  • Feedback Update: High-Level Herblore Potions & Forum Avatars
  • Hello fellow RuneScapers! Last week, we added some brand new high level Herblore potions and the ability to have your photo taken in the new Photo Booth. Well now it's time to improve those awesome updates with your ideas! Last week, we decided to make a controversial change and ban the new potions from PvP. Now, having listened to your advice, we have re-introduced all the potions to safe PvP minigames like Castle Wars and Clan Wars. Also, all the potions except Overload are now allowed back on unsafe PvP and Bounty Hunter worlds. The new extreme magic potions can boost magic attack by 40% so to balance the combat triangle further, the old mage potions now also increase spells max hit. Magic essence potions give a 20% boost and regular magic potions gain a 30% boost. To give a further inc
  • Hello fellow RuneScapers! Last week, we added some brand new high level Herblore potions and the ability to have your photo taken in the new Photo Booth. Well now it's time to improve those awesome updates with your ideas! Last week, we decided to make a controversial change and ban the new potions from PvP. Now, having listened to your advice, we have re-introduced all the potions to safe PvP minigames like Castle Wars and Clan Wars. Also, all the potions except Overload are now allowed back on unsafe PvP and Bounty Hunter worlds. The new extreme magic potions can boost magic attack by 40% so to balance the combat triangle further, the old mage potions now also increase spells max hit. Magic essence potions give a 20% boost and regular magic potions gain a 30% boost. To give a further incentive to train Herblore, we've added an all new potion: Extreme Prayer. With a requirement of 98 Herblore, this is the highest level potion in the entire game. It provides a massive boost to prayer points depending on your prayer level: from 7 to 56. To make this potion you will need a super prayer potion and ourg bonemeal. The potion is untradeable and can only be used in safe PvP minigames. Enough of the potions, now for some photography. Unfortunately, due to bandwidth restraints, we can't yet give f2p forum users the ability to have their avatar displayed on the forums. Until this problem is fixed, we've now added some colourful logos to replace the mysterious blank face. There are a variety of messages like f2p ownz and worst update ever. Should members be a little camera-shy, they to can use these logos or all players can choose to remain completely anonymous with the default face. Everyone can now also upload a picture to be used as their forum avatar. Finally, Iconis has been adapting the camera and it is now possible to be photographed while wearing a monkey greegree of any kind any also have your familiar photographed instead of you! Have fun out there in Gielinor, goodbye for now!