb Der Paladin (Plural Paladine, lat. palatinus) ist eine der in World of Warcraft wählbaren Charakterklassen. Sein Platz in der Geschichte von Warcraft ist vor allem die Figur des edlen Verteidigers der Armen und Wehrlosen, sowie Erzfeind der Untoten.
  • Paladins are a class of heavily-armored fighters with a focus on defense and the protection of their companions. They are related to the Knight class, but unlike the knight, have a strong affinity with "Light", in its metaphorical, spiritual sense, giving them access to White Magic to cure themselves, as well as various protective spells to raise their resistance to physical and magical damage. It is common for the Paladin class to be able to be taken up by Knights after completing a lengthy quest (usually involving the destruction of a powerful and threatening opponent;often a Dragon), during the process of which he or she will be a Crusader, and become a Paladin after its succesful completion. The opposite of the Paladin is the Dark Lord.
  • Paladin eli temppeliritari on monipuolinen hahmoluokka. Paladinit pystyvät toimimaan niin tankkeina, parantajina, kuin vahingon tuottajina (DPS). Parantamiseen Paladinit käyttävät Pyhää Valoa, (Holy Light) kun taas muihin rooleihinsa sekoitusta Pyhää Valoa ja lähitaistelutaitoja. Paladinin erikoisuuksia ovat aurat, joita voi laittaa yhden kerrallaan päälle. Kaikki paladinin lähellä olevat pelaajat saavat aurasta saman bonuksen tai buffin. Auroja on viittä erilaista tyyppiä: Crusader Aura: lisää mountin nopeutta 20 % muut mountin nopeutta lisäävät buffit ei tehoa.
  • HD : d10 BaB Progression : Good Saves :Fort Good (See Divine Grace) Skills : 2+INT Class skills : Concentration, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty, Religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive. Special : Lawful Good. A paladin that stops being Lawful or Good loses all special class abilities but keeps his BaB and Save Progression. A paladin that multiclasses can't progress anymore in the Paladin class but retain all special abilities as long as he remains Lawful Good. Stats priorization : STR > CHA > CON > WIS > DEX > INT
  • Orginally Palatinus was a title for a servant of the Emperor of Rome of Mons Palatinus.The Palatinii were considered important personages of the empire for having the emperor´s trust. Later Paladins became the Knights of the Palace, entrusted Nobles who were represantants of the Emperor.The Paladin evolved into the Title Count Palatine or Pfalzgraf in Germany.In Hungary the Palatin or Comes Palatinus was the first minister and chief-commander of the army, the highest official of the kingdom.
  • Paladins are holy knights, venturing into foreign lands to defend their faith. These valiant crusaders often journey with clerics, defending them in situations where physical force becomes necessary. Paladins strive to do good deeds in the name of the Powers, and will struggle to prevent injustice wherever they find it. They are well-known around the world for their extraordinary courage in the face of danger. A Paladin's primary attribute is Courage.
  • The Paladin is similar to a Cleric in that they are a dedicated follower of their deity and are capable of healing their companions. This is really where the similarity ends, where a Cleric is much more of a spell caster than a Warrior, the Paladin is a Warrior with a few of the capabilities of a Cleric. Paladins are the militant arm of their Temple, performing the duties that require a more soldierly approach, Paladins are extensively trained in close combat with their magical abilities only a supplement to their other skills.
  • Paladins zijn de heilige krijgers van Azeroth. Ze kunnen de zwaarste armor van het spel dragen en hun heilige krachten gebruiken om zichzelf of anderen te helen. Ze zijn een voorbeeld voor de maatschappij, en doen alles wat goed is. Het heilige licht (hetgene waarin ze geloven) geeft hun de kracht om de slechte te veroordelen, zichzelf kracht te geven en om andere mensen van het slechte te beschermen. Paladins hebben extra krachten tegen ondode en duivelse creaturen. Voor mensen die met een edele ridder willen spelen, is de paladin perfect.
  • __TOC__ Where fighters are the pinnacle of martial combat, the paladin blends martial skill with devotion to a righteous deity, cause, or organization. The paladin is held to a much higher standard than members of any other classes, including clerics and monks. If a paladin betrays these standards they face spiritual penalty as well as the possibility of facing a penance, or even worse being removed from their order.
  • He sought Daredevil while engaged in an assignment to track down the Purple Man, and battled Daredevil. He clashed with Daredevil a second time after the crime fighter inadvertently interfered with Paladin's search for the Purple Man. Paladin allied with Daredevil in battle against the Cobra, the Jester, and Mister Hyde, who were under control of the Purple Man. He was offered 10 million dollars by mobster Vincent Mangano to kill the Punisher. Paladin agreed to this arrangement, but did not succeed, and in the ensuing fight both of his legs were broken by the U.S. Agent.
  • Alignment restrictions: lawful good only Hit die: d10 Proficiencies: armor (light, medium, heavy), shields, weapons (martial, simple) Skill points: 2 + int modifier ( (2 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level) Skills: concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, lore, parry, persuade, ride, taunt Unavailable feats: curse song, extra music, lingering song, quicken spell, weapon specialization These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of paladin. Base attack bonus: +1/level
  • Completion of Lv20. Mounting Ordeals
  • Shawsheen
  • 40
  • 1
  • 20
  • 30
  • 49
  • 62
  • 00769C
  • FFF701
  • 10
  • 22
  • +3
Main Character
  • Paladin; Paladin .png
  • 5
  • 7.500000
  • 10
  • middle STR light INT
  • 14
  • 35
  • 5
АТК за ур
  • 32
Row 9 info
  • N/A
  • Stun Gun, Bulletproof Body Suit, Helmet
  • 79
  • Human
Row 8 info
  • Knight
  • Highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant Skilled marksman, actor, espionage agent, bodyguard and detective
  • Cavalier
  • Troubadour
Базовые ХП
  • 857
  • 84
  • Combo effect: When used after Defense Stance, damage taken by you will be increased to 50%.
  • Combo effect: When used after Smash, Hard Smash, or [[#Fateful Smash
Row 4 info
  • 8
  • Defenders, Heroes for Hire, The Intruders, Thunderbolts, Wild Pack
Erscheint in
Battle Start
  • Justice is on our side!
Row 10 title
  • Icon
  • 0
acc magic
  • 0
  • 40
Row 7 title
  • Powers
  • Alignment
  • 13
  • +0
  • Artefaktwaffen
  • Paladine
  • Klassenbeschreibung
  • Klassenhalle
  • P&P
  • Buchband der Uralten Könige
aff magic
  • 65
  • 30
  • 3270
  • 1750
  • Paladin
  • 2
  • 90
  • 57
  • See table
  • -10
skill lv
  • A single ally recovers 50% / 15% chance
  • A single ally recovers 70% / 20% chance
  • Archie Valry
  • 87
Row 1 info
  • Humans
  • Paladin [unverified]
  • 4
  • Gold Knight
  • A holy warrior.
  • A holy warrior.
  • A paladin of Ardougne
  • no
Row 8 title
  • Skills and Abilities
  • Advances from:
  • 100
  • Yellow/Green
  • 8
  • +8
max hit
  • 8
  • 9
  • 127
  • 155
  • 192
  • 4
  • No
  • Nee
  • 2400.0
max magic
  • 0
  • 76
Row 4 title
  • Movement
  • Team Affliations
  • by Dec 14th 2011 at 4:00PM
Row 9 title
  • Paraphernalia
  • Advances to:
max spec
  • 0
attack speed
  • 5
  • 6
acc melee
  • 536
aff weakness
  • 90
  • 2
  • 9000.0
  • 8
  • 77
  • +8
  • none
  • 112.670000
  • 3
  • 8
Цена в колоде
  • 12
aff melee
  • 55
Row 2 info
  • 58
  • Daredevil #150
Row 6 info
  • 3
  • Mobile
Row 1 title
  • Race
  • Real Name
  • Infinite
max ranged
  • 0
  • Paladin
Drop rate
  • 2
  • 17
  • +2
Always Drops
Row 5 info
  • AMLA
  • Paul Dennis, Paul Denning
  • 0.0
  • 9
  • 54
  • +9
  • none
  • 56
  • 71
Row 2 title
  • Cost
  • First Appearance
  • Paladin
  • Kapelle des Hoffnungsvollen Lichts
  • Buchband der Uralten Könige
  • Paladin/Artefakte
  • Paladin/Klasse
  • Paladin/P&P
aff ranged
  • 45
Attack style
acc ranged
  • 0
  • No
  • Nee
  • 100
ХП за ур
  • 37
Row 6 title
  • Base of Operations
  • Level
  • 64
  • 252
  • 3450
  • +5%
Базовая АТК
  • 293
friendship max
  • Please be gentleman in front of me.
  • 49
  • H
  • +3
  • パラディン
  • 5
  • Coins
  • Bones
  • Iron bar
  • Mithril bar
  • Steel bar
  • Blood-Rune
  • Steel Short Sword
  • Water-Rune
  • Steel Long Sword
  • Large Steel Helmet
  • 7
  • 9
  • 30
  • 35
  • 40
  • Unknown
  • -
Row 10 info
  • Mystic > Item
  • Significant Mystic: Psionics
Row 5 title
  • Aliases
  • XP
  • 40
friendship event
  • I admire your noble soul!
  • I give this body to you.
  • H...however I shall not forgive any shameful behavior.
battle end
  • Sorry, I couldn't protect you.
  • PaladinUT2004.jpg
  • PaladinUT3.png
max melee
  • 175
Row 3 info
  • 65
  • Jim Shooter, Carmine Infantino
  • 0
  • Common
  • Rare
  • R
  • Uncommon
  • Very Rare
  • Always
  • Very rare
  • always
  • rare
Row 3 title
  • Creators
  • HP
  • 2270000
Critical Chance
  • 0
  • 0
  • -
  • 1
  • No
  • Nee
  • If you steal from spice, silver or gem stall.
  • 55
  • 0
Row 7 info
  • Lawful
  • Slightly superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and durability
  • none
  • 0
  • I'm glad we meet again……
  • Shall we…. get to cutting?
  • Ambush 6
  • Bullseye
  • Anger 8
immune to poison
  • No
  • Nee
race restriction
  • Humans only.
able to cast priest spells
  • Starts casting priests spells at level 9.
usable alignments
  • Only lawful good.
weapon restrictions
  • Able to wield all weapons.
notable professionals
quick weapon buttons
  • Three
body armor restriction
  • All, expect mage robes
cap proficiency points
  • Two for each proficiency.
character abilities
  • Charisma, wisdom, strength and constitution.
class group
  • Warrior
additional lore points
  • + 1/lvl.
able to cast mage spells
  • No
shield restriction
  • All shields available.
starting profiency points
  • Four
additional proficiency points
  • 1
headgear restriction
  • All headgear available, except some class-related ones.
weapon slots
  • Three
job type
  • 2
job level
  • 70
  • Pa_gospel.gif
  • Pa_shieldchain.gif
  • Pa_pressure.gif
  • Pa_sacrifice.gif
  • Human_Herowill
  • Human_Defenceaura
Passive Skill
  • Aura of Defense
Active Skill
  • Hero's Will
  • 75
  • Mystic + Combat
  • 1
  • 25
  • 81
  • Physical
  • Short Range
  • Icy Veins
  • WoW Vault
  • Maintankadin
  • Paladin Balancing
  • RETLOL: The Guide
  • Ret
  • Retribution Paladins
  • Retribution Paladins Online
  • Retribution Sanctuary @
Box Title
  • Paladin
  • Templars
  • *Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
  • Fast
  • Paladin
  • +2
  • Light
  • Wood
  • -
  • Warrior Path
  • 1.500000
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • Humans
  • Saradomin
  • Apocalypse Navy Issue
Birth Date
  • 1969-10-17
  • 125
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • Boss
  • +3
  • 120
  • Canto
  • Defender
  • Aegis
  • Chivalry, Devotion, Forging
  • 22
  • 1.350000
  • 5
  • 6
  • 10
  • AR
  • DR
  • ATK1
  • ATK2
  • ATK3
  • ATK4
  • CRIT1
  • DEF1
  • DEF2
  • DEF3
  • DEF4
  • EVA1
  • HP1
  • HP2
  • HP3
  • HST1
  • HST2
  • HST3
  • ATK5
  • DEF5
  • PaladinL1
  • PaladinL2
  • PaladinL3
  • PaladinL4
  • PaladinL5
  • PaladinL6
  • PaladinL7
  • PaladinL8
  • PaladinR1
  • PaladinR2
  • PaladinR4
  • PaladinR5
  • PaladinR6
  • PaladinR7
  • 10
  • 19
  • 22
  • 23
  • 25
  • 28
  • 40
  • 45
  • 50
  • 60
  • 65
  • 70
  • 80
  • 100
  • 150
  • Paladin
  • *50px
  • File:Defendericon.pngDefender
  • Learnt at Level 15 and above.
  • Learnt at Level 15.
  • Lance Knight*Use a File:FE9masterseal.gifMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Lance Knight.*70px
  • File:FE13 Generic Cavalier Map Sprite.gifCavalier*Use a File:Master Seal FE13 Icon.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Cavalier.*File:FE13 Paladin.gifPaladin
  • File:FEDS Cavalier Map Sprite.gifCavalier*Use a File:FE11masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Cavalier.*File:FEDS Paladin Map Sprite.gifPaladin
  • File:FE14 Generic Cavalier Map Sprite.gifCavalier*Use a File:Master Seal FE13 Icon.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Cavalier.*File:FE14 Generic Paladin Map Sprite.gifPaladin
  • File:FE8 Cavalier Map Sprite.gifCavalier*Use a File:Knightcrest.gifKnight Crest on a Level 10+ Cavalier.*File:FE8 Paladin Map Sprite.gifPaladin
  • File:FE11 Cavalier Map Sprite.gifCavalier*Use a File:FE11masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Cavalier.*File:FE11 Paladin Map Sprite.gifPaladin
  • *60px
  • File:Remove.pngRe-Move*Hidden base skill of all flying and mounted units.
  • Bow Knight*Use a File:FE9masterseal.gifMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Bow Knight.*50px
  • Sword Knight*Use a File:FE9masterseal.gifMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Sword Knight.*60px
  • */*/*/*/*/*0*/*-*6*/*-* D
  • */*/*/*/*6*0*/*-*9*/*-* D
  • File:FE5 Cavalier.gifCavalier*Use a File:Knight Proof (FE5).pngKnight Proof on a Level 10+ Cavalier.*File:FE5 Paladin.gifPaladin
  • File:Defender (FE14).pngDefender
  • File:HShield.pngAegis*Learnt at Level 5.
  • File:FE3 Cavalier Map Sprite.gifCavalier*Use a File:Knight Crest (FE3).pngKnight Crest on a Level 10+ Cavalier.*File:FE3 Paladin Map Sprite.gifPaladin
  • File:Sol (FE9).gifSol*Occult skill of the Paladin and Valkyrie classes; assign with an File:MasteryBook.gifOccult Scroll.
  • *File:FE2 Paladin Map Icon.gifPaladin*Visit a shrine after reaching Level 10.*File:FE2 Gold Knight Map Icon.gifGold Knight
  • *File:FE5 troubadour.gifTroubadour*Use a File:Knight Proof (FE5).pngKnight Proof on a Level 10+ Troubadour.*File:FE5 Paladin Sprite (F).gifPaladin
  • *File:FE8 Recruit Map Sprite.gifRecruit *Use a File:Knightcrest.gifKnight Crest on a Level 10+ Recruit.*File:FE8 Paladin Map Sprite.gifPaladin
  • File:FE1 Cavalier Map Sprite.gifCavalier*Use a Knight Crest on a Level 10+ Cavalier.*File:FE1 Paladin Map Sprite.gifPaladin
  • File:Aegis (FE14).pngAegis*Learnt at Level 5 and above.
  • Axe Knight*Use a File:FE9masterseal.gifMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Axe Knight.*60px
  • File:FE2 Cavalier Map Icon.gifKnight*Visit a shrine after reaching Level 7.*File:FE2 Paladin Map Icon.gifPaladin
  • *File:FE4 Troubadour Sprite.gifTroubadour*Choose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.*File:FE4 Paladin Sprite (F).gifPaladin
  • File:FE4 Social Knight Sprite.gifCavalier*Choose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.*File:FE4 Paladin Sprite (M).gifPaladin
  • 2
  • 8
  • Pistols
  • Blade
  • Sword and Shield
  • Shield and One-handed sword
  • Hostile
  • Spielbar
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • any
  • Drakkin, Dwarf, Erudite, Froglok, Gnome, Half Elf, Halfling, High Elf, Human
  • Paladin.png
  • rushu
  • +3
  • 35
  • 71
  • 1
  • 1
  • +1
  • Coins
  • Bones
  • Justice
  • Paladin
  • Dragon Slayer
  • Paladin
  • Blood rune
  • Grimy avantoe
  • Grimy dwarf weed
  • Grimy guam
  • Grimy harralander
  • Grimy irit
  • Grimy kwuarm
  • Grimy marrentill
  • Grimy ranarr
  • Iron bar
  • Mithril bar
  • Steel bar
  • Steel full helm
  • Steel sword
  • Clue scroll
  • Grimy cadantine
  • Grimy lantadyme
  • Grimy tarromin
  • Court summons
  • Reinforced
  • Uncut diamond
  • Grimy guam leaf
  • Grimy irit leaf
  • Grimy ranarr weed
  • Water rune
  • Steel longsword
  • Energy Shield
  • Paladin
  • Deadly Clash
  • Fateful Smash
  • Holy Guard
  • Knight's Loyalty
  • Mirror Guard
  • Armor Up Lv.3
  • Helm Up Lv.3
  • Law talisman
  • Air Link
  • Cull I
  • Anti-Archer Lv.3
  • Cult of Trigon Paladin
  • DEF Boost Lv.3
  • Life Up Boost
  • M-77 Paladin
  • 1782
  • 2490
  • 3439
  • I have lately regretted not encouraging immigration by members of this profession, as it might be useful to have colonists experienced in both magic and combat. It is well-known that paladins are formidable warriors and valued allies.
  • Paladins are a specialized group of fighters, devoted to physical fighting on behalf of the cause of virtue. The ideological basis of their combat training lends them a heroic charisma which often wins others to their cause. Their courage and perseverance in the face of evil often wins them the victory, where warriors of less firm conviction fail.
  • These great fighters live in the town of Trinsic in the southern part of Britannia. There, they live the way of the virtue of Honor. They are expert in all forms of combat and weapon use, and are one of the few professions that will make use of magical armour when it is available. Their deep beliefs in the value of good lend strength to their magic, which they wield with a certain flair. Paladins are thus very formidable opponents and highly valued allies.
  • 1.930000
  • エバのししゃ
  • 800
  • Eba no Shisha
  • Paladin
  • A short range defensive Hero
  • Paladin Concept Art
  • Paladin concept art for RO.
  • A male Paladin from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
  • 64
  • 16
  • Geared toward versatility and prolonged deployment in hostile environments, Marauders represent the cutting edge in today’s warship technology. While especially effective at support suppression and wreckage salvaging, they possess comparatively weak sensor strength and may find themselves at increased risk of sensor jamming. Nevertheless, these thick-skinned, hard-hitting monsters are the perfect ships to take on long trips behind enemy lines.
  • First Paladin community dedicated to Retribution, by Cromfel
  • A Site for the Casual Hardcore Ret Paladin!
  • Geld's Paladin Guide
  • Everything to know about Retribution paladins, from
  • Deal [0+Magic] damage to an enemy, Boosted by my Armor.
  • Paladin Guide
  • Carthum ships are the very embodiment of the Amarrian warfare philosophy. Possessing sturdy armor and advanced weapon systems, they provide a nice mix of offense and defense.
  • Paladin Guide last update to home page in 2008
  • An Online Community of paladins you can participate in for Free!
  • 500
Character Type
  • Enemy
  • Wsparcie
  • Obrona,
immune to stun
  • No
Group Affiliations
  • +11
  • 0
  • No
immune to deflect
  • No
immune to drain
  • No
  • 10
  • 800
Deck Name
  • Paladin
Special Abilities
  • Turn undead, lay on hands, protection&detect evil and +2 all saving throws.
  • 100
  • Able to fit the Bastion Module
  • 22
  • 60
  • 40
  • 923900
  • 6800
  • 0
short information
  • Monsters and creatures of evil never take a holiday, and neither does the valiant Paladin. With weapon in hand, become a shield of the innocent and the sword of the weak.
  • 3
  • 5625
  • 0
  • 70
  • 34.375000
  • 0
  • 0
  • 75
  • 8200
  • 0
  • 47.500000
  • +5%
  • 20
  • 7
  • 35
  • 7300
  • Juno
  • Paladin
  • Physical
  • 12
job base
job tier
  • Rebirth Class
attacks per round
  • Gains 1/2 melee attacks per round at levels 7 and 13
  • 100
  • 56
  • See table
  • Wisdom
  • +15 melee, magic, and ranged damage Vs. Undead, +5 damage when using Battlehammers.
  • 7
  • Yes
  • No
  • Ja
  • 9140
  • 11418
  • 90659
  • 901220
  • Pal-O-Mine; Pal-O-Mine .jpg
  • Pal-o'mine; Pal-o'mine .jpg
  • I walk on this path of light!
  • What a dazzling world!
  • 60
  • 75
  • 33
  • 232.0
  • 250
  • dbkwik:resource/8ds-0hw0bTRtbz2dYV2fLA==
  •| |-
  •|desc=Holy, Protection, and Retribution Paladin Raiding Guides
  •|desc=Paladin talent calculator
  •|desc=Talent calculator
  •|site=An Online Community for Paladins
  •|site=Retribution Paladins
  •|site=WoW Forums
  •|desc=A Site for the Casual Hardcore Ret Paladin!
  •|desc=Paladin talent calculator
  •|desc=Talent calculator
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The paladin tradition
  •|desc=First Paladin community dedicated to Retribution
  •| |-
  •|desc=Paladin talent calculator
  •|desc=Talent calculator
  •|site=Paladin Battlefield
  •|desc=Paladin Tanking 101
  •|desc=The Retribution paladin bible.
  •|site=Paladin Gear & Guide
  •|desc=Everything to know about Retribution paladins
  •|desc=Paladin Tanking Resource and Community
  •|desc=Retribution Paladin Guide Information!
  •|desc=Paladin guides at WoW Insider
  •|site=WoW Forums
  •|desc=Describes the numerous changes to paladins along with other classes in immense detail
  •|desc=The Light and How to Swing It — weekly paladin feature at WoW Insider
  • 1
  • Apocalypse
  • Paladin
  • 4
Other Names
  • Holy warrior
  • 110000000
  • -2
  • +2
  • 90
  • 1
  • 20
  • 30
  • 120
  • 12848
  • 281548120
Birth Place
  • Cardiff , Wales
  • Stable
  • Crop 75
  • Clay 270
  • Iron 290
  • Pop 2
  • Wood 370
  • 23
  • 60
  • File:RookKnight.gifRook Knight*Use a File:Ts-knight-proof.gifKnight Proof on a Level 10+ Rook Knight.*File:Paladin.gifPaladin
  • $1 / £0.99
  • Latest RuneScape News
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 6
  • 517500
short summary
  • Warriors with limited healing& supporting abilities
  • Warrior
  • Paladin
  • 54
  • -
  • Unknown
  • 10
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • Secret
  • 54
  • 70
  • 85
  • 2750
  • 3750
  • +15%
translation name
  • Ōkoku Heishi
  • 10
  • 16
  • 110
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • Paladin
  • 1000
  • icyveinscom
  • Icon534.png
  • Shared Trait 001
  • Soldier Class Trait 001
  • Soldier Class Trait 003
  • Soldier Class Trait 002
  • Soldier Class Trait 004
  • Semi automatique
  • Launch
  • 30.0
  • 2
  • Pressure
  • Marauders
  • Sacrifice
  • Amarr Battleship
  • White heal
  • Battle Hymn
  • Rapid Smiting
  • 5
Image size
  • 250
  • United States of America
  • 536
  • white
  • Spell_Paladin.png
  • A noble holy knight who dispatches darkness with the power of light.
  • Drains 369 to 389 health from an opponent.
  • Necromancers
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • darkblue
  • purple
  • 11
  • 12
  • 15
  • 20
  • 42
  • -
  • Academy level 5
  • Stable level 3
  • Crop 610
  • Clay 1180
  • Iron 2520
  • Wood 2320
  • The way of light is going to be brilliant!
  • No
  • No
  • +1
  • Energy Shield.png
  • Icon class paladin.gif
  • Paladin-0.png
  • 5.800000
  • 0
  • *Paladins have different names for each difficulty level: **Normal Mode: Paladin **TVHM: Exalted Paladin **UVHM: Crowned Paladin
  • Criminal
  • 7
  • none
  • +7
  • y
  • 66
  • 71
  • 20225619542
  • 0
  • Sanktum des Lichts
  • Yes
  • melee
  • 22
  • 62
  • 66
  • 160
  • 496
  • 2160
  • 2761
  • 3795
  • 5241
  • +145%
  • Templars, Mojushai, Tybeirdd
  • 2002-04-30
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • The best knight in the Temple. His power is strong enough to rule any battle.
  • 2002-04-30
  • Offensive Target
  • Alpha Mutant
billed from
  • Cardiff , Wales
  • +4
  • 50
  • Eva's Messenger
  • 30.0
  • Ability Power 140. Damages 1 enemy with physical damage. Added effect: Target monster will target you more often.
  • Ability Power 130. Damages 1 enemy with physical damage. Added effect: Reduces target's ATK by 10% for 40 seconds.
  • Increases the DEF of all allies by 20% for 60 seconds.
  • Reflects 30% of damage you take back at your attacker for 50 seconds.
  • Increases DEF of Armor Gear by 8%.
  • Increases DEF of Helm Gear by 8%.
  • Increases DEF by 5%.
  • Increases Ability Power for physical/magic attack Abilities used against Archers by 10.
  • Increases effect of "Life Up" and "Heaven's Breath" by 15% when a Sword or Axe is equipped in your main weapon slot.
Image File
  • USA
  • Male
  • M
  • 1
  • 10
  • 1125
  • Human
  • He gives allies a damage immunity effect.
  • 83.100000
  • 115
  • Otto Klienfeld
  • 85
Japanese name
  • 王国兵士
  • The History of Britannia
  • A Safe Passage Through Britannia
  • Memoirs of Sir Cabirus
  • 1
  • "He's rockin' some serious Lawful Goodness."
  • 66
  • 1750
  • Evan Elpus
  • Yanto Jones
  • 49
  • Friendly
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • File:Echoes Paladin F.png
  • Defender
  • Mystic Resist
  • Physical Resist
  • Apocalypse Imperial Issue
  • +4%
  • FarmTown
  • C-147B Paladin, Gulf of Mexico, 28,000 feet
  • Réquisition Spectre
  • Defensive
  • Paladins are highly specialized knights endowed with numerous abilities that their comrades do not possess. Foremost of these abilities is the power to heal themselves and allies around them. When healing, a Paladin will hold his sword to his chest, downwards and levitate into the air. A field of energy will form around them as they restore health. In addition to healing themselves, this also grants them a shield. Paladins can also imbue their comrades with holy purpose. In so doing they reach out with their sword and touch their fellow knight at shoulder height, granting them a prefixed name and strength to match. Paladins also have access to offensive spells that can bathe attackers in fire, and when attacking conventionally, they run in close to deal melee damage, or sometimes stop to throw their sword from a distance.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 13500
  • 1
  • 0
  • -1
  • 4
  • 81
  • 500
  • 8
  • 4
  • 10
  • +10
  • none
  • 200
  • 3
  • +3
  • Darkus
  • -2
  • Paladin Marauder
  • Подземелье: 7-1, 7-5, 7-9
  • 400
  • 4
  • 6
  • No
Combat level
  • 62
  • No
  • Yes
Examine text
  • A holy warrior.
  • Dark Knight
  • 22
  • 1
  • 20
Proficiency required
  • 250
  • 300
  • 600
  • 1100
  • 1600
  • 2500
  • Een heilige strijder.
  • Tarcza ochronna
  • Energetyczne działo czołgowe,
Typische Ausrüstung
  • Rüstung, Schild und Einhandwaffe
  • All damage is ignored for sec.
  • Decreases damage to units within M by %
  • ~
Monster HP
  • 57
  • ~
Atk Speed
  • 1.5
  • Dawn Paladins are dedicated to one sublime and unwavering purpose—the protection of their companions. The secret techniques of their holy order ensure that their allies live to fight another day.
  • 148
Slayer monster?
  • No
  • Dawn
  • Blessed with direct access to divine truth, Dusk Paladins serve as the mouthpieces of the gods. Acting as judge, jury, and executioner, all who oppose the will of heaven fall under the shadow of their holy blade.
  • DEF, Max HP
  • yes
  • Concentration, Craft armor, Craft weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore and Parry.
  • Good
  • Dusk
  • Haste, ATK
life name
  • Paladin
life type
  • Combat
  • Coming soon...
  • __TOC__
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Enemy in Shadow Hearts Covenant
  • not found (paladin.gif) 神聖なる光の擁護者にしてAllianceの守護者たるPaladinは、 Tirisfal Gladesの森で荒らされた大地の南へと侵略するForsakenのUndeadたちと戦い、撃退するその勇士を見ることができるでしょう。彼らは Dark Portalからの魔の軍隊に対しての警戒を常に怠っていないのです。Paladinは巨大なハンマーと光の力を行使し、戦いにおいては指揮者として集団 を指揮します。 Paladinは戦士とスペルユーザーのハイブリッドClassです。Paladinは、HealingやSeal、或いは他のAbilityから Groupに加えるのに申し分の無い能力を持っています。PaladinはGroupの全てのメンバーにPaladin毎にひとつAuraの効果を与え、 特定のプレイヤーに対しては特定のSealを使うことができます。 PaladinはDefenes能力に優れ、倒すことがかなり難しいClassです。Paladinは聖なる光によって、他のMelee Classと違い自らを癒すことができます。加えて、幾つかの能力は対Undead/Demon用のものであり、破邪に特化した戦士ともいえます。
  • Paladin (Japanese: 王国兵士 Ōkoku Heishi), or Soldier, is one of the twelve lives the player can choose in to lead in the game Fantasy Life. It may be chosen as the player's main life during the start of the game or can be chosen at any time during the game whilst not in a storyline mission. The Paladin's Life Shop is located at Mt Snowpeak (The Crowned Champion's House).
  • Paladins are holy warriors and followers of Saradomin. They will follow any order given them by their god, and have great faith in him.
  • The Paladin is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. It rides a horse, and prefers using Swords, Sabels, Blades, Cutlasses, and Machetes, as well as equip Horse Armor for its horse.
  • Paladin can be picked at the church of the capital city for your race Paladins gain access to unique abilities such as hands of healing, wrath of god and shield of faith
  • Paladin eli temppeliritari on monipuolinen hahmoluokka. Paladinit pystyvät toimimaan niin tankkeina, parantajina, kuin vahingon tuottajina (DPS). Parantamiseen Paladinit käyttävät Pyhää Valoa, (Holy Light) kun taas muihin rooleihinsa sekoitusta Pyhää Valoa ja lähitaistelutaitoja. Paladinin erikoisuuksia ovat aurat, joita voi laittaa yhden kerrallaan päälle. Kaikki paladinin lähellä olevat pelaajat saavat aurasta saman bonuksen tai buffin. Auroja on viittä erilaista tyyppiä: Retribution Aura: Tuottaa X määrän damagea kaikille, jotka hyökkäävät auran vaikuttamaan pelaajaan. (Vahingon määrä riippuu paladinin levelistä.) (Retribution Paladinit käyttävät yleensä tätä sillä heidän kykypuunsa antaa bonuksia auraan.)) Devotion Aura: Antaa X määrän armoria kaikille pelaajille auran kantomatkalla. (Armorin määrä riippuu paladinin levelistä)(Protection Paladinit käyttävät yleensä tätä sillä heidän kykypuunsa antaa bonuksia auraan)) Consentration Aura: Pelaajat auran kantomatkalla kärsivät 35% vähemmän heihin kohdistuvien hyökkäysten aiheuttamasta pushbackista eli loitsimisen häiriintymisestä. (Hyödyllinen Holy Paladineille) Crusader Aura: lisää mountin nopeutta 20 % muut mountin nopeutta lisäävät buffit ei tehoa. Resistance Aura: Pelaajat auran kantomatkalla saavat X määrän vastustuskykyä Fire, Frost ja Shadow vahinkoluokan damagelle (vastustuskyvyn määrä riippuu paladinin levelistä) Tämä on varsin hyödyllinen aura jos seuraavat viholliset käyttävät lähes pelkästään esim. Frost-tyyppisiä iskuja. * Blood elf (Horde) * Dwarf (Alliance) * Human (Alliance) * Draenei (Alliance) * Tauren (Horde
  • Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection. Attacks land units.
  • The following traits are common to original paladins, cavaliers, and blackguards. * Power Source: Divine. You are a divine warrior, a crusader and protector of your faith. * Armor proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale, plate; light shield, heavy shield * Implement proficiency: Holy symbol * Bonus to defenses: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +1 Will * Hit points: 15 + Constitution score at 1st level, plus 6 every additional level * Healing surges per day: 10 + Constitution modifier
  • The Paladin is mostly similar to the Warrior except for some slightly different equipment choices which are not very significant in the long run. What is significant, however, is that the Paladin is always more resistant to special spell effects and other nasty conditions, in exchange for not being quite as adept at getting multiple strikes with a weapon. Paladins tend to be favorite choices for converting into a Geomancer in The Thief of Fate.
  • thumb|Paladyn Paladyn jest hybrydową klasą świętego wojownika. Jego głównym zadaniem jest walka w zwarciu, którą wspiera swoimi zdolnościami leczniczymi. Paladyni mają odpowiednie zdolności, aby odgrywać odpowiednie role, włączając w to Damage Dealera (Retribution), Tank'a (Protection), oraz Uzdrowiciela (Holy). Mogą używać aur oraz błogosławieństw, które zapewniają użyteczne buffy dla innych graczy pozwalające otrzymywać potężne obrażenia lub takowe zadawać.
  • A Paladin is an NPC located primarily in Ardougne Square but has a singular spawn in Falador Centre. It is a mid level NPC with fairly low hp, which may be ideal for lower levels to train on.
  • He sought Daredevil while engaged in an assignment to track down the Purple Man, and battled Daredevil. He clashed with Daredevil a second time after the crime fighter inadvertently interfered with Paladin's search for the Purple Man. Paladin allied with Daredevil in battle against the Cobra, the Jester, and Mister Hyde, who were under control of the Purple Man. Paladin next battled the Phantasm. Paladin aided the Wasp against Baron Brimstone, acquired a modified uniform, and began a romance with the Wasp. Paladin aided the Avengers in battle against the Masters of Evil IV. Paladin allied with Spider-Man and the Wasp against mobsters. Paladin was later employed by Silver Sable to investigate a conspiracy which threatened her native country of Symkaria, and he allied with Spider-Man. Paladin was then hired by Diamondback to raid Serpent Society headquarters. He was captured, but freed by Captain America. Paladin accompanied Captain America in his search for Diamondback, the Asp, and Black Mamba. With his new allies, Paladin battled Superia's horde of female superhumans. An unabashed womanizer, Paladin would often flirt with any woman who caught his eye. He briefly dated the Wasp at a time when she was separated from Hank Pym, much to the Black Knight's jealousy, who was also attracted to her. For a time, he enlisted Generation X into helping him retrieve a sword for Adrienne Frost, the sister of Emma Frost. During this period, the mutant known as Jubilee was strongly attracted to Paladin, but that affection disappeared when Generation X and Paladin later went their separate ways. He has also been a longtime ally to Silver Sable and her Wild Pack organization, working for pay, of course. He once helped them protect a scientist from a kidnapping attempt by the Heroes for Hire, a group he would later join. His main opponent was Misty Knight, who seemed to be an equal match. Paladin has a certain amount of honor. For example, he was once hired by a corrupt government to assist rebels as part of a sting operation. He aided the rebels in a bomb-laying operation at a government facility. When the rebels were caught, his government handler remarked how lucky they were that the bomb had not gone off. Paladin replied, "I'm sorry, that would have been extra," and activated the bomb by remote control while driving away. He was offered 10 million dollars by mobster Vincent Mangano to kill the Punisher. Paladin agreed to this arrangement, but did not succeed, and in the ensuing fight both of his legs were broken by the U.S. Agent. Paladin once took down Daredevil with a sniper rifle from a helicopter at a great distance. He did so for the FBI, in exchange for getting his record expunged. The hit, while serious, was not fatal, though did lead to Daredevil's arrest. He was also employed once to help investigate the Life Foundation where he worked alongside Spider-Man.
  • Paladin and Deadpool met in the following comics: * Deadpool (volume 3) #8-9 * Thunderbolts #129-131
  • The Paladin is a Hero who becomes available when you have both a level 30 Warrior and level 15 Cleric in your roster. The Role of the Paladin Magical Defense(M.Def) Tank. Because of their high starting Magical Defense, and their M.Def per level rate, Paladin's make the best M.Def tanks in the game.
  • The Paladins are an order of warriors who serve as the pilots of Voltron. The lions choose their pilots, seeking warriors that embody their spirit. In ages past, the Paladins were Alteans, Galras and lived in the Castle of Lions. Ten thousand years after King Alfor hid the lions on planets all across the universe, the lions chose new Paladins: five humans from planet Earth. The motif of the five Paladins is that they embody the five classical elements: water (ice), earth, fire, air, and plant life or "forest." Each has a specific trait that the lion looks for in a pilot.
  • Paladin is the third Class from the Soldier Base Class. Players can attain this class upon completing the Soldier and Knight Growth Ring.
  • Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers Effect: Continuously attacks opponents until their dead MP Cost: 0 Prerequisites: Rank 1 Recharge Time: 1 second Description: A quick strike dealing weapon damage plus magical damage. Also grants Zeal, allowing mana regeneration when dealing or recieveing damage for 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Rank 1 Recharge Time: 2 seconds Description: Heals up to two friendly players MP Cost: 25 Prerequisites: Rank 2 Recharge Time: 6 seconds Description: Magical. A light based damage attack, works well on undead enemies MP Cost: 15 Prerequisites: Rank 3 Recharge Time: 6 seconds Description: (Physical/Magical) Deals damage to all enmies in range MP Cost: 40 Prerequisites: Rank 5 Recharge Time: 7 seconds
  • Orginally Palatinus was a title for a servant of the Emperor of Rome of Mons Palatinus.The Palatinii were considered important personages of the empire for having the emperor´s trust. Later Paladins became the Knights of the Palace, entrusted Nobles who were represantants of the Emperor.The Paladin evolved into the Title Count Palatine or Pfalzgraf in Germany.In Hungary the Palatin or Comes Palatinus was the first minister and chief-commander of the army, the highest official of the kingdom. In Medieval Romance Paladin also designated the King´s first knights or Champions, as the Paladins of Charlemagne.
  • Paladin is a slang term for a character with Warrior as the primary profession and Monk as the secondary profession. It is derived from other games such as D&D where "paladin" is often a warrior-type class with healing abilities. See Also: * Warrior Monk
  • Paladin is a mercenary antihero in the Marvel Universe.
  • Alignment restrictions: lawful good only Hit die: d10 Proficiencies: armor (light, medium, heavy), shields, weapons (martial, simple) Skill points: 2 + int modifier ( (2 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level) Skills: concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, lore, parry, persuade, ride, taunt Unavailable feats: curse song, extra music, lingering song, quicken spell, weapon specialization These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of paladin. Base attack bonus: +1/level Spellcasting: Divine (spell failure from armor is ignored), wisdom-based (a base wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level is required to cast a spell, bonus spells are based on modified wisdom, and the wisdom modifier affects spell DCs), and requires preparation.
  • Paladin is a Giant Monster that is one of the Clockwork.
  • The Paladins are members of an extremist secret society dedicated to eliminating Jumpers. Jumpers and Paladins are at "war" according to Griffin. According to Griffin, Paladins have been around since medieval times and have been hunting and killing Jumpers ever since. They justify their discriminatory actions by claiming, "Only God should have the power to be all places at all times". Griffin also mentions that there are hundreds of people within the Paladin society. All the Paladins wear silver trench coats. To trap Jumpers, they use guns that shoot electrical wires at the Jumpers. The electricity prevents the Jumpers from teleporting and can pin them to a wall, tree or any other unmovable structure. The Paladins also have a machine that allows them to follow jumpers through their jump scars.
  • Ah, the Paladin. A Holy Warrior. A Classic Class.
  • Alignment: Lawful good. Hit Die: d10.
  • Paladin is a vocational class in the Dragon Quest game series. Paladins have strong Strength, Speed and Wisdom. To open this class, a character must have mastered a number of skills from both the Priest and Fighter skill sets. In VII, the paladin has a low chance of killing the enemy instantly, regardless of remaining HP. This chance rises when the higher rank the paladin is.
  • Covenant Unit Elite Support Paladin
  • The Paladin (聖騎士 Seikishi?, "Holy Knight") is a recurring job class in the Tales series.
  • The Paladin is the elite unit of the Humans, being heavily armored, and dealing a lot of damage. However, it costs fairly much resources, and needs three buildings, making this an expensive unit. With the Fire Blessing, it deals much more damage, because of the Fireburst the sword gives. The Fire Blessing also provides excellent resistance against Fire Mage users, like Orcs.
  • Paladins are masters of distance weapons. They are particularly skilled in the use of Bows and Crossbows. Overall, paladins are balanced between physical abilities and magical abilities. They advance at an acceptable rate in Melee and Shielding skills, and are not totally inept concerning magical skills, either. Paladins are not severely lacking in any area of ability, but only stand out in their use of distance weapons.
  • There is nothing more encouraging and inspiring in a battlefield than a Paladin fighting for one's side. Whether he or she is defending the exposed flanks or taking the fight to the enemy, a Paladin in action is a wonderful si
  • The Paladin is a unique class that appears in the game Busin 0: Wizardry Alternative Neo for the Playstation 2. It is an upgrade to the Knight class of Wizardry: Tales of the Forsaken Land. Because of the special requirements to become a Paladin, a member of this class cannot be recruited (or a character cannot change into one) until the game has been completed at least once.
  • All The Paladins are devoted to hunting down, and destroying all evil in the lands of Ticova. NOTE: Paladins are only available after becoming a member of the Paladin Order.
  • Sachez que vous progresserez moins rapidement qu'un prêtre ou qu'un mage. Si vous êtes humain le choix de faire paladin est responsable !!... Si vous êtes pressés, attendez votre dernière renaissance (x6 en général).
  • Paladin (パラディン) is a scout character.
  • Paladin is a boss in Breath of Fire II.
  • Paladins are hand-picked members of the Templars.
  • Paladins are special soldiers employed by Gautama.
  • Str: +3 Int: +0 Wis: +1 Dex: +0 Con: +2 Chr: +2
  • The Paladin is a playable character.
  • This page is specifically for the paladin class in BG:EESoDBGIIToBBGII:EE. For the version in BGTotSC, refer to Paladin (Baldur's Gate).
  • These noble warriors hail from Trinsic, in the warm southern reaches of Britannia. There, the sworn oath can be taken at great value, and none fear betrayal, for the paladins live the virtue of Honor. Their deep beliefs in the value of good lend strength to their magic, which they wield with a certain flair. Paladins have a very strict code which they live by. They value this code above all things, including their own life. Paladins never steal or start petty squabbles. Because a paladin is so skilled and trustworthy, they are respected by everyone, and doubted by no one. They are a powerful and trustworthy companion on even the most perilous journey. Years of training in arms has allowed the paladins to become proficient in most forms of combat, and they can masterfully wield even the heaviest halberd or two-handed sword. As well, no form of is too unwieldy for these honorable warriors. Their strong faith lends power to their magic, and they are unafraid of trusting themselves to enchanted arms or armour In Ultima IX, the paladin receives +5 Karma, a chain coif, and a map of Trinsic as a starting bonus.
  • The Paladin is a Holy Warrior hybrid class. Their primary role is that of a melee fighter and secondary as a healing class. Paladins have the ability to play a variety of different roles, including DPS (Retribution), Tanking (Protection), and Healing (Holy). They can cast auras and blessings that provide useful buffs for other players while withstanding heavy physical damage with plate armor and strong defensive abilities.
  • Paladin was not a pirate. He or she believed pirates are filthy scum. No, Paladin was a civilized citizen of Alpha Island. But now he or she's banned.
  • Paladins zijn de heilige krijgers van Azeroth. Ze kunnen de zwaarste armor van het spel dragen en hun heilige krachten gebruiken om zichzelf of anderen te helen. Ze zijn een voorbeeld voor de maatschappij, en doen alles wat goed is. Het heilige licht (hetgene waarin ze geloven) geeft hun de kracht om de slechte te veroordelen, zichzelf kracht te geven en om andere mensen van het slechte te beschermen. Paladins hebben extra krachten tegen ondode en duivelse creaturen. Voor mensen die met een edele ridder willen spelen, is de paladin perfect. Enkel humans en dwarves konden eerst paladin worden. Na de Burning Crusade konden ook Draenei en Blood elves paladins worden. Na Cataclysm was het ook voor tauren mogelijk paladins te maken. Een paladin is een hybride klasse wat betekent dat ze als tank, dps en healer kunnen functioneren, net zoals druids. Een paladin die tankt moet zich in de protectie talenten boom specialiseren en functioneren als redelijke tanks. Paladins die willen dps'en moeten zich specialiseren in de "retribution" talenten boom. Zij zijn dan de rechter die beslissen over goed en kwaad. Met deze talenten boom kan je gemakkelijk damage verrichten zonder dat je al goed moet zijn. Helende Paladins specialiseren zich best in de heilige talenten boom. Paladins kunnen goed helen en worden als de redelijk goed beschouwd (vooral in raids). Helende paladins rekenen vooral op hun kritikale helingen, hierdoor word hun mana vergoedt.
  • The Paladin Project is a TFP program designed to create physically, genetically, technologically, and mentally superior "super-soldiers" as a special fighting force within the TFP Military. It was commissioned by Kal Wardin.
  • How to aquire: To get this class, you need a Rank 10 Warrior (or Warlord) AND Healer (or Acolyte) to get it. Talk to Artix's NPC in Swordhaven to begin the quest chain.
  • Der Paladin ist eine spielbare Klasse aus Diablo II. Er gehört zu den Rittern von Westmarch, die reinen Herzens sind und den Lehren von Zakarum folgen. Sie kämpften einst gegen die Armeen des verrückt gewordenen Köngigs Leoric. Der Paladin ist ein exzellenter Kämpfer, dessen Glaube ihm einen zusätzlichen Schild liefert und für das kämpft, was glaubt, dass es das richtige sei. Seine Standhaftigkeit gibt ihm die Stärke seine Mitstreiter zu inspirieren und weiter anzutreiben. Manche betrachten ihn als religiösen Fanatiker, andere sehen in ihm die Stärke und Tugendhaftigkeit des Lichts.
  • Paladins are renowned warriors and war-leaders. This title is a pure matter of honour, though many paladins are given dangerous lands and made marquises to put their talents to good use.[1a]
  • The Paladin is perfect for assault on an enemy position because of its shield. However, the shield only protects one way and does not allow the user to shoot outwards. Still, a Paladin can be used as a shield for the ground troops, which will be allowed to shoot outwards. The main disadventage of the Paladin is that it cannot beat a Goliath in combat, and therefore, Paladins should try their best to avoid Goliath encounters whenever possible. The vehiclle is also unique in the speed for its weight, being able to travel decent distances quickly, given it has enough time to accelerate. The plasma attack is not powerful enough to kill a Scorpion, or stagger it very well, making the Paladin only able to avoid an incoming kamikaze is to use the hightened speed Paladins have.
  • __TOC__ Where fighters are the pinnacle of martial combat, the paladin blends martial skill with devotion to a righteous deity, cause, or organization. The paladin is held to a much higher standard than members of any other classes, including clerics and monks. If a paladin betrays these standards they face spiritual penalty as well as the possibility of facing a penance, or even worse being removed from their order. A paladin's primary goal is to convert the wicked; the evil and chaotic forces of the world and their servants. A paladin is bound both to do good and to uphold just law, though if forced into a choice a paladin will likely choose the cause of good. They focus most of their efforts on evil souls, and will attempt to convert before they resort to mortal combat. The paladin channels divine power, and so often has a patron deity even though it is not required. They are steadfast and determined, and like the monk maintain a life of routine and pure intention. They take good care of themselves physically and mentally, though they spend less time in meditation than the monk. The paladin is not concerned with physical perfection so much as spiritual focus.
  • Die Paladine sind die Geweihten des Lichtgottes Innos und sie verkörpern Innos Willen auf Ardea. Diese überaus mächtigen Krieger sind in der Lage die Magie des Lichts in spezieller Form zu wirken und erhalten auch sonst durch ihren Gott zusätzliche Kräfte. Paladine unterliegen einem strengen Kodex und beten täglich zu Innos, der ihnen von Zeit zu Zeit Visionen oder Aufträge gibt. Paladine lassen keine weltliche Instanz über ihnen gelten, sondern sehen sich als direkte Diener Innos'. Ihr Ordenssitz befindet sich auf einer Insel in Ozeanien.
  • A Paladin is more focused on defense and the ability to heal them selves and later on a friend. A full list of spells can be found on the Spells page. To become a paladin, a player must first reach Level 30 and have the vocation of a warrior. After these requirements have been met you can then embark upon Raymond's Challenge to achieve your Subclass.
  • HD : d10 BaB Progression : Good Saves :Fort Good (See Divine Grace) Skills : 2+INT Class skills : Concentration, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty, Religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive. Special : Lawful Good. A paladin that stops being Lawful or Good loses all special class abilities but keeps his BaB and Save Progression. A paladin that multiclasses can't progress anymore in the Paladin class but retain all special abilities as long as he remains Lawful Good. Stats priorization : STR > CHA > CON > WIS > DEX > INT The Paladin is a melee fighter and a good STR score is vital. A good CHA improve several of his major class features (namely Divine Grace and Smite Evil). As most characters, a good CON score is never wasted.
  • The noblest of beings, paladins are a strange mixture of both benevolence and arrogance. Preferring combat with honorable weapons such as a shield and sword a paladin's true strength lay in his ability to lead others into combat. Although they have a definate preference for melee combat, paladins are known to heal both themselves and others. The 8% (up to 24% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to beneficial auras is quite noteworthy since auras often benefit the entire group. They can use resurrection gems at level 30. -- In game description
  • Paladin is the eleventh solo campaign mission in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist.
  • The Paladin prays for the power of the holy gods to protect all precious things in battle and to defeat the evil spirits that appear before him. Healing himself through Holy Blessing, the Paladin uses Hate Aura to protect his fellow party members.
  • A paladin was a holy crusader, sworn to an oath to promote and fight for their beliefs and values. As paragons of their beliefs, paladins were granted the ability to wield divine magic by deities or similar powers. So long as a paladin stayed true to their oath, they retained the ability to wield these powers. The life of a paladin more commonly attracted good persons to it than those with malice in their heart, but evil paladins were not unheard of. Perhaps the best known paladin of Toril was Gareth Dragonsbane, who later went on to become the king of Damara, as well as the renowned Piergeiron Paladinson, an Open Lord of Waterdeep. Scyllua Darkhope and Aribeth de Tylmarande were infamous examples of fallen paladins, both formerly of Tyr, with Scyllua becoming a paladin of Bane instead.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ en:Paladin de:Paladin es:Paladin ja:ナイト
  • A Paladin is a holy knight, crusading in the name of good and order, and a divine spellcaster. By definition and game restriction, a paladin is almost always of lawful good alignment. A paladins is expected to demonstrate and embody goodness – they are not supposed to lie or use poison. A paladin is a champion of justice and destroyer of evil, protected and strengthened by an array of divine powers. Paladins are knights, working for their church or an order. Qualifying for an order is often difficult, and membership always requires that the paladin follow a specific code of conduct. These orders often allow non-paladins as members, with good-aligned ranger and fighter being the most common sort of non-paladin members. Paladins can serve in the military force of an aristocrat sanctioned by their religion, or within some autonomous church-based military order established for defense.
  • Alignment restrictions: lawful good only Hit die: d10 Proficiencies: armor (light, medium, heavy), shields, weapons (martial, simple) Skill points: 2 + int modifier ( (2 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level) Skills: concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, lore, parry, persuade, ride, taunt Unavailable feats: curse song, extra music, lingering song, quicken spell, weapon specialization These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of paladin. Primary saving throw(s): fortitude Spellcasting: divine (wisdom based, armor related chance of spell failure is ignored). Must have a wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level to cast a spell.
  • Players can pickpocket Paladins at level 70 Thieving to gain 151.8 experience, 80 coins and 2 chaos runes, and possibly a court summons.
  • Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) The Paladin is a Champion unit from the Clan Box. The Paladin is able to swap places with any unit on the row that it occupies. This makes it especially useful when friendly units who are worth more, such as a King, are threatened. __TOC__
  • One of LORE's heroes, Artix, is a paladin. The stat used for training this class is strength, but in the future when this and other classes are updated, it will most likely use intellect as well.
  • En paladin er en hybrid som kjemper i nærkamp og en sekundær spellcaster. Paladiner har muligheten til å spille mange roller, herav tank, healing eller DPS. De kan kaste auraer og blessings som skaffer gode buffs for andre spillere mens de står imot mye skade med plate rustning. Paladins er en defensiv klasse designet for å vare lengre enn sine motstandere. Paladins har også diverse Undead-spesifikke evner som Exorcism, Holy Wrath og Turn Undead som gjør de veldig effektive når de kjemper mot demoner og undeads (ikke spillerklassen Undead). En paladins største styrke i PvE er healing. Paladin har noen av de mest mana-effektive og lav-threat healing spells i spillet. Det er ikke uvanlig at en raidleder setter en paladin til å være hoved-healer. De er ofte blant de siste til å dø i tilfelle et raid dør. Paladins healinger er veldig mana-effektive og gjør de da til healers som varer lenge. Paladins er også gode tanker med de rette protection talentene siden de kan bruke nesten samme utstyr som warriors. Noen forskjeller er som oftest nødvendige for å øke mana og holy damage, som en paladin krever for å lage threat. En styrke for paladin tanks i raids er at de kan bli nesten immun mot crushing-damage med de rette talentene og de rette skillsene. Paladins offensive evner er ikke så mange siden Blizzard har definert en paladins rolle som defensiv og støttende. Paladins fikk uansett deres offensive egenskaper økt med Crusader Strike i patch 2.0.1.
  • The Paladin's specialty is his ability to swap Oaths (or Stances). He can choose to battle in Oath of Judgment or Oath of Protection which can be switched via his 3rd active skill. File: Shiny.png His Resource bar increases every time a skill is cast. Once it reaches its cap at 100, his 3rd active skill will glow brightly in yellow/gold. If the player presses it now, the paladin will either gain an ATK or DEF increase depending on which Oath he is currently in. Only when the 3rd skill doesn't shine, will he be able to use its usual Stance switching ability (in other words, if he clicks it two times while it shines he will activate the buff and switch Oath).
  • Paladins are indomitable warriors who've pledged their prowess to something greater than themselves. Paladins smite enemies with divine authority, bolster the courage of nearby companions, and radiate as if a beacon of inextinguishable hope. Paladins are transfigured on the field of battle, exemplars of divine ethos in action. Primary Stat: Strength. Hit Points gained per level: 6.
  • Paladinos são a classe arqueira do Tibia, eles usufruem dos poderes dos poderosos arcos, das lanças, dos arcos bestas (Crossbows) e das armas tacáveis (A classe throwing). Atualmente são considerados a vocação mais equilibrada do jogo, ficam no meio termo entre os knights e os magos (Druids e Sorcerers). Seu arsenal de magias é do elemento Holy (Sagrado).
  • Jason Partridge (October 17, 1969) in Cardiff, Wales and is a Welsh professional working for the Facebook promotion Wrestler:Unstoppable's company Tri State Champions.
  • Den här sidan saknar innehåll. Om du har något vettigt att skriva, eller är bra på att översätta, gör det. Paladin är en av spelarklasserna. De använder för det mesta distansvapen, till exempel pilbåge och spjut.
  • Paladins are masters of distance weapons, e.g. Bows, Crossbows, Spears and Stars. Paladins are balanced between physical and magical abilities. They advance very fast in Distance and are not totally inept concerning magical skills. Compared to Knights, Paladins increase at the same rate in Shielding and advance slightly slower in Melee. Paladins are not severely lacking in any ability, but their forte is the use of distance weapons.
  • The following are changes in the Paladin class from its listing in Paizo material.
  • The paladin is a hybrid class with the ability to play all three major roles, including healing, tanking and DPS. They have auras, blessings and seals that provide useful buffs for other players while wearing plate armor to heavily mitigate damage and strong defensive abilities. Paladins are considered holy knights or blood knights. Paladins begin the game able to wear plate. Paladins can use a shield. Paladins use melee weapons, including one- and two-handed axes, maces and swords, as well as polearms.
  • Paladins are found in East Ardougne, wandering near the castle and market. They are from Ardougne's Holy Order of Paladins, and wear the symbol of Saradomin. Three paladins are found in the Underground Pass and must be killed during the quest. They have special drops related to the quest. Players can pickpocket Paladins at level 70 Thieving to gain 151.8 experience, 80 coins and 2 chaos runes.
  • Paladin is Wulder's adviser to his people on earth. He is the leader of Amara as well as the commander of the Amara Military, and is the main rallying point of the fight against Pretender. While seemingly immortal, his health is affected when people's belief in Wulder fades. He has numerous mystical abilities given to him by Wulder. His death almost occurred in the fourth book due to Wulder's fading influence.
  • The Paladin is the Crincillin military's answer to the threat of air raids. Able to obliterate aircraft with little resistance, it's deployed to make sure that no opposition stays airborne. In the blink of an eye, the Paladin can lift off into the atmosphere to pummel anything unfortunate enough to still be on the ground.
  • Paladins are holy knights, venturing into foreign lands to defend their faith. These valiant crusaders often journey with clerics, defending them in situations where physical force becomes necessary. Paladins strive to do good deeds in the name of the Powers, and will struggle to prevent injustice wherever they find it. They are well-known around the world for their extraordinary courage in the face of danger. While Paladins are highly versatile, able to use a wider variety of weapons than any other class, they prefer to fight with a sword. They can strike harder and faster than almost any foe, and are just as effective in combat while mounted. In addition to their prowess in battle, Paladins can channel the power of the Powers in order to perform minor magical feats such as granting protection, curing ailments, and helping the faithful. The Holy Order of the Paladin was established by the minor Powers many centuries ago. Only the purest and strongest among the faithful are granted this divine favor, since it is a solemn responsibility that requires lifelong dedication. Paladins are charged with the defense of all that is holy, and must respect all religions as their own. When they are called by the Powers, young Paladins travel to the city of Tellerium, in order to hone their combat skills before traveling out into the world. A Paladin's primary attribute is Courage.
  • A Paladin is one of the highest military commanders in the Reef. There are seven Paladins: four commanding the Royal Armada, two commanding the Royal Army, and one commanding the Royal Awoken Guard.
  • Guerrier solide et polyvalent entrainé à encaisser les coups, le paladin utilise la magie et les symboles sacrés pour attirer les ennemis à lui. Il peut alors décider de se protéger derrière un bouclier, ou bien renvoyer les dégâts grâce à de puissantes barrières magiques.
  • Do you believe in Odin? Witness the Paladin's might and see the power of the divine for yourself! Non-believers are sure to convert and sinners will repent! The Paladin is a shining symbol of piety and devotion who uses his fighting ability in the service of Odin and his fellow man. His skills can punish the wicked or inspire the faithful.
  • Numerous Paladin orders exist/have existed. The position of "Paladin" stems at least as far back as the Protectors of the Word, which were formed just prior to Rakkis's crusade against the West. Since this time, different sects of Paladins have formed, with separate goals and bases of operation. What these orders share in common (in theory at least) is their devotion to the teachings of Akarat and spreading the Zakarum faith. By the End of Days however, many Paladin orders had been disbanded. Some formed new orders (such as the Templars), while others went rogue or freelance. Others have simply died. While the Knights of Westmarch continue to function, they have distanced themselves from the Zakarum, and are more focused on defending Westmarch from physical rather than spiritual harm. "Dark" Paladins also exist, who carry the favor of Hell. Paladins are required to sanctify their weapons with their own blood. This sacrifice is a symbol of faith, that even the lowliest Paladin has to submit before the Light, in order that he may prove himself worthy of victory.
  • Ze względu na bardzo małą prędkość poruszania się, jest to czołg o charakterze defensywnym. Jego bronią jest działo laserowe, które zadaje słabsze obrażenia niż te używane w Goliacie (Goliath), jednak dobrze spisuje się przeciwko piechocie oraz pojazdom latającym ze względu na bardzo duży kąt nachylenia głównej wieżyczki (prawie 90 stopni). Jego największym atutem jest możliwość rozłożenia ochronnej tarczy (PPM), która niweluje wszystkie ataki w jej obrębie. Czas, przez jaki tarcza może zostać rozłożona, determinuje wskaźnik pozostałej energii, która może dodatkowo spadać w skutek ataków. Istnieje także specjalne combo, które łączy użycie obydwu trybów ognia. Aby tego dokonać, należy rozłożyć tarczę a następnie użyć pierwszego trybu ognia. Spowoduje to wytworzenie małej fali uderzeniowej wokół Paladina, która uszkadza znajdujących się wokół piechurów przeciwnika (z reguły giną na miejscu) oraz wrogie pojazdy.
  • Captain "Paladin" is the callsign of Yankee Team's Ghost Lead. He is active in the near future. He leads his team in Taiwan against the Phantoms. Following the raid, his team returned to base. He talked with them and served as a sounding board for their concerns. He was then called to the interrogation room to talk to the captured Phantom Virgil. Paladin favors the Blitz technology and the F2000.
  • The Paladin is similar to a Cleric in that they are a dedicated follower of their deity and are capable of healing their companions. This is really where the similarity ends, where a Cleric is much more of a spell caster than a Warrior, the Paladin is a Warrior with a few of the capabilities of a Cleric. Paladins are the militant arm of their Temple, performing the duties that require a more soldierly approach, Paladins are extensively trained in close combat with their magical abilities only a supplement to their other skills. In part due to their close attachment to a Temple, Paladins are very religious individuals, they won't stand for behaviour at odds with their belief and often clash more physically in a meeting of minds. Fortunately their beliefs are compatible with all the good races of Norrath and they are accepted, though at times grudgingly in all civilised cities on the side of light. This general acceptance doesn't extend to the evil races, many of whom have a special hatred for their kind. Paladins represent all that Dark Elves despise and will often be attacked on sight, with no questions or hesitation. While the Ogres and Trolls don't share in this hatred, they do have a fair dislike and even willing Paladins won't find a friend in their company. A Paladin is to the outside often thought of as too righteous and unapproachable, they tend to be quite set in their ways and have an unforgiving manner. A task is a task and it must be completed, there is no allowance for negotiation or compromise. They have little time for any outside their own circle and though willing to defend non or less 'rigid' believers won't socialise or really relate to them. This doesn't mean a Paladin is without heart or compassion, they will die in the defence of others and what they believe is right; just that they aren't people to joke or be mischievous with, especially when there are tasks to be done, or heathens to be slain. Paladin Races Drakkin, Dwarf, Erudite, Froglok, Gnome, Half Elf, Halfling, High Elf, Human Stats Paladins in combat are usually considered a close second for a Warrior, they don't have quite as many abilities and can't use such a wide range of weaponry, but their training is almost identical in fighting with bladed weapons and effectively wearing heavy armour. Like a Warrior, strength and stamina help to determine their effectiveness in close combat. Paladins have considerable magical abilities in addition to their combat skills, relying on wisdom as Clerics do for their spell casting and mana pool. Their intelligence is usually quite high and they are by profession charismatic but neither effects any of their skills. Having a high agility can contribute to a Paladins ability to dodge and parry and gives a small boost to their usually sound armour class but it is still far from a primary statistic.
  • Paladins are the virtuous defenders of the weak and tireless enemies of the undead. Mixing elements of the warrior and the clerics of the Holy Light, the paladin is a tough melee fighter. The tradition of the Holy Light is unique to a few of the Alliance races and the blood elves of the Horde. The paladin is a "Warrior of the Holy Light". They uphold all that is good and true in the world and reviles all that is evil and sinister — especially undead and the Burning Legion. They offer succor to the beleaguered and smites his enemies with holy fervor. They are particularly potent against undead, as these creatures threaten the goodly races and the Holy Light burns them terribly. The presence of any evil is reprehensible to the paladin, but he focuses his efforts on destroying undead and demons. These warriors uphold the tenets of the Holy Light and defend the Alliance from the predations of any threat to their peoples. Found in almost every corner of Azeroth fighting the forces of evil and barbarism, these stalwart warriors of faith ceaselessly uphold their vigil against demonic forces from beyond the Dark Portal. Humans, draenei, and Ironforge dwarves are the most likely to become paladins, as these races revere the Holy Light. Blood elves known as Blood Knights bend the powers of the Light to their will, though rumour has it they have recently began to use the Light legitimately. The paladin order, also called the Knights of the Silver Hand, grew out of humanity’s culture, and its greatest heroes and fiercest proponents are humans. Ironforge dwarves possess the toughness needed to withstand the onslaught of the paladins’ many enemies. High elves rarely become paladins, though this has changed somewhat, as their blood elf brothers and sisters expand the Blood Knight order. The Blood Knights are commonly mistaken as the enemy of the Knights of the Silver Hand by outsiders unfamiliar with the ways of the Light, but this is false presumption. Paladins are the embodiment of goodliness and selfless dedication to the protection of their peoples. They help the innocent and punish the wicked. As such, all paladins are of good alignment. Here is a list of .
  • Paladin (PLDN) is a recurring promoted class in the Shining series. It is the default promotion option for knights.
  • Not many Paladins are encountered by the Order of the Stick. Almost all of them are associated with the Azure City and are devoted to the Twelve Gods. Soon Kim, a Paladin of the City, founded the Sapphire Guard of Paladins to protect his gate. In OOTS comics, when Paladins summon their Holy Paladin Mount, (an animal which they ride and fight on) they use a Pokeball and say ", I choose you!", a reference to Pokemon. Paladins who perform evil deeds, are punished by their gods and lose their properties, like what happened to Miko Miyazaki when she murdered Lord Shojo. Humorously, The comics describes Paladins as "People who have sticks up their ass", Explaining the Silent nature of the class.
  • Paladin left his city and crossed the Badlands to do some target shooting with his revolver. At Roundabout Creek, he met the young Mobian Prince Emerson, son of King Theodore. Paladin demonstrated his shooting by hitting a branch of the tree above him, intriguing the young Mobian. He let Emerson try to shoot a branch himself, but the recoil knocked the young prince on his back. Paladin then sought to show off his ability by shooting something challenging, something that moves, and he took aim at a nearby bird. However, before he pulled the trigger, Emerson jumped in the way of the shot and was killed. Shocked by what he had unintentionally done, Paladin fled, leaving Emerson's body to be found by his father and other searchers. (StH #72)
  • The paladin is a hybrid class with the ability to play a variety of different roles — including healing (Holy), tanking (Protection), and DPS (Retribution). They have auras, blessings and seals that provide useful buffs for other players while withstanding heavy physical damage with plate armor and strong defensive abilities. Paladins are also considered to be holy knights or blood knights.
  • El Paladin es un ejercito cinco-en-uno creado por Hal-G. Se usaron como protección de Naga en su pelea contra Dragonoid Ínfinito
  • Role: Paladins serve as beacons for their allies within the chaos of battle. While deadly opponents of chaos, they can also empower goodly souls to aid in their crusades. Their magic and martial skills also make them well suited to defending others and blessing the fallen with the strength to continue fighting. Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral Hit Die: d10 Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 hl (average 175 hl) The paladin's class skills are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Martial Knowledge (Axes), Martial Knowledge (Blades Light), Martial knowledge (Blades Heavy), Martial knowledge (Close/Monk), Martial Knowledge (Polearms/Spears), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. All of the following are class features of the paladin. When utilizing a spell or technique that deals damage of a specific energy type, you deal an additional amount of damage equal to 1/2 your level. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Paladins are proficient with Axes, Blades (Light), Blades (Heavy), Close/Monk, Flails, Hammers, and Polearms/Spears, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields). A Paladin gains a number of martial techniques he can utilize in battle. A paladin can qualify for bonus martial techniques from a high Charisma score in the same way he can with his spells. Unlike with spells, technique saving throws depend on the type of weapon wielded. A Paladin can also learn to perform a number of martial techniques he can utilize in battle. A Paladin can qualify for bonus martial techniques from a high wisdom score in the same way it can with spells. Unlike with spells however, technique saving throws depend on the type of weapon wielded, listed in the technique's description. Very few classes gain martial techniques for free, they must train to learn how to utilize the techniques. However this also means there is truly no limit to the number of martial techniques one can learn. Martial Techniques need not be prepared beforehand, they can be performed so long as you have uses left in the day. Learning martial techniques is described in the Skills Section of this system. The power of a paladin's aura of alignment (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level. At will, a paladin can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time. Once per day, a paladin can call out to the powers of the Zone to aid her in her struggle against her foe. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target has made a harmful action towards the paladin within the day, the paladin adds her Cha bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite is an outsider with an opposing subtype (Evil, Chaos), an opposite-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. In addition, while smite is in effect, the paladin gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the paladin targets a creature that is not effected, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains her uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the paladin may smite one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: Paladin, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level. At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the paladin targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability. Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage for every two levels the paladin possesses. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead. At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases. At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a paladin can select one mercy. Each mercy adds an effect to the paladin's lay on hands ability. Whenever the paladin uses lay on hands to heal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effects from all of the mercies possessed by the paladin. A mercy can remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison without curing the affliction. Such conditions return after 1 hour unless the mercy actually removes the affliction that causes the condition. At 3rd level, the paladin can select from the following initial mercies. Fatigued: The target is no longer Fatigued. Shaken: The target is no longer Shaken. Sickened: The target is no longer Sickened. At 6th level, a paladin adds the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected. Dazed: The target is no longer Dazed. Diseased: The paladin's lay on hands ability also acts as remove disease, using the paladin's level as the caster level. Staggered: The target is no longer Staggered, unless the target is at exactly 0 hit points. At 9th level, a paladin adds the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected. Cursed: The paladin's lay on hands ability also acts as remove curse, using the paladin's level as the caster level. Exhausted: The target is no longer Exhausted. The paladin must have the fatigue mercy before selecting this mercy. Frightened: The target is no longer Frightened. The paladin must have the Shaken mercy before selecting this mercy. Nauseated: The target is no longer Nauseated. The paladin must have the Sickened mercy before selecting this mercy. Poisoned: The paladin's lay on hands ability also acts as neutralize poison, using the paladin's level as the caster level. At 12th level, a paladin adds the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected. Blinded: The target is no longer Blinded. Deafened: The target is no longer Deafened. Paralyzed: The target is no longer Paralyzed. Stunned: The target is no longer Stunned. These abilities are cumulative. For example, a 12th-level paladin's lay on hands ability heals 6d6 points of damage and might also cure Fatigued and Exhausted conditions as well as removing diseases and neutralizing poisons. Once a condition or spell effect is chosen, it can't be changed. When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to channel positive energy like a cleric. Using this ability consumes two uses of her lay on hands ability. A paladin uses her level as her effective cleric level when channeling positive energy. This is a Charisma-based ability. Beginning at 4th level, a paladin gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells which are drawn from the paladin spell list. A paladin must choose and prepare her spells in advance. To prepare or cast a spell, a paladin must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a paladin's spell is 10 + the spell level + the paladin's Charisma modifier. Like other spellcasters, a paladin can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Paladin. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells). When Table: Paladin indicates that the paladin gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, she gains only the bonus spells she would be entitled to based on her Charisma score for that spell level. A paladin must spend 1 hour each day in quiet prayer and meditation to regain her daily allotment of spells. A paladin may prepare and cast any spell on the paladin spell list, provided that she can cast spells of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation. Through 3rd level, a paladin has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, her caster level is equal to her paladin level – 3. Upon reaching 5th level, a paladin forms a great bond with the Zone allowing for heightened Offensive Capabilities or a powerful mount. The first type of bond allows the paladin to enhance her weapon as a standard action by calling upon the aid of a celestial spirit for 1 minute per paladin level. When called, the spirit causes the weapon to shed light as a torch. At 5th level, this spirit grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. For every three levels beyond 5th, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5, or they can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: axiomatic, brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, flaming burst, holy, keen, merciful, and speed. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property's cost (see Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities). These bonuses are added to any properties the weapon already has, but duplicate abilities do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. The bonus and properties granted by the spirit are determined when the spirit is called and cannot be changed until the spirit is called again. The celestial spirit imparts no bonuses if the weapon is held by anyone other than the paladin but resumes giving bonuses if returned to the paladin. These bonuses apply to only one end of a double weapon. A paladin can use this ability once per day at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 5th, to a total of four times per day at 17th level. If a weapon bonded with a celestial spirit is destroyed, the paladin loses the use of this ability for 30 days, or until she gains a level, whichever comes first. During this 30-day period, the paladin takes a –1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls. The second type of bond allows a paladin to gain the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve her in her crusade against evil. This mount is usually a Mystic Beast, although more exotic mounts, such as a Dragon, Baciel, or even a Prinny are also suitable. This mount functions as a druid's animal companion, using the paladin's level as her effective druid level. Bonded mounts have an Intelligence of at least 6. Once per day, as a full-round action, a paladin may magically call her mount to her side. This ability is the equivalent of a spell of a level equal to one-third the paladin's level. The mount immediately appears adjacent to the paladin. A paladin can use this ability once per day at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every 4 levels thereafter, for a total of four times per day at 17th level. At 11th level, the mount gains the celestial creature advanced simple template and becomes a magical beast for the purposes of determining which spells affect it. At 15th level, a paladin's mount gains spell resistance equal to the paladin's level + 11. Should the paladin's mount die, the paladin may not summon another mount for 30 days or until she gains a paladin level, whichever comes first. During this 30-day period, the paladin takes a –1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level, a paladin is immune to charm spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects. This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead. At 11th level, a paladin can expend two uses of her smite evil ability to grant the ability to smite evil to all allies within 10 feet, using her bonuses. Allies must use this smite evil ability by the start of the paladin's next turn and the bonuses last for 1 minute. Using this ability is a free action. Evil creatures gain no benefit from this ability. At 14th level, a paladin's weapons are treated as good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. Any attack made against an enemy within 10 feet of her is treated as good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead. At 17th level, a paladin gains DR 5/evil and immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead. At 20th level, a paladin becomes a conduit for the power of her god. Her DR increases to 10/Chaos. Whenever she uses smite evil and successfully strikes an evil outsider, the outsider is also subject to a banishment, using her paladin level as the caster level (her weapon and holy symbol automatically count as objects that the subject hates). After the banishment effect and the damage from the attack is resolved, the smite immediately ends. In addition, whenever she channels positive energy or uses lay on hands to heal a creature, she heals the maximum possible amount. A paladin must be of lawful alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if she ever willingly commits a chaotic act or disrespects those whom follow the way of the sword. Additionally, a paladin's code requires that she respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not use the help for chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten innocents. Associates: A paladin avoids working with Chaotic characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code. Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with Chaotic associates, but only to defeat what she believes to be a greater Chaotic being. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should she feel it is doing more harm than good. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful. These spells are on the list of spells that a Paladin can cast, spells from the normal Pathfinder RPG are located here under "Paladin".
  • The perfect heathen slaying unit for those following the noble path, the Paladin is immune to disease and gets a bonus against demons. Paladins are the strongest Disciple unit. Only Good aligned players can build Paladins.
  • This page is about the Empire City Guardsman. For the trait, please see the Avatar Trait Lawyers for Sapphire Comics, the publishers who produce the hit ‘Lady Lightning’, ‘Justiciar’, ‘Southern Belle’ and ‘Erinyes’ comic books, have filed a suit in New York Superior Court against local superheroes Dr. Thunder and Paladin. The lawsuit claims that Dr. Thunder and Paladin infringe upon the Distinctive Likeness of the copyrighted characters Lady Lightning and Justiciar. Lawyers for the Empire City Guard , the team that both Dr. Thunder and Paladin work with, completely dismiss these charges. “This is obviously a cheap attempt to drum up publicity for the DVD release of the ‘Lady Lightning’ movie. The similarities of dress and ability of the copyrighted characters and these two real, living persons are marginal, and the differences are material. To which, Dr. Thunder added, “Yeah, when Lady Lightning has a good idea, Justiciar listens to her!” He's involved in the fight in Rockefeller Center against Ymir , and chats with Mega-Girl en passant. He gets smashed like a bug. When Dr. Amazing tries to obtain information from him about the Christmas snowmen, he refers them to Charlie Lodgeman. He appears to be acting as temporary team leader when the team attacks Jadis and other Whateley students at Larry Wilkins' junkyard. His teammates aren't happy with the decision or the reasons behind it.
  • The Armor has been redesigned and now grants Inner Light, an automatic healing stat taking effect each round. New official weapons and helmet can be bought from Artix.
  • Holy Infantry slightly less effective than Knights in melee combat. Paladins can cast holy magic to heal allies and damage undead units including ghouls.
  • Despite lacking Bloodlines, the Franks have the strongest Paladin in the game due to their civilization bonus.
  • The Paladin is a hybrid class focusing on tanking and Psionics. How to Obtain: From the previous Mystic+Combat classes, Paladin can be reached simply by training Psionics. From any other class, it's easiest to obtain by training Weapons and Mystic only. Using Items runs a high risk of getting one of the Item-related classes instead. X360: Units can only start in this class. Upgrade Options: PC options: Being a Rank 5 class the Paladin does not have a lot of upgrade options left. The only straight upgrade is a Sovani class: * Deathknight: requires Dual Power Grip 16, STR53+ or INT53+ * Ninja: requires Quad Wield 22 and Katana 19, STR59+ or INT59+ For non-Sovani, this is the only straight upgrade: * Ninja: requires Dual Wield 22 and Katana 19, STR59+ or INT59+ All of the other higher Rank classes apart from Commander and Alchemist have set minimum skill requirements, which makes changing into them straightforward. The only thing to keep in mind is that a class type change requirement must also be met to reach most of them. These classes are: * Gladiator: requires Mystic>Item, Power Grip 16, highest Mystic skill is Wards, STR53+ * Ordainer: requires Item/Mystic balance, all Weapon Types level 19+, STR59+ * Alchemist: highest Item skill is Shards, STR53+ or INT53+ * Assassin: requires One-Handed 15 and Sword 13, Items as a significant category, STR53+ or INT53+ * Commander: highest Mystic skill is Wards, INT53+ * Warlock: requires all Arcana learned, INT59+ X360 options: Since any unit starting in this class will have Mystic > Item, this will likely be their ending class: * Gladiator: requires Mystic>Item, STR53+
  • Paladins are holy warriors. The operative words being holy, as in divinely inspired or patronized, and warrior, which implies an amount of martial prowess in terms of being used against other living, and unliving things. All paladins must have a patron deity, and for good reason, without it they'd lose the majority of their class abilities, and they'd have no idea how to live their lives. Paladins are required to have a code. They must live by a set of principles or ethics to maintain their class. If you want to arbitrarily decide how to do good, and do it without 'restrictions', the chaotic equivalent of the paladin is the Holy Liberator.
  • Los Paladines son maestros en distance weapons, p.e. Bows, Crossbows, Spears y Stars. Los Paladines tienen un buen balance entre habilidades físicas y mágicas. Avanzan muy rapido en Distance y no son totalmente inútiles usando mágia. Comparado con los Knights, los Paladines incrementan su Shielding de forma similar y avanzan un poco más despacio en Melee. Paladins are not severely lacking in any ability, but their forte is the use of distance weapons.
  • PaplovagA Szent Fény támogatói, a Szövetség védelmezői, a paplovagok megtalálhatóak Tirisfal Tisztás északi erdőitől kezdve (ahol az Élőhalottak előrehaladását próbálják megakadályozni) az Átkozott Földek déli vidékéig, szüntelenül vigyázva területüket a Sötét Portálon túlról érkező démoni hordákkal szemben. Hatalmas kalapácsaikkal és a Szent Fény erejével felvértezve ezek a szent harcosok csapatokat irányítanak a harcok során, s mindvégig a csata sűrűjében forgolódnak. A paplovagok a közelharci harcosok és másodsorban varázshasználók kombinációi. Ideálisak bármilyen csoportnak, köszönhetően gyógyító, és egyéb képességeiknek, valamint a bűbájaiknak, pecsétjeiknek. Minden csapattagra vonatkozóan csak egy aurát aktiválhatnak, és meghatározott játékosok esetében meghatározott bűbájt alkalmazhatnak. Védelmi képességeiknek köszönhetően meglehetősen nehéz őket megölni. Gyógyíthatnak még a Szent Fény segítségével is ellenben más harcos osztályokkal. Élőhalott specialistáknak is tekinthetőek, mivel számos képességük eleve az élőhalottak elleni harcot segíti elő. Engedélyezett fajok: Ember Ember Ember, Törp Törp Törpe, Vérelf Vérelf Vérelf, Draenei Draenei Draenei Alap értékek: Életerő / Manna Hozzáférhető páncélzat: sodronypáncélzat, bőr, vászon, pajzs és lemezpáncélzat Hozzáférhető fegyverek: egy és kétkezes buzogányok, egy és kétkezes kardok, egy és kétkezes fejszék, Lándzsa Aurák Egy időben csak egy aura lehet aktív. Ki kell választani, hogy melyik a legmegfelelőbb az adott szituációban. A többi játékos is megmondhatja, hogy melyiket lenne a legjobb használni. Ha ugyanabban a csoportban több paladin is van, mindegyiküknek más és más aurája lehet aktív, de ugyanannak az aurának a hatását nem halmozhatják. Ha te is paladin vagy, és egy másik paladin is van a csapatban, érdemes vele egyeztetni, hogy ő milyen aurát fog használni, annak érdekében, hogy kiegészítsétek egymást. Forrá
  • thumb Der Paladin (Plural Paladine, lat. palatinus) ist eine der in World of Warcraft wählbaren Charakterklassen. Sein Platz in der Geschichte von Warcraft ist vor allem die Figur des edlen Verteidigers der Armen und Wehrlosen, sowie Erzfeind der Untoten. Paladine sind eine Hybridklasse, sie können tanken, heilen und physischen Schaden austeilen. Der Paladin wird allgemein als eine defensiv-orientierte, meist mit einem Schild ausgerüstete Figur angesehen, die neben ihrer hohen Standfestigkeit durch gut gepanzerte Plattenrüstung auch mit zahlreichen, relativ starken Heil-Zaubersprüchen bestückt ist und sich dadurch in Schlachten als unverzichtbarer "heiliger Krieger" erweist. Bis Level 40 tragen sie Kettenrüstung, dann Platte. Als Waffen können Zwei-Hand-Streitkolben, Ein-Hand-Steitkolben, Ein-Hand-Äxte, Zwei-Hand-Äxte, Ein-Hand-Schwerter, Zwei-Hand-Schwerter und Stangenwaffen getragen werden. Paladine können Menschen, Zwerge, Draenei, Blutelfen und seit Cataclysm auch Tauren werden.
  • На это существо 4 умением советуется ставить: ледяную броню( так как существо имеет способность мишень, то он пробивает любую броню, а комбинация ледяная броня + злость поможет быстро набрать урон, что поможет паладину очень больно бить по врагу. С этого существа можно снять злость.
  • O Paladin é um cavaleiro sagrado, consagrado pelos poderes e divindades do bem e da luz. Paladins são escolhidos pelos poderes divinos e de nenhuma outra maneira. Apesar de existirem muitos que possuam uma ou mais qualidades para ser um Paladin, somente aqueles que são verdadeiramente exemplos perfeitos do poder da luz são escolhidos para se tornarem Paladins. Paladins, bem como os Samurais, seguem um código rígido de honra e nobreza. Eles geralmente utilizam armaduras pesadas e espadas. Geralmente, suas armas e armaduras são consagradas pela luz assim como eles para conferir ainda mais talentos formidáveis. Eles são capazes de protegerem os demais aliados dos perigos e podem canalizar as energias sagradas dos mestres da luz através de suas espadas, os tornando guerreiros ameaçadores. Image:TA2-HumePaladin.jpg
  • A paladin is a fervent knight of his deity. He is a champion of justice, a destroyer of evil. Paladins in Polaqu differ slightly from the standard described in PHB.
  • Il Paladin è una classe ibrida, cioè ha la caratteristica che può essere giocata in diversi ruoli in base ai talenti scelti: Holy (Healer), Retribution (DPS), Protection (Tank). Sono dotati di aure, blessing e seal che forniscono utili buff agli altri giocatori. I paladin, così come i Death Knight e i Warrior, possono indossare oggetti Plate, in modo da fornire un'ottima armatura contro i danni fisici. La classe paladin è considerata unicamente dell'Alleanza(sono infatti denominati all'interno di questa fazione "I Cavalieri Sacri"):nel combattimento possono sopportare ogni tipo di dolore(fungendo nel ruolo di tank) e possiedono le abilità tipiche del Guerriero,ma, essendo dotati di più spiritualità, possiedono anche gli stessi poteri magici dei Sacerdoti, quali gli attacchi magici sacri, la guarigione e il rafforzamento,soprattutto per armature e armi.
  • Paladins are a Star Child class available in Conception 2. They are very defensive units who wield spears into battle. They are not initially unlocked, and become unlocked late into the game as Feene is the only mother with the same stat distribution shape as them.
  • Paladins of the Chatos Academy were early forerunners of the Jedi Knights. Paladins was also a name for the palace guards of Iziz; however, they obviously were unrelated to the former. A Paladin character is mentioned in the Rodian play The Trickery of Vosdia Nooma.
  • The paladin is the Tier 5 class following in the phalanx hybridizing even further in the combination of the sword and shield skills whit power of sacred magic .
  • En Paladin er en spilbar klasse i World of Warcraft, og ifølge Loren har de været der siden Den Anden Krig. Det var i midt Den Anden Krig at der kom disse hellige krigere. Lord Uther Lysbringeren og Alonsus Faol dannede The Silver Hand, som var en gruppe hellige krigere, senere kaldt Paladiner. The Silver Hand smulrede i løbet af Den Tredje Krig, fordi kronprinsen af Lordaeron, Arthas Menethil dræbte Uther.
  • A Paladin is a level 3, human unit. It promoted from Knight and it was the highest possible upgrade for this line of profession. It equiped with Charge skill which allow it to boost it attack while attacking it enemies but in return the enemies counterattack is also being boost. On top of that it also proceess the ability to heal +4 which allows all the friendly unit adjacent to it being heal on thier wound.
  • "The way of the Paladin is to seek to know that which truly is. The Paladin strives to learn his own inner nature and that of others. The Paladin does whatever needs to be done to bring light to the world. Not for glory, not for gain, the Paladin becomes a Paladin because it is his will." (Rakeesh) A Paladin is a person of Honor. The more good deeds one accomplishes, the more abilities they have at their command - the most noticeable being a blue flame surrounding the blade of their weapon (which is traditionally a sword).
  • Paladins are the back bone of every good party. They've got great Defense and Health, but have lacks in their offensive side. They learn powerful Aura's, which can either protect the party or buff them in some ways. As a Paladin, you will be counted on as a Cleaner or a Tanker. With their lacks in offensive abilities, they mostly uses them as human shields for the party or cleaning up, after the AoE'rs.
  • [[Datei:Cecil Harvey Dissidia.png|thumb|Cecil als Dunkelritter und Paladin aus Dissidia: Final Fantasy]] Der Paladin ist ein wiederkehrender Beruf in der Final Fantasy-Serie mit magischen Fähigkeiten. Welche magischen Fähigkeiten er besitzt, ist aber von Spiel zu Spiel unterschiedlich. Vornehmlich Cecil Harvey, welcher im Laufe der Handlung von Final Fantasy IV vom Dunkelritter zum Paladin wird, wird mit eben diesem Beruf assoziiert. Weitere Charaktere, die mit dieser Charakterklasse in Verbindung gebracht werden, sind Celes Chere aus Final Fantasy VI sowie Beatrix aus Final Fantasy IX.
  • Diese Fähigkeit kostet 2 Lernpunkte. Wer sie erlernt hat, richtet gegen alle "bösen" Gegner (Untote, Dämonen, Vampire, Werwölfe) im Nahkampf +10 Schadenspunkte an.
  • Paladins are a melee-oriented class with an exceptional talent for Divine Magic. They have an excellent skillset featuring healing, concentration, athletics, dodge, literacy, and stealth; superior starting equipment (typically blessed); and have a variety of special powers linked to a favourable standing with their god. Paladins can be played well by almost any race. Drakelings, dark elves, orcs, and dwarves are notably good choices.
  • As an ally, the paladin comes in a variety of either grey-gold, black, or blue, and has many helmet customizations. He has the ability to wield weapons, shields, and amulets like you do. Another feature is that you can transform into the Paladin, so you can look and fight as him.
  • Though not directly called such, by the end of Mask of Eternity, Connor had become a sort of Paladin of ideals. Wearing the holy Armor of Light, wielding the Sword and Shield of Truth, and holding the Chalice of Order.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ de:Paladin fr:Paladin es:Paladín ja:ナイト
  • The Paladin (パラディン Paradin) is a horse-mounted combat physical class that recurrently appears across the Fire Emblem Series, beginning from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light. Commonly the promoted form of the Cavalier class, the equipment armed by the Paladin class varies depending on the title. On the whole, Paladins are known to be outfitted with Swords and Lances as their primary weapons of choice. A game's Jagen archetype is likely to be a Paladin.
  • Paladins are monsters located in East Ardougne. They require level 70 Thieving to pick-pocket, granting 152 experience, 80 coins and 1 Chaos-Rune per pickpocket. A large group of Paladins can be found in a small room on the second floor of King Lathas' castle but to access the room again level 70 Thieving is required. Three paladins are also encountered during the Underground Pass quest. They must be killed for the insignia they carry which allows deeper access into the dungeon.
  • The Paladin rips through his enemies with both Pistols and Blades. He is not only a damage specialist able to deal with most situations, but also has quite a few tricks up his sleeve. He uses strong Focus attacks to deal high amounts of damage, and can not only Impair and Afflict is foes, but also teleport to them and create his own zone of dominance on the battlefield. The Deck is good for both solo and group play, and it has tools to effectively handle both single targets and groups of enemies. With good Focus attacks and the ability to Afflict enemies with damage-over-time effects, the Paladin is very useful in dungeons, and with abilities which increase mobility, the Deck can be a hazard to anyone in player-versus-player combat.
  • Paladins take their adventures seriously, and even a mundane mission is, in the heart of the paladin, a personal test - an opportunity to demonstrate bravery, to learn tactics, and to do good in the world. Divine power protects these warriors of virtue, warding off harm, protecting them from disease, healing them and their allies, and guarding against fear. Finally, a paladin can use this power to destroy evil. Even a novice paladin can detect evil, and more experienced paladins can smite evil foes and turn away undead. Many of the paladin's special abilities also benefit from a high charisma score. Alignment restrictions: Lawful Good ONLY. Paladins must be lawful good, and they lose their divine powers if they deviate from that alignment. * Ex-Paladins = A paladin who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who grossly violates the code of conduct loses all paladin spells and abilities (including the service of the paladin’s mount, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). He may not progress any farther in levels as a paladin. He regains his abilities and advancement potential if he atones for his violations as appropriate.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ en:Paladin fr:Paladin es:Paladin ja:ナイト
  • Paladin Paladin is a guild dedicated to helping members play Dofus to the best of their ability. Our guild name, Paladin, means "Knights who do good deeds" Founded on November 5, 2006 we are currently a level 44 guild with close to our maximum membership level. Members have access to the guild house, owned by the guild leader Shawsheen located in Bonta. We are very involved in Dragoturkey breeding and own 3 paddocks for this purpose and for members in which to house their mounts. We value dedicated mature players who posses a desire to participate in group activities, socialize, and have fun. Aside from those criteria, level 60 players are strongly prefered, altough promising players may seek an exception. Please contact ingame either Shawsheen or Unkillable for more information on joining, and be sure to read up on our Guild Homepage at, where information about guild rank and rewards are found.
  • Paladins are a class of heavily-armored fighters with a focus on defense and the protection of their companions. They are related to the Knight class, but unlike the knight, have a strong affinity with "Light", in its metaphorical, spiritual sense, giving them access to White Magic to cure themselves, as well as various protective spells to raise their resistance to physical and magical damage. It is common for the Paladin class to be able to be taken up by Knights after completing a lengthy quest (usually involving the destruction of a powerful and threatening opponent;often a Dragon), during the process of which he or she will be a Crusader, and become a Paladin after its succesful completion. The opposite of the Paladin is the Dark Lord. Paladins have outstanding physical defensive capabilities and also benefit from a range of protective effects against evil and/or monstrous foes and occult arts.
  • Paladins kun je vinden in Ardougne, vaak rond het kasteel en de markt. Vanaf level 70 Thieving kun je ze bestelen, voor 151,75 ervaring, met als buit 80 coins en 2 chaos runes. Weinig mensen trainen combat op hen, omdat ze goedkope spullen achterlaten, de besten zijn level 2 clue scrolls, en ze kunnen vaak 8 hitten. Paladins zullen spelers aanvallen wanneer ze van de stallen met zilver, edelstenen en specerijen steelt. Ze zitten in de gilde: Ardougne's Holy Order of Paladins. Een goede strategie is om Protect from Melee te gebruiken en je Prayer punten te herstellen op het altaar wat vlakbij is. Herhaal dit proces zodat je geen gezondheid verliest. Een alternatief is dat je voedsel van de stallen steelt. Zoals iedereen die Melee gebruikt, Paladins zijn zwak tegen Magic.
  • Die Berufung des Paladins besteht darin, die Schwachen zu beschützen, den Ungerechten ihre gerechte Strafe zuteil werden zu lassen und das Böse aus den düstersten Ecken der Welt zu verbannen. Diese heiligen Krieger schützen sich mit einer Plattenrüstung, um selbst den herausforderndsten Gegnern entgegen treten zu können. Mit dem Segen des Lichts können sie Wunden heilen und in einigen Fällen sogar Tote zum Leben erwecken. Stets hilfsbereit verteidigen Paladine ihre Verbündeten mit Schwert und Schild oder lehren Feinden mit riesigen Zweihandwaffen das Fürchten. Das Licht verleiht Paladinen zusätzliche Macht im Kampf gegen Untote und Dämonen, um diese lästerlichen Wesen mit ihrer Verderbnis ein für allemal vom Angesicht der Welt zu tilgen. Paladine sind nicht nur Kämpfer ihres Glaubens, sondern auch Wächter der Rechtschaffenen, die ihren Segen all jenen spenden, die vom Licht erhellt werden. Vom Licht geküsst verströmt der Paladin seine Macht, die auch Verbündete in der Nähe in seine Strahlen einhüllt. Paladine stehen von Angesicht zu Angesicht mit dem Feind und verlassen sich auf ihre schwere Rüstung, um heftigen Angriffen zu widerstehen. Mit massiven Schilden oder verheerenden Zweihandwaffen können Paladine Klauen und Schwerter von ihren schwächeren Verbündeten fernhalten, müssen jedoch ihre heilende Magie mit Bedacht einsetzen, um bei Kräften zu bleiben. Als Wächter des Heiligen Lichts statten Paladine ihre Verbündeten mit heiligen Auren und Segen aus, um sie vor Gefahren zu schützen und ihre Kraft zu vergrößern. Durch ihre Plattenrüstung können sie auch härteste Schläge in den wildesten Kämpfen überstehen, während sie ihre verwundeten Kameraden heilen und im schlimmsten Fall wiederbeleben. Sie verfügen über die Fähigkeit, mächtige Zweihandwaffen anzulegen, ihre Kontrahenten zu lähmen, Untote und Dämonen vernichtend zu attackieren und ihre Feinde mit heiliger Rache niederzuschmettern.
  • Paladin on ihminen Ardougnessa. Niitä on ympäri kaupunkia. Ne käyttävät Meleetä. Jos haluaa varastaa paladineilta thieving pitää olla 70. 1. * OHJAUS
  • Le Paladin est une arme fiable et durable, développée par les forces de l’ordre en quête d’une arme compacte et puissante pour leurs agents infiltrées.Incroyablement petite par rapport à sa puissance, le Paladin est une variante du pistolet lourd Carnifex. Son chargeur est plut petit que celui du Carnifex, mais il est bien plus puissant. 1. * REDIRECTION
  • Paladins are warriors of good and utilise the skills of Chivalry, Devotion, and Forging.
  • Le Paladin a de nombreux builds possibles. Il est une des classes les plus adaptables en ayant des builds bons pour le JcM (comme Hammerdin) et des builds bons pour le JcJ (comme FoHer).
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