  • Visit him regularly and ask the Manager about his stay
  • From: [[]] Try to find out what connects him to the Fidgeting Writer's Case. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • 'Like the surface of the moon...'
  • 50
Failure title
  • The room next door
Game Instructions
  • If you fail you'll lose your Room Number at the Royal Beth.
From Storylet title
  • A Room Number at the Royal Beth
Failure description
  • [...] The laudanum keeps [him] dulled and silent [...] Then one day, you see someone being shown into the room next door [...] Your Fidgeting Writer. He looks at you [...] and there isn't even a flicker of recognition [...]
Unlocked with
  • 90
Success description
  • [...] 'At first they watch, then they lean close [...] and begin to eat. They start with your fingers, then suck on your heart [...] until there's nothing left but them.' [...] On one of your visits you spot a familiar face outside...
  • Try to find out what connects him to the Fidgeting Writer's Case.
  • From: [[]] Try to find out what connects him to the Fidgeting Writer's Case. [Find the rest of the story at ]