  • Silver Knight
  • Silver Knight
  • Silver Knight (銀漢, Ginkan) is the captain of the 13th Squadron of the Crimson Knights and serves as the defender of Subaru, the leader of the guild. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
  • The Silver Knight (白銀騎将シルバーナイト Shirubā naito) is a horse-mounted combat physical class that appears exclusively in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. The promoted form of both the Lance Paladin and Bow Paladin classes, the Silver Knight class wields Lances and Bows as its weapons of choice.
  • Silver Knights are enemies in Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and Resurrection of the Dark Dragon.
  • The Silver Knight was the second level of Knight within the Gray Jedi Order, wherein the initiate had already attained the level of Koawan. They showed completely mastery over the skills they had learned during their time as a Teidowan. Silver knighthood held the additional responsibility of taking on a teidowan apprentice of their own and supervising their training. After about several years as a Silver Knight, a reasonable amount of missions, they would be eligible to take the test to raise to the first level of mastery, Maenowan.
  • Silver Knight (銀漢, Ginkan): Es el capitán del 13vo escuadrón de los Caballeros Escarlata y sirve como defensor de Subaru, la líder del clan. Posee un fuerte sentido de la justicia (volviéndose bastante celoso a veces), pero también es extremadamente ingenuo, lo que lo lleva a ser más como una herramienta para ser usada por quienquiera que esté en el mando. En .hack//El Vertedero le dice a Mimiru que tiene 23 años y trabaja a media jornada en un videoclub.
The World Name
  • Silver Knight
  • N/A
  • *50px
  • Bow Paladin*Use a File:FE10mastercrown.pngMaster Crown on a Level 10+ Bow Paladin or train a Bow Paladin to Level 21.*50px
  • Silver Knight
  • *30px
  • Lance Paladin*Use a File:FE10mastercrown.pngMaster Crown on a Level 10+ Lance Paladin or train a Lance Paladin to Level 21.*30px
  • */%*/%*20%*/%*/%*/%*/%*/%*-*-*-*-
  • */*/*20*34*/*/*/*/*9*/*/* SS A
  • */*20*3*16*17*0*/*/*9*/*/* A C
  • *48*20*3*16*17*0*18*9*9*7*33* C A
  • *50%*40%*35%*80%*30%*35%*30%*50%*-*-*-*-
  • *50*33*20*36*35*35*27*30*9*7*33* A SS
First Appearance
  • Geoffrey's battle model as a Silver Knight.
Japanese Voice Actor
  • Isshin Chiba
Age In First Appearance
  • 23
English Voice Actor
  • Doug Rye
Real Life Gender
  • Male
The World Gender
  • Male
The World Class
  • Silver Knight
Real Name
  • ?
  • Silver Knight (銀漢, Ginkan) is the captain of the 13th Squadron of the Crimson Knights and serves as the defender of Subaru, the leader of the guild. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
  • The Silver Knight (白銀騎将シルバーナイト Shirubā naito) is a horse-mounted combat physical class that appears exclusively in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. The promoted form of both the Lance Paladin and Bow Paladin classes, the Silver Knight class wields Lances and Bows as its weapons of choice.
  • Silver Knights are enemies in Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and Resurrection of the Dark Dragon.
  • The Silver Knight was the second level of Knight within the Gray Jedi Order, wherein the initiate had already attained the level of Koawan. They showed completely mastery over the skills they had learned during their time as a Teidowan. Silver knighthood held the additional responsibility of taking on a teidowan apprentice of their own and supervising their training. After about several years as a Silver Knight, a reasonable amount of missions, they would be eligible to take the test to raise to the first level of mastery, Maenowan.
  • Silver Knight (銀漢, Ginkan): Es el capitán del 13vo escuadrón de los Caballeros Escarlata y sirve como defensor de Subaru, la líder del clan. Posee un fuerte sentido de la justicia (volviéndose bastante celoso a veces), pero también es extremadamente ingenuo, lo que lo lleva a ser más como una herramienta para ser usada por quienquiera que esté en el mando. En .hack//El Vertedero le dice a Mimiru que tiene 23 años y trabaja a media jornada en un videoclub.
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