  • 263
  • 263
  • 263
  • Number #263 was an item on The List.
  • El dos cientos sesentaitres (263) es el número natural que sigue al 262 y precede al 264. Categoría:Números
  • Diana triumphiert bei der Weltmeisterschaft. Doch Dianas Gedanken kreisen einzig um Julian, der einen Zusammenbruch erleidet. Oliver realisiert betroffen, wie sehr Diana Julian immer noch liebt und konfrontiert Diana am Tag ihres größten Triumphes mit einer harten Entscheidung. Jenny muss erleben, wie ihrer Widersacherin Diana auf dem Eis ein wahrer Siegeszug gelingt. Als sie erfährt, dass Julian bereit war, sich für Diana zu opfern, versinkt sie in verzweifeltem Hass. Doch ihre Intrige hat Folgen, denn Annette will sie nicht ungestraft davonkommen lassen. Tim erträgt es kaum, dass Nina und Deniz sich immer besser verstehen. Erst die Nachricht von Julians Verletzungen lenkt ihn von seinen Sorgen ab. Wütend lässt Tim seinen Frust an Jenny aus, die weiterhin die Unschuldige spielt. Schließli
  • In the drawing room of Collinwood, Carolyn is reading the morning newspaper when Victoria comes in and notices that something is wrong. Carolyn tells her that another girl was attacked last night. Apparently, the Collinsport Strangler is still at large. Carolyn confesses to having had a dream in which she saw the madman responsible for Maggie Evans' "death", and that she was his next victim.
  • 263
  • 1967-06-14
  • 259
  • 1967
  • Unknown
  • 1967-06-28
  • List Number 263
  • 263
  • Ruined Randy's life
  • green
  • 263
  • Number #263 was an item on The List.
  • Diana triumphiert bei der Weltmeisterschaft. Doch Dianas Gedanken kreisen einzig um Julian, der einen Zusammenbruch erleidet. Oliver realisiert betroffen, wie sehr Diana Julian immer noch liebt und konfrontiert Diana am Tag ihres größten Triumphes mit einer harten Entscheidung. Jenny muss erleben, wie ihrer Widersacherin Diana auf dem Eis ein wahrer Siegeszug gelingt. Als sie erfährt, dass Julian bereit war, sich für Diana zu opfern, versinkt sie in verzweifeltem Hass. Doch ihre Intrige hat Folgen, denn Annette will sie nicht ungestraft davonkommen lassen. Tim erträgt es kaum, dass Nina und Deniz sich immer besser verstehen. Erst die Nachricht von Julians Verletzungen lenkt ihn von seinen Sorgen ab. Wütend lässt Tim seinen Frust an Jenny aus, die weiterhin die Unschuldige spielt. Schließlich entlädt sich seine gesamte Anspannung...
  • In the drawing room of Collinwood, Carolyn is reading the morning newspaper when Victoria comes in and notices that something is wrong. Carolyn tells her that another girl was attacked last night. Apparently, the Collinsport Strangler is still at large. Carolyn confesses to having had a dream in which she saw the madman responsible for Maggie Evans' "death", and that she was his next victim. Carolyn describes her nightmare, which Victoria is certain was caused by what happened to Maggie. The girls realize how futile it is to dwell on Maggie's death; Victoria plans to visit Sam and Carolyn will offer a shoulder for Joe. They mend fences after all of yesterday's arguing, but said fences are torn apart again when Victoria informs Carolyn she's accepted Elizabeth's invitation to be her witness at the wedding. Bitter and bitchy, Carolyn rails at Victoria and claims she doesn't care what her mother does. She breaks off her friendship with Victoria, and then screams at her to leave her alone before storming out of the room. At the Evans cottage, Sam is speaking to Dr. Woodard on the telephone. He asks for an update on Maggie's progress, but it is far too soon to tell. He realizes the importance of keeping up the act of Maggie being dead, even though he is desperate to see his daughter. Sam says good-bye as a knock sounds at the door. It is Victoria. She doesn't know how to express her sadness over Maggie, and Sam apologizes for not inviting her to the "funeral". Sam almost blurts out the truth to Victoria when she relates how fond of Maggie she was. He staves off the temptation, thanking her for her visit. Carolyn finds Joe spending his lunch hour by the wharf. She offers her sympathies concerning Maggie, whom he doesn't want to talk about. He admits that he and Maggie talked about marriage, which leads the conversation into Carolyn's own engagement with Buzz Hackett. She is ashamed for how selfish and cruel she acted toward Joe when they were dating. She wishes she could cope with life as well as Joe does. Carolyn admits that her engagement to Buzz has only one purpose: to hurt her mother. She and Joe part company, but only after she offers her help if he should need it. Both Victoria and Carolyn have returned to Collinwood, and they talk about their respective visits. Carolyn is unable to understand why she behaves so cruelly and destructively toward others. She apologizes for their earlier fight, only to pause when she notices a vase of violets sitting atop the piano. They're Jason's "little gift" for Elizabeth, which he brings to her practically every day. The sight of the flowers sickens her, and Carolyn's anger rises to the fore. She heads off to find Buzz. Meanwhile, Joe and Sam meet at the cottage and discuss Maggie. She and Dr. Woodard arrived safely at the sanitarium, and Dr. Julia Hoffman had her first session with Maggie. There is no improvement and it is too soon to expect it. Sam admits to nearly telling Victoria the truth. Joe stresses that neither one of them can divulge the secret. Maggie's life depends on it.
  • El dos cientos sesentaitres (263) es el número natural que sigue al 262 y precede al 264. Categoría:Números
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