  • Exalted
  • Exalted
  • Exalted
  • Exalted
  • Exalted
  • Exalted
  • Exalted, first released in the summer of 2001, is a storytelling game of epic fantasy and cinematic action that uses a modified version of the Storyteller System.
  • The Exalted is available in the Shop for 100.000 uridium and is also available in Auction in the hourly tab.
  • Exalted is an armor style made in the appearance of the Blessed Celestial Powers. It drops in the Raven bounty for Villains and is obtained as a reward from the extra level boss' in T5 duos for Heroes. It also can be obtained from the Chit of Exaltation's Rewards which might be contained in the Exalted Reward Box. The armor has an Item Level of 85 and players require a Combat Rating of 84 to wear it. __TOC__ File:SonsofTrigon.png
  • Prefix Title earned by gaining +30,000 (Warmly) faction with the Concordium in South Qeynos.
  • This page lists all dead Exalted PCs.
  • "We of Exalted are nothing if not fighters. No one will sing songs in our memory, but us. We are our only mourners. Our traditions and memories live only with us. We are the breed of men and women that are distinguishable by superiority, or our neverending quest for it in all matters. We have been wronged and know too well the price, and those who cross our path will feel our wrath. Thus it has been and ever will be." --- Overlord Crow
  • In Creation, the gods petitioned a Primordial, Authochthon, to create shards of power that would grant mortals who fit a specific criteria a level of near-demigod power. These people, called the Exalted, have had a bloody history and a peace only found in storybooks to go with their power. There are five different types of Exalted, one for each of their celestial beings.
  • Источниками вдохновения авторы системы называют книги Танит Ли, Роберта Говарда, Майкла Муркока и Глена Кука, старательно избегая каких бы то ни было отсылок к Джону Толкину. В качестве примеров историй, хорошо моделируемых системой, приводят такие классические произведения, как Илиада, Одиссея, Эпос о Гильгамеше, Беовульф, а также китайский кинематограф и японскую мангу.
  • 익절티드는 White Wolf Publishing의 판타지 롤플레잉 게임이다. Dungeons & Dragons같은 다른 하이 판타지 게임들과는 다르게 J. R. R. Tolkien의 영향을 고의적으로 도피하여 하이 판타지보다는 "신화적 판타지"에 더욱 가까운 게임이 되었다. 2006년 12월 현제 제2판까지 발매되었으며 계속 서플먼트들이 발표되는 중이다.
  • el estar exaltado quiere decir que los habitantes del lugar en que lo estas confian en ti . ser exaltado en un lugar es util para poder comprar objetos que solos los exaltados de esa ciudad pueden obtener , o lo mas util , poder usar monturas de esa ciudad tanto terrestres como voladoras(si la ciudad las tiene) , si eres una raza tipica de esa ciudad , como por ejemplo los humanos de ventormenta o los elfos de sangre de lunargenta no necesitan estar exatados , por que por el hecho de ser una raza iniciada en esa ciudad ( es decir , que empezaste dede el nivel 1 en esa ciudad ) puedes usar sus monturas si tienes nivel suficiente para ello .
  • Exalted was a title given to the greatest and oldest of the Feeorin. The Exalted was the only living being permitted to enter the Sanctum of the Exalted. The position was permanent: Once Exalted, always Exalted. Jedi Master Feln was the Exalted in 3963 BBY. But when he destroyed the Sanctum, destroying the village, Borjak stabbed him with a knife and his people turned on him. Borjak then became the new Exalted.
  • Plik:Rep_hated_icon_18x18.png Hated ⇒ Plik:Rep_hostile_icon_18x18.png Hostile ⇒ Plik:Rep_unfriendly_icon_18x18.png Unfriendly ⇒ Plik:Rep_neutral_icon_18x18.png Neutral ⇒ Plik:Rep_friendly_icon_18x18.png Friendly ⇒ Plik:Rep_honored_icon_18x18.png Honored ⇒ Plik:Rep_revered_icon_18x18.png Revered ⇒ Plik:Rep_exalted_icon_18x18.png Exalted Wywyższony to najwyższy poziom reputacji. Maksymalną ilością jaką można otrzymać w tej reputacji jest 1000, ale licznik zatrzymuje się na 999 i nie można zdobyć więcej punktów dla danej frakcji. Inne informacje:
  • Exalted is the highest reputation level. Although the limit for Exalted is 1,000 reputation points, it is capped at 999, after which you will earn no more reputation points for that faction. Additional info:
  • Exalted is the highest reputation level. Although the limit for Exalted is 1,000 reputation points, it is capped at 999, after which you will earn no more reputation points for that faction. Additional info:
  • The current break down of Exalts in the Exalted: Greece setting is: * 250 Solars * The kings and queens of the Exalted. They are granted their powers from Helios. Their potential is beyond that of all the other exalts. In the past they were the leaders of the Exalted armies. * 500 Lunars * Mates of the Solars. They are granted their powers from Selene. In the past they were the commanders of the Exalted armies, and the bodyguards of the Solars. * 150 Sidereals * These are the chosen of the fates. They live in Olympus and are given the task of maintaining order in creation. In the past they were the advisers to the Solars. * about 15,000 Terrestrials * These are the current leaders of creation. Many are the descendants of Alexander the Great. They were
  • 1
  • T3
  • Exalted.png
  • guild page
  • Xuthal,Wood,Zorecus
  • Exalted
  • ~50
  • Yes
  • PvE
  • PvP
  • Guild
  • Wood
  • In the Exalted state, the Eliatrope uses Wakfu to generate more damage, but this is also has a downside.
  • Exalted
  • GMT +2
  • --06-25
  • Spells activate additional effect Exalted If they have WP, With each damage spell: *Inflicts % add. damage *Consumes 1 On hit taken: *Suffers % add. damage
wikipage disambiguates
  • Exalted, first released in the summer of 2001, is a storytelling game of epic fantasy and cinematic action that uses a modified version of the Storyteller System.
  • The Exalted is available in the Shop for 100.000 uridium and is also available in Auction in the hourly tab.
  • The current break down of Exalts in the Exalted: Greece setting is: * 250 Solars * The kings and queens of the Exalted. They are granted their powers from Helios. Their potential is beyond that of all the other exalts. In the past they were the leaders of the Exalted armies. * 500 Lunars * Mates of the Solars. They are granted their powers from Selene. In the past they were the commanders of the Exalted armies, and the bodyguards of the Solars. * 150 Sidereals * These are the chosen of the fates. They live in Olympus and are given the task of maintaining order in creation. In the past they were the advisers to the Solars. * about 15,000 Terrestrials * These are the current leaders of creation. Many are the descendants of Alexander the Great. They were the foot soldiers in the Exalted armies. * 200 Abyssals * Created from solar shards that have been corrupted by the Neverborn. The Abyssals only have a love of destruction in all of its forms. * 50 Infernals * Created from solar shards that have been corrupted by the Yozi. The Infernals wish to create havoc and chaos in Creation, and to overthrow the gods and return the Titans back to power. 16,150 total * % Population Exalted: %0.015 (1:6,000) * % Population Celestial Exalted: %0.0011 (1:90,000) * % Population Terrestrial Exalted: %0.014 (1:7,000) you can adjust this as you see fit but its a good starting point.
  • Exalted is an armor style made in the appearance of the Blessed Celestial Powers. It drops in the Raven bounty for Villains and is obtained as a reward from the extra level boss' in T5 duos for Heroes. It also can be obtained from the Chit of Exaltation's Rewards which might be contained in the Exalted Reward Box. The armor has an Item Level of 85 and players require a Combat Rating of 84 to wear it. __TOC__ File:SonsofTrigon.png
  • Prefix Title earned by gaining +30,000 (Warmly) faction with the Concordium in South Qeynos.
  • This page lists all dead Exalted PCs.
  • Plik:Rep_hated_icon_18x18.png Hated ⇒ Plik:Rep_hostile_icon_18x18.png Hostile ⇒ Plik:Rep_unfriendly_icon_18x18.png Unfriendly ⇒ Plik:Rep_neutral_icon_18x18.png Neutral ⇒ Plik:Rep_friendly_icon_18x18.png Friendly ⇒ Plik:Rep_honored_icon_18x18.png Honored ⇒ Plik:Rep_revered_icon_18x18.png Revered ⇒ Plik:Rep_exalted_icon_18x18.png Exalted Wywyższony to najwyższy poziom reputacji. Maksymalną ilością jaką można otrzymać w tej reputacji jest 1000, ale licznik zatrzymuje się na 999 i nie można zdobyć więcej punktów dla danej frakcji. Inne informacje: * Posiadając ten poziom reputacji i spełniając kilka innych kryteriów, można dosiadać wierzchowców innych ras. * Od patcha 2.3.0, otrzymujesz 20% zniżki u kupców w danej frakcji. * Większość frakcji sprzedaje tabardy graczom, którzy osiągnęli poziom wywyższenia. * Kiedy otrzymujesz reputację z jednym z miast frakcji z którym masz owej maksymalny poziom (999/1000 Wywyższony), 25% jej wartości zostanie przekazane na rzecz kolejnego miasta, z którym masz największą, niemaksymalną wartość reputacji. Ten fakt nie zachodzi, gdy otrzymujesz reputację z całą frakcją (np. Steamwheedle Carter +1500). Wtedy to rośnie ona dla każdego miastem o tę samą wartość, w tym przypadku o 1500.
  • "We of Exalted are nothing if not fighters. No one will sing songs in our memory, but us. We are our only mourners. Our traditions and memories live only with us. We are the breed of men and women that are distinguishable by superiority, or our neverending quest for it in all matters. We have been wronged and know too well the price, and those who cross our path will feel our wrath. Thus it has been and ever will be." --- Overlord Crow
  • Exalted is the highest reputation level. Although the limit for Exalted is 1,000 reputation points, it is capped at 999, after which you will earn no more reputation points for that faction. Additional info: * With this reputation level and additional restrictions (see Purchasing other mounts), you can purchase and train to ride mounts of another race. * As of Patch 2.3, this reputation level gives a 20% discount. * An additional bar of 1,000 reputation after exalted exists — the 20% discount doesn't begin until a player reaches 999 in this bar (the maximum it allows). * Certain factions sell tabards for players who become exalted. * Gaining reputation with a Faction City you are already 999/1000 exalted with will cause 25% of the reputation to "bleed over" to your next-highest city reputation. This does not happen when you gain reputation with all cities at once (ie, "Horde +250")- in this case, the reputation that would go to already-exalted cities is simply lost.
  • In Creation, the gods petitioned a Primordial, Authochthon, to create shards of power that would grant mortals who fit a specific criteria a level of near-demigod power. These people, called the Exalted, have had a bloody history and a peace only found in storybooks to go with their power. There are five different types of Exalted, one for each of their celestial beings.
  • Источниками вдохновения авторы системы называют книги Танит Ли, Роберта Говарда, Майкла Муркока и Глена Кука, старательно избегая каких бы то ни было отсылок к Джону Толкину. В качестве примеров историй, хорошо моделируемых системой, приводят такие классические произведения, как Илиада, Одиссея, Эпос о Гильгамеше, Беовульф, а также китайский кинематограф и японскую мангу.
  • Exalted is the highest reputation level. Although the limit for Exalted is 1,000 reputation points, it is capped at 999, after which you will earn no more reputation points for that faction. Additional info: * With this reputation level and additional restrictions (see Purchasing other mounts), you can purchase and train to ride mounts of another race. * As of Patch 2.3, this reputation level gives a 20% discount. * An additional bar of 1000 reputation after exalted exists, but will finish growing after it has reached 999. * Certain factions sell tabards for players who become exalted. * Gaining reputation with a Faction City that you are already 999/1000 exalted with will cause 25% of the reputation to "bleed over" to your next-highest city reputation. This does not happen when you gain reputation with all cities at once (ie, "Horde +250")- in this case, the reputation that would go to already-exalted cities is simply lost.
  • 익절티드는 White Wolf Publishing의 판타지 롤플레잉 게임이다. Dungeons & Dragons같은 다른 하이 판타지 게임들과는 다르게 J. R. R. Tolkien의 영향을 고의적으로 도피하여 하이 판타지보다는 "신화적 판타지"에 더욱 가까운 게임이 되었다. 2006년 12월 현제 제2판까지 발매되었으며 계속 서플먼트들이 발표되는 중이다.
  • el estar exaltado quiere decir que los habitantes del lugar en que lo estas confian en ti . ser exaltado en un lugar es util para poder comprar objetos que solos los exaltados de esa ciudad pueden obtener , o lo mas util , poder usar monturas de esa ciudad tanto terrestres como voladoras(si la ciudad las tiene) , si eres una raza tipica de esa ciudad , como por ejemplo los humanos de ventormenta o los elfos de sangre de lunargenta no necesitan estar exatados , por que por el hecho de ser una raza iniciada en esa ciudad ( es decir , que empezaste dede el nivel 1 en esa ciudad ) puedes usar sus monturas si tienes nivel suficiente para ello .
  • Exalted was a title given to the greatest and oldest of the Feeorin. The Exalted was the only living being permitted to enter the Sanctum of the Exalted. The position was permanent: Once Exalted, always Exalted. Jedi Master Feln was the Exalted in 3963 BBY. But when he destroyed the Sanctum, destroying the village, Borjak stabbed him with a knife and his people turned on him. Borjak then became the new Exalted.
is wikipage disambiguates of