  • Locust Runes
  • The Locusts Runes represent the writing of the Locust Horde. They consist of symbols which represent individual letters (ex: the letter "t" in Tyran is represented as a flattened 'x'), and ideograms that represent full words (ex: Explosive is one symbol). It is unknown if the Locust pronounce these letters/symbols in any way related to English, or if the symbols representing words are interchangeable with the spelling of the same word. There is also a computer version of the Locust alphabet, examples of which can be found on the prisoner screens.
  • The Locusts Runes represent the writing of the Locust Horde. They consist of symbols which represent individual letters (ex: the letter "t" in Tyran is represented as a flattened 'x'), and ideograms that represent full words (ex: Explosive is one symbol). It is unknown if the Locust pronounce these letters/symbols in any way related to English, or if the symbols representing words are interchangeable with the spelling of the same word. There is also a computer version of the Locust alphabet, examples of which can be found on the prisoner screens.
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