  • Vote of No Confidence/Legends
  • A Vote of No Confidence was a decision to remove the Supreme Chancellor from office due to a lack of approval in the Galactic Senate. It was also used in the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. Finis Valorum was voted out of office this way in 32 BBY, resulting in an election for Chancellor. Under the New Republic Senate, a Vote of No Confidence could recall the Chief of State, as well as the Supreme Commander.
  • Vote of No Confidence
  • Misstrauensantrag
  • Wotum nieufności
  • Вотум недоверия
  • Voto de Desconfiança
  • Voto de No Confianza/Leyendas
  • A Vote of No Confidence was a decision to remove the Supreme Chancellor from office due to a lack of approval in the Galactic Senate. It was also used in the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. Finis Valorum was voted out of office this way in 32 BBY, resulting in an election for Chancellor. Under the New Republic Senate, a Vote of No Confidence could recall the Chief of State, as well as the Supreme Commander. The Vote of No Confidence could also be used by the Jedi High Council of the New Jedi Order, which invoked this right in 44 ABY after growing greatly discontent with acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner's leadership and his desire to appease Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala. The Masters removed Master Hamner and elected Master Saba Sebatyne to take his place.