Property | Value |
rdf:type | |
rdfs:label | - Angela
- Angela
- Angela
- Angela
- Angela
- Angela
- Angela
- Angela
rdfs:comment | - Write the first section of your page here.
- Angela is Rachel Walker's aunt who is a wedding planner. She appears in Blossom the Flower Girl Fairy's story.
- Angela is a waitress at the Barry Grand Hotel, who serves Captain Hatch at least sometimes and is verbally abused by him for bringing him his wrong pillows. (The Trinity) Her current status is unconfirmed, but she presumably killed herself when Hatch's powers were replenished and he forced everyone in the hotel to horribly kill themselves. (The Last Broadcast)
- Angela is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball franchise. She makes her debut (and ultimately, her only appearance) in "Gohan's First Date", the 202nd episode of Dragon Ball Z, which premiered on September 29, 1993.
- Angela is an Asgardian warrior and sister of Thor Odinson.
- Angela is Gordon's cousin who ran the Day Care Center on Sesame Street, and was introduced when the show expanded "Around the Corner" in Season 25. Her husband was Jamal, a park ranger, and they had a baby, Kayla. Angela appeared on the show from 1993 to 1995.
- Angela was een heks en een kruidenvrouw. Ze bezat een winkel in de stad Teirm, maar als bondgenoot van de Varden verbleef ze veel tijd bij de rebellen in Farthen Dûr en Surda. Vaak was ze in gezelschap van een weerkat genaamd Solembum. Zelf heeft ze gezegd dat ze graag op de plek is waar belangrijke dingen staan te gebeuren. __TOC__
- Angela is a non-playable character in Shining Soul II. Though she maintains the identity of a normal human innkeeper's daughter, in truth she is an angel who rescues playable characters whenever they are defeated in battle and brings them back to the inn. Talking to her when she is in angel form will prompt her to return the playable character to the place in the dungeon where he was defeated.
- Angela is published by Marvel Comics. Current price per issue is $3.99.
- Angela is an angel and a hunter of Hellspawn. She is first introduced in Spawn issue #9 and is the first Angel to be introduced in the series. A beautiful woman, fit with long red locks and a perfect figure, she is a recurring character in the [[:w:c:imagecomics:|Spawn Universe]]. Albeit cocky, she is very, very good at what she does.
- Angela was a character that appeared in Season 7 and 8 of Barney & Friends. She was portrayed by future well known Disney star Demi Lovato as one of her earliest roles in television.
- Hair color: Blonde;To waist Headgear:Feather like clip Hairdo: Has curly side bangs Eye color: Pink. Earphones: None Dress: A top with a stripes on the left side and is light blue witah a pink strap and sky blue skirt and shorts underneat and has pink stockings with blue maryjane shoes Nationality/Race: Japanese. Catchphrase: I love cooking! Watashi wa ryōri ga daisuki (私は料理が大好き!
- An Angle-Fish that can be found at anywhere. They look cute, however they like playing Favourite Trick very much. They use "Lovely Arrow" to control pepole's loving heart, which make couples get into trouble! Their shining eyes are full of curiosity, and looking for every moment that can playing Favourite Trick. |}
- Angela is a teacher at a Ninja School.
- Angela was the daughter of Chase Edmunds.
- All fast teammates get a Large Bonus to AP when attacking and Taking Damage
- Angela was a young girl living in Daukern, Germany. She became a level 2 akuma when her sister Sophia called her back making her the so-called witch of Daukern. She appeared in Reverse The Village Where the Witch Dwells and later in episodes 33 and 34 of the anime.
- Sternensystem: AngelaLokalität: G.A.E. (Bündnis)
- Angela es una estudiante de la Preparatoria Estrella Naranja; Angela es una compañera de Gohan y es muy inocente y algo despistada pues siempre quiere tener un novio, su tipo de sangre es B y tiene problemas de la vista por lo cual utiliza lentes de contacto.
- Angela was a Human female who lived in Coronet City on the planet of Corellia during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
- Angela tiene su cabello blanco azulado y ojos purpuras, lleva puesto un vestido de colores lavanda y blanco con un pañuelo en forma de sombrero en su cabeza.Cuando esta en su forma de Angel lleva un vestido blanco con un ligero aire lavanda y la parte inferior parece ser de plumas.Tambien se puede decir que es muy hermosa ya que llamo la atencion de Finnian y Baldroy
- Angela was a witch and herbalist. She owned a shop in the city of Teirm, but, as an ally of the Varden, she spent considerable time with the rebels in Farthen Dûr and in Surda. She was often accompanied by a werecat named Solembum. She said that she liked to be wherever big events were happening. She was widely respected, even by the elves.
- Angela ist eine unabhängige Kräuterhexe und wird ständig von der Werkatze Solembum begleitet. Sie lebte in Teirm bevor sie zu den Varden zog. Als sie Eragon das erste Mal traf, sagte sie ihm die Zukunft voraus. Sie kämpft mit einem Hûthvír (Doppelschwert), welches sie einem Zwerg des Dûrgrimst Quan beim Spielen abgeknöpft hat.Sie trug in der Schlacht um Farthen Dûr eine grün-schwarze Rüstung.
- Angela is a character who makes a brief one-time appearance in the Season 2 episode titled "HX-1".
- Angela to siostra bliźniaczka Agathy. Jest od niej o wiele ładniejsza. Miała urodzić się pierwsza, lecz Agatha wciągnęła ją za pępowinę i to ona urodziła się pierwsza. Angela chciała by dzieciaki Ross lubiły ją bardziej niż Jessie, lecz Agatha w porę ostrzegła Jessie. Angela na poczatku była miła dla Jessie i dzieciaków, aż cała prawda wyszła na jaw. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Postacie z serialu Jessie
- Angela era una bruja y una herbolaria. Ella tenía una tienda en la ciudad de Teirm, pero como una aliada de los vardenos, se pasaba un tiempo considerable con los rebledes en Farthen Dûr y en Surda. Era acompañada la mayoría del tiempo por un hombre gato llamado Solembum.
- Angela es un personaje secundario en los videojuegos spin-off Pachislot Akumajō Dracula. Ella es enviada por la Iglesia algún tiempo después del año 1479 para ayudar a Trevor Belmont. Usando runas encantadas que aparecen sobre su cuerpo mientras baila, es capaz de utilizar una gran variedad de habilidades mágicas en batalla.
- Angela (エンジェラ, Enjera) est une étudiante au lycée Orange Star, et a été la première petite amie de Son Gohan , elle est aussi sa camarade de classe
- Though Angela is a powerful individual, she is not invulnerable, and can sustain injury, albeit at extremely high levels.
- Angela is a minor character in "How to Fire a Rifle Without Really Trying."
- Angela is a character from Gargoyles. Appearing in the second season's Avalon arc, she was one of the surviving eggs of the Wyvern Castle massacre before being taken by Princess Katharine and the Magus to the magical kingdom of Avalon for safekeeping. She is later revealed to be Goliath and Demona's biological daughter.
- Angela es una luchadora americana. 1.
- After searching Kevin Costner's House for clues for his supposed missing scientist brother Dan Costner who invented a converter to change liquids into fuel in "The Full Cognitive Redaction of Avery Bullock by the Coward Stan Smith", Avery Bullock finds a birthday card announcing a gift in Kevin's name from Dan. Bullock and Stan dress as dogs to ransack the SPCA, upsetting Angela the receptionist before they are kicked out.
- Superman (TV series) (1988)
* Night of the Living Shadows
- Angela is one of the Sertoris' cousins. She only appeared in one episode, in Season 1, which was Hurricane Angela.
- Angela the Winged-One is a character in the Epitaph of Value.
- Angela (ア ン ジ ェ ラ, Anjera) es un personaje de Story of Seasons. Ella es una de las solteras elegibles. Trabaja como enfermera en un hospital local, Angela es tranquila y serena. Mientras que apenas muestra emociones - comprensible, con sus a veces, sangrientos alrededores - cuando se expone a eventos inesperados y repentinos, ella muestra su lado débil.
- „Gee!...And those weneable blow-heart singer types give me a headache,Next House!„. Ellada (Also called Antoine or Angela) were an Italian-Roman character that is playable only In France rome and italy that appears in Megaman X:World Tour.
- Angela (real name: Angela Beesley) is the co-founder of Wikia, and an administrator on Wikipedia. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Angela is one of the three Sparkbots, secret agents of Unicron, though she professes to work for Primus. She can fly, communicate telepathically and transport others through time when activated by a kiss. She has "linked" herself to Marissa Faireborn. Angela transforms from a pink flying glowing sphere into a pink flying robotic lion. She is pink. PINK!!!
- Angela Dawson is a character in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. Rescuing her from the abandoned temple is the objective of the Save Angela quest.
- Angela is a gargoyle and member of the Manhattan Clan. She is a former member of the Avalon Clan.
- Angela is a female professional wrestler and manager who has wrestled primarily in the Independent circuit.
- Angela (アンジェラ, Anjera) is one of the six main characters of Seiken Densetsu 3.
- Родилась 3 августа 1977 в городе Норидж, в Великобритании. В 2004 году совместно с Джимми Уэйлсом основала вики-хостинг Fandom и являлась её разработчиком до конца 2012 года. Также участвовала в Фонде Викимедиа, с июня 2004 по июль 2006 года входила в совет попечителей, с 2006 по 2012 — в комитет по коммуникациям (ComCom). В 2012 году покинула викисреду и начала заниматься развитием компании Chalk Drop, однако та спустя несколько лет была закрыта. О деятельности Анджелы после Chalk Drop пока ничего не известно, но на википроекты она не возвращалась.
- Angela Sutcliff is a tall, female dragon-slayer with long, blood-red hair, yellow-green eyes, and surprisingly sharp teeth. She is a Newbie Dragon Slayer at the Slayers Corner. Angela Sutcliff is Roleplayed by SnapeFan1.
- Angela is a cherub sent to bring heavenly cheer. In regular play, she’ll help you add an extra floor to any of your construction projects, while in competitive play, she’ll give money to anyone within a 5x5 area for several turns.
- Angela is the daugher Lucifer who has been sacrificed for the Divine Design.
- Solo se puede obtener si eliges a Angelita como tu inicial y lo evolucionasframe|sprite
- Angela is the head manager of the Pawtucket Brewery. She is the boss of Peter Griffin as of this being his third and current job, but has a lot of problems with Peter Griffin, specifically. She is always having to visit Peter Griffin in his office as yell at him for one of his classic, lovable antics. Due to this, Peter has become her least favorite, yet most memorable employee.
- Angela ist eine Kuh. Sie hat am 25. August Geburtstag und ist eingebildet.
- Angela is head of the Shipping Department of the Pawtucket Brewery and the supervisor of Peter Griffin and Opie. She is voiced by Carrie Fisher. She likes Opie far better than Peter and treats Peter very coldly. She apparently likes Soundwave as well, as seen in the episode "The Courtship of Stewie's Father" where he is promoted to Opie's old position. Having "asked around the office" and found out she liked animals, Peter tries in vain to suck up to her by organizing a cock fight in her house. This however backfires as the two birds have killed each other in a bloody carnage destroying Angela's living room and further infuriating Angela.
- Kategoria:Artykuły do rozbudowania __HIDDENCAT__ Angela – uczennica Liceum Pomarańczowej Gwiazdy w Satan City. Zakochała się w Son Gohanie. Postać epizodyczna występująca w serii Dragon Ball Z. Poznajemy ją, gdy Son Gohan przebiera się z "Super Galaktycznego Wojownika" w normalne ubrania. Chciał bowiem zachować anonimowość. Niestety zostaje zauważony przez Angelę. Son Gohan pewny, iż został zdemaskowany prosi dziewczynę by ta nie zdradzała jego sekretu. Angela zgadza się pod warunkiem, że Gohan pójdzie z nią na randkę. Jest bardzo problematyczną dziewczyną, zazdrosną i nadwrażliwą, w końcu wyjawia sekret wojownika. Okazuje się, że podczas przemiany Son Gohan z "Super Galaktycznego Wojownika" nie miała założonych soczewek kontaktowych (ponieważ jest krótkowidzem), a za jego wielki sekret u
- Angela i jej siostra zostały osierocone. Mogły polegać tylko na sobie. Żyły w zgodzie, ponieważ ojciec przed śmiercią, powiedział, że życie jest zbyt krótkie aby się kłócić. Jednak jak to życie zawsze stawia płotki i kopie dołki w które wpadamy. Angela nie miała pracy. Utrzymywała się z pieniędzy, otrzymywanych od dziadków, a jej mała siostra wymagała opieki, więc nie miała czasu na podjęcie szkoły, a tym bardziej pracy. Po kilku latach dziadkowie Angeli umarli, a ona i jej siostra zostały same. Nie miały nic. - O mój Boże! - krzyknęła. Miłego Dnia" - Siódmy Krąg. Jeden z bramkarzy dał jej opaskę.
- Angela is a vain but likable French singer and dancer who is also a member of France's secret rescue team. Despite her cocky arrogance (and the fact that most of the other pilots don't understand her in the least), she means well. In the English version of Sonic Wings 2, Angela is depicted as a male punk star named Steve. However, in the original Japanese version, Angela is a woman who stars in musicals.
- Angela was the brief girlfriend of Dex and Torg. Her relationship with Dex was described as fluctuating. After all her college friends were killed by the EVIL, Angela was committed to an asylum and developed an extreme fear of cats. Upon leaving, she bought a dog, named Koji, for protection. She came to live with Torg at the Brie Meighsaton house and became his girlfriend. After she was possessed by Beth, she considered leaving the house, but a voice in her head convinced her to stay. Unfortunately, she never got the chance, as Bert's pet cat Titian jumped on her head, triggering a massive regression and returning her to the asylum. She was later abducted by the Arny during K I T T E N I I, and was catatonic throughout the ensuing carnage.
- Angela is a miner from Al Maajik. She came to Castele in order to find a topaz. She can join your party when you reach master miner. She fights by swinging with her left leg and sometimes following up with a roundhouse kick. After all this is over, Roque says he wants to follow her to Al Maajik because he is in love.
- Items you will need for Angela's quest: -A Space Craft -A Manual Blender -A Coconut Basin -A Ladder You will have to go to the moon using a Space Craft and talk to the Jade Rabbit there and give it the coconut basin. After that, Go back to Earth and then go to the moon again.This time, give the Jade Rabbit the Manual Blender. It will then give you a [Rabbit's Mashu] Now go to Oslya, the 2nd cave from the left. There you will find a portal to a garden, where the jade rabbit and a old woman are waiting. Talk to the rabbit and give him the Rabbit's Mashu. After that, walk to the next portal.
owl:sameAs | |
Film portrayer | |
Level | |
Season | |
Era | |
Portrayed By | |
Strength | |
Main Character | - Aldrif Odinsdottir; Angela Disambiguation.jpg
- Angela; Aldrif Odinsdottir .jpg
Alignment | |
Goal | - To help humans and gargoyles learn to coexist peacefully
1ra Aparición | |
Tema Principal | - Parlante's Flowers
- When the Bletilla Blooms
sexual | |
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dbkwik:barney/property/wikiPageUsesTemplate | |
AniName | |
cardname | |
nombre-ja | |
Primera aparición | |
currentaffiliation | |
Imię w anime | |
Wzrost | |
Płeć | |
Zdjęcie | |
Especie | |
Su región | |
Kolor Czcionki Imienia | |
Signification du nom | - À l'opposé de Videl, dont le nom est l'anagramme de « devil » , son nom provient du mot « Angel » qui signifie « ange » en anglais.
borderradius | |
Sexo | |
formeraffiliation | |
Pisownia japońska | |
UnusualFeatures | - Like most angels, Angela has pupiless eyes withe black markings around them
Voix Française | |
JName | |
New Header | - Angela
- Angela Cassidy(Angel); Angela cassidy.jpg
- Angela del Toro(White Tiger); Angela del Toro Disambiguation.jpg
Geschlecht | |
Rasa | |
MaritalStatus | |
regalo horror | - Batido de verduras y seta venenosa
Merkmale | |
Charakter | |
AlienRace | |
Su Dex anterior | |
Haare | |
Su Dex siguiente | |
transformaciones | |
Habilidades | - Utiliza la magia para revivir a los muertos
- Utiliza magia para destruir enemigos
Imię | |
regalo normal | |
floskel | |
Transkrypcja | |
Активность | |
regalo fatal | |
Image-Size | |
Voix Japonaise | |
Persona | |
Występuje | |
Dislikes | - Asgard being threatened, Shun putting the mission first ahead of his friends, Melody and Robyn distrusting each other
- The trio fighting over her for courtship, being treated as a monster, being called Angie
Obrazek | |
nombre-ja latino | |
Durability | |
Darsteller | |
LastSeen | |
nombre juego | |
regalo perfecto | |
hembra | |
Rodzina | - Odin Borson ~, Freyja Fredottir ~, Frigga ~, Loriel ~, Loki ~, Thor ~
Première apparition Anime | - Dragon Ball Z Épisode 202
HistoryText | - Angela is a primary Hellspawn slayer and achieved the top marks in her class. She has killed over 30 hellspawn and relishes the opportunity to hunt.
left|thumb|300px|Angela with the five souls that created her being.
Like most Angels, Angela is unable to recall her exact moment of birth. However, she was born from five mortal souls being melded together and created in the pure-light emitted from God's pulse. Each of the five choosen souls had died too early, sacrificing their life to save their loved ones'. Each had seen the specter of death, Deurges, just before being taken by deasth but were plucked away to Heaven by the Angel of their loved ones. Throughout Angela's life she saw visions of the five soul's previous life and felt connected to them and their emotional toils.
Her first mentor in Heaven was Katherine. Katherine warned Angela to never back down against darkness and always show a warrior's spirit in battle. God then guided her in understanding that emotions know nothing of time and are embodied by women. Women act as containers and occasionally need to unleash that emotional element. She discusses how the fire is stoked by anguish, and even life itself is born out of anguish. She explains to give birth to the universe, another child, she must destroy those who stand atop it, namely Deurges, the man that has haunted her since her creation and the five souls that created her. She vowed revenge on Deurges from that point forward and planned on murdering him.
Medieval Times
right|thumb|200px|Angela with her Dimensional Lance.
For years, Angela has hunted Hellspawn. One of the earliest was when she hunted and murdered Medieval Spawn in Sixteenth Century England. She followed the rules of engagement and lured a newly created and confused Hellspawn to a remote location. She then used her Dimensional Lance to kill him.
Hunting Spawn
In 1997, to keep Heaven's agreement that a creature of Heaven should not hunt Hellspawn unless they have a Hellspawn Hunting Permit, Angela visited Terran Affairs Headquarters to show she had a valid permit. Her goal was to hunt the newly resurrected Spawn on Earth. Upon verifying she had a valid permit, Gabrielle allowed Angela to proceed and requested she make the kill quick. However, she was confused by the resourcefulness of the Spawn and fell into his cape. She escaped by teleporting back to Elysium but lost her Dimensional Lance in the process.
Angela's Trial
left|thumb|300px|Angela returns after being framed by Gabrielle
One year later, On her 100,000th birthday, Angela treated herself to hunting a Sandalphon Dragon on Sandalphon Five. After a wreckless battle that ignored her previous training of how to hunt, she was surrounded by 300,000 agents of Heaven and placed under arrest for treason.
Upon being transported back to Elysium, Angela discovered Gabrielle had betrayed her and falsified information about her hunting expedition against Spawn. Upon consulting with her support network, Angela's friend assisted in traveling to Earth to bring Spawn to Heaven to testify on her behalf.
During her trial, Heaven revolted at the sight of a Hellspawn in its courts and immediately called for its execution. Angela escaped with the help of Spawn by teleporting through his cape in the same manner he used when he first fought her in battle. However, this escape with Spawn made her appear even more guilty to Heaven and she was declared a traitor of Heaven and ex-communicated. While the duo escaped, they began discussing their plights and eventually formed a physical and emotional relationship with each other.
After their evening together, they awoke the next day with renewed vigor of distrusting each other. With the help of several friends in Heaven, she escaped and returned to Heaven and Spawn was displaced in Alabama. Angela formed a plan with her friends and headed to Terran Affairs Headquarters to confront her accuser, Gabrielle. She secretly recorded the conversation with Gabrielle in which she confessed to all her crimes. Angela turned the evidence over to her lawyer, Callindra, and instead of returning to Elysium she decided to stay a free agent and continue free-lance hunting.
Freelance Hunting
right|thumb|250px|Angela stalks her pray with deadly precision.
Angela continued hunting for fees, but found little satisfaction as she felt her true value was in hunting Hellspawn. Angela soon found herself on Pentagas-Fraser contracted to battle the Argus, a spider techno-virus that feed off of souls and blood. During the battle, the normally stoic Angel was caught off guard from seeing Deurges. She suddenly had flashbacks to her creation and the 5 melded souls that created her. Since each soul had seen Deurges as it's list thing in the living realm, she panicked and froze. The Argus took this moment to knock her off balance and ensnare her in its techno-web. It soon unleashed the Kron and exploded to cause a singularity threatening the melding of universes in the eternal triumverate.
Angela was pulled momentarily to Earth to witness bolts of light striking Al Simmons and ripping the Terran Affairs Headquarters in half. Upon returning to Limbo, she faced Lilith who betrayed Heaven and served as an anti-angel. During her battle with Lilith, it was revealed she carried with her an Elysian-Lock. A device that contained all the timelines of Angels. She once again bore witness to Deurges watching over her during the battle. Remembering Katherine's teaching from when she first became an Angel, she harnessed her emotional rage and anguish and threw Lilith into the Argus and smashed the Elysian-Lock in a wrecklass gambit to stop the universe from imploding. She was successful and restored the tear of universe. to normal.
Rage of Angels
left|thumb|200px|Angela surprises Celestine by attacking her first before she can wage war on Heaven.
While Angela continued her Free-Lance activities, she was suddenly summoned back to Elysium by Metatron. She was informed that Celestine has gone rogue with a host of angels to wage war on Heaven. Angela tracks Celestine to the Isle of Paradise, where she is subjectig the local women to fight her battle for her. When Glory arrives, she attacks her thinking she is fighting for Celestine. The two soon realize they both have the common enemy of Celestine and join forces to free the locals from Celestine's control. During the battle, Celestine slips away.
On Orbital Angel Station, Celestine retrieves her true goal, Elemental Fire. The U.S. Government dispatches Youngblood and Team Youngblood to investigate the station, but find Celestine has already fled to the Middle East where Angela heads to cut her off.
In the Middle East, Glory and Angela battle the angels Celestine, Astra, and Crystal. They are soon outnumbered as Celestine uses the Elemental Fire to raise the dead to fight for her. As the dead are slowly beaten back by Angela and Glory, Celestine throws a fit. Glory points out that something is amiss as an angel would not summon the dead nor throw a fit. Angela and Glory are shortly thereafter saved as all the corpses cease to move as Maximage cuts off the Elemental Fire power source to Celestine.
After being knocked out by Celestine, Angela is saved by Maximage who recently used her powers to reveal that Celestine was being controlled by Malebolgia.
Angela and Celestine agree to travel to Hell to retrieve Celestine's soul from Malebolgia. They are initially toyed with as Malebolgia reveals he is all powerful and will soon overthrow his boss. However, Lucifer suddenly appears and vanquishes Malebolgia as punishment. Lucifer then informs Angela that Elysium is one of the 10 levels of Hell and Angela becomes speechless for the first time in ages. Having freed Celestine, Angela returns to her free-lance hunting duties.
Angela's Death
Angela was killed during the battle with Malebolgia.
Rebirth in Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics' Age of Ultron #10, she is revealed to be alive and sucked into the Marvel Universe.
Publication history
Angela is a reoccurring adversary and ally of Spawn, and so is featured often in the series. Her debut was in issue Spawn #9, but she has since appeared in issues #62, #89, and #96 through #100.
A three-issue Angela limited series was published, written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Greg Capullo. The series was later reprinted in a trade paperback .
There was also an Angela stand-alone comic .
Angela has also been featured in several crossovers. The "Rage of Angels" miniseries saw Angela meeting Glory. There was also a crossover Aria/Angela, featuring Angela in the Aria comic series.
Currently, [[w:c:marvel:Aldrif Odinsdottir
Arma | |
Владение языками | |
Habilidad | |
animal preferido | |
cabello | |
Imię w mandze | |
voiceact | |
Debiut | - Age of Ultron #10 ~,
~ Spawn #9
Waga | |
Raza | |
Edad | |
Beruf | |
Ojos | |
Intelligence | |
Procedencia | |
Ubicacion | |
Grupy | |
Nombres | |
Pochodzenie | |
grupohuevo | |
Narodowość | |
Kolor Tła Imienia | |
Anime | |
nameline | |
Bando | |
nacido en | |
Участие на вики | |
Augen | |
3x | |
Afiliación | |
Подпись | |
Miejsce zamieszkania | |
regalo error | |
charactername | |
firstAppear | |
Spezies | |
Geburtstag | |
altbackcolor | |
CurrentAlias | |
Cumpleaños | |
Zugehörigkeit | - keine, Verbündete der Varden
trabajo juego | |
facturados de | |
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BorderColor | |
Creators | - Neil Gaiman; Todd McFarlane
Box Title | |
Relatives | - *Goliath
- Jensen, adopted father
- Sophia's Father[Unnamed Father
- Violet Dawson - mother
Voice | |
Appearances | |
Job | - Children's Gun Section Employee
Nombre | |
Theme | |
Set | |
Faction | |
Birth Date | |
Portrayer | |
Eyes | |
Residence | |
Jobs | - Manager of Pawtucket Brewery Shipping Department
Origin | |
Last | |
Age | - 17
- 25
- Teenage
- 20.0
- Onbekend
- *37 Avalon "Years" in 1995
*39 Avalon "Years" in 1997
Speed | |
Likes | - love
- Being with Broadway
- Fighting with her brother Thor, Robyn and Melody working together, raining and hanging out with Melody, Kisara, Alice Gehabich, Robyn Canmore
RefName | |
Series | |
Voiced by | |
Blood | |
Status | - Alive
- Deceased
- Protagonist
- *
Appearance | - Tall, slender gargoyle, lavender skin, long, brown hair worn in a ponytail
Affiliation | |
First Appearance | |
Other | |
Recruitment | |
Hair | - Brown
- Red
- Blonde
- Brown
- black
- bruin, gekruld
Introduced | - Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
En | |
Actor | |
Country | |
Name | - Angela
- Angela
- Angela
- Angela Dawson
Type | - dark
- grass
- normal
- Main Character-
Personality | - Caring, brave, trusting, open-minded, somewhat naïve
ImageSize | |
Caption | - Angela asks one of the inn's patrons if they need anything.
- Angela in her starting Magician class.
First | |
Property | |
Abilities | - *
* : As an Angel, Angela is able to track Hellspawn whereabouts.
FirstApp | - Dragon Ball Z, "Gohan's First Date"
Region | |
S | |
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Fighting Skills | |
Energy Projection | |
JaName | |
First appearence | |
Co-op | |
Körperbau | |
Obecny pseudonim | |
battle-type | |
hero-name | |
hero-title | |
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Shows | - Gargoyles
- Guardians of the Galaxy
Birthdate | |
Line | |
Reference | |
Occupations | |
Fate | - She and Broadway become a couple and are accepted by humans along with the rest of the clan
Father | |
Character Name | |
Aliases | |
IT | |
Alternate | - 88
- 16191
- 71912
- ; No Image Female.jpg
- Thor; No Image Female.jpg
- Shieldmaiden(Marvel Nexus); Aldríf Odindóttir .jpeg
- (All-Mighty Universe); No Image Female.jpg
- Fairie Queen; No Image Female.jpg
Statut | |
billed | |
Weight | |
Appears In | |
fecha de nacimiento | |
Alias | |
Terrain | |
backcolor | |
Ocupación | - Bailarina
- Curandera
- Estudiante de Orange Star High School
Planet | |
Birth Place | |
Kanji | |
Base | |
Rōmaji | |
Height | - 2.200000
- 0.0
- 8.0
- 157.48000000000002
Species | |
Peso | |
Title | - None
- *
- Angela
- Princess of Altena
PlaceOfDeath | |
Identity | |
Weapons | - Sword
- * Angelic Ribbons: Angela wears a ribbon around her body that radiates heat to keep her warm. It has a sentient aspect to it and can communicate with Angela.
* Dimensional Lance
# | |
Names | |
Enemies | - Demona, Archmage, the Weird Sisters
- Loki Laufeyson, The Black Marauder
Citizenship | |
Class | |
maxwidth | |
OtherMedia | - File:Angela_Spawn_Film_001.jpg
Trait | |
Tipo | |
Performer | |
Color | |
PC | |
TAB | - General
- Image gallery
- Event history
Powers | - Longevity
- Super-strength
- Thunder and lightning
- Strength, gliding
- *
* : Angela was able to take on a Sandalphon Dragon and react to its attacks with lightning quick speed.
Altura | |
Fr | |
Nicknames | |
Zginęła | |
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Nom | |
Home | |
Affiliations | - *Avalon Clan
*Manhattan Clan
Others | |
firstseen | |
Notes | - *In 1995 and 1996, Angela was nominated for, but did not win, a number of Wizard Fan Awards: 1995 Favorite Villainess, 1995 Character Most Deserving of Own Ongoing Title, 1995 Favorite One-shot or Limited Series/Miniseries, and 1996 Favorite Heroine.
Universe | |
Last Appearance | |
Profession | |
Seiyu | |
Imagen | |
JA | |
Homeworld | |
School | |
Occupation | - Bounty Hunter
- Pilot
- Witch
- Cheerleader
- not stated
- waitress
- Warrior of Asgard
- Odin's Daughter
Episodes | |
Village | |
ES | |
Debut | |
Family | - Goliath
- Gabriel
- Ophelia
- Demona
- Coldstone
- Odin Borson
- Coldfire
- Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson
NPC | |
Classification | |
Friends | |
Resides | |
Gender | |
Health | |
Race | |
Position | - Passing motorist who rescues Hawke
Rival | |
RealName | |
Television | - 101420
- (Assemble!); Angela.png
- Angela; No Image Female.jpg
ImageCaption | - Rachel Brady as Angela in HX-1 (episode).
Seasons | |
Entourage | |
Aircraft | |
Quote | - "I was raised by humans. There's no reason we can't live in harmony!"
World | |
Death | |
Trainer | |
origine | |
Género | |
Novel | |
Bild | |
Creator | |
Nationality | |
Location | |
wikipage disambiguates | |
Pseudonimy | - Aldrif Odinspawn, Hunt-Leader, Hunter of the Heavens, The Hunter Queen, Wingless One
Prawdziwe imię | |
Klasa postaci | |
Aktualny Status | |
Décès | |
Tożsamość | |
Kolor włosów | |
Commentaire | |
Uniwersum | |
HowToObtain | - In order to get Angela you will need to have the Charlotte quest completed.
Items you will need for Angela's quest:
-A Space Craft
-A Manual Blender
-A Coconut Basin
-A Ladder
You will have to go to the moon using a Space Craft and talk to the Jade Rabbit there and give it the coconut basin. After that, Go back to Earth and then go to the moon again.This time, give the Jade Rabbit the Manual Blender. It will then give you a [Rabbit's Mashu]
Now go to Oslya, the 2nd cave from the left. There you will find a portal to a garden, where the jade rabbit and a old woman are waiting.
Talk to the rabbit and give him the Rabbit's Mashu. After that, walk to the next portal.
You will see angela in the lake, talk to her and go back to the tree, take her clothes using a laddder. After that, go to talk to her again. Choose the second option in the conversation, or she will take huge damage on you and you will get overkilled. After that, you will see a cutscene, and Angela will join your team.
Twórcy | - Neil Gaiman, Todd McFarlane
Status cywilny | |
Main Image Size | |
Video Games | - Angela; No Image Female.jpg
Kolor oczu | |
2. | |
Fecha de Muerte | |
usname | |
TransReference | |
skillTwoSP | |
specialItemStat | |
skillTwoDescription | - heals the target by holy beam
3. | |
skillTwoAttackWay | |
specialItemStat2Value | |
skillOneName | |
skillOneMaxGrade} | |
skillTwoMaxGrade} | |
specialItem | |
specialItemDescription | - Armlet of Angela eliminates 30% seal effects.
skillTwoName | |
specialItemRank | |
skillOneDescription | |
skillOneAttackWay | |
skillOneSP | |
specialItemStat1Value | |
abstract | - Write the first section of your page here.
- Angela is Rachel Walker's aunt who is a wedding planner. She appears in Blossom the Flower Girl Fairy's story.
- Angela is a waitress at the Barry Grand Hotel, who serves Captain Hatch at least sometimes and is verbally abused by him for bringing him his wrong pillows. (The Trinity) Her current status is unconfirmed, but she presumably killed herself when Hatch's powers were replenished and he forced everyone in the hotel to horribly kill themselves. (The Last Broadcast)
- Angela is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball franchise. She makes her debut (and ultimately, her only appearance) in "Gohan's First Date", the 202nd episode of Dragon Ball Z, which premiered on September 29, 1993.
- Angela is an Asgardian warrior and sister of Thor Odinson.
- Angela is Gordon's cousin who ran the Day Care Center on Sesame Street, and was introduced when the show expanded "Around the Corner" in Season 25. Her husband was Jamal, a park ranger, and they had a baby, Kayla. Angela appeared on the show from 1993 to 1995.
- Angela was een heks en een kruidenvrouw. Ze bezat een winkel in de stad Teirm, maar als bondgenoot van de Varden verbleef ze veel tijd bij de rebellen in Farthen Dûr en Surda. Vaak was ze in gezelschap van een weerkat genaamd Solembum. Zelf heeft ze gezegd dat ze graag op de plek is waar belangrijke dingen staan te gebeuren. __TOC__
- Angela is a non-playable character in Shining Soul II. Though she maintains the identity of a normal human innkeeper's daughter, in truth she is an angel who rescues playable characters whenever they are defeated in battle and brings them back to the inn. Talking to her when she is in angel form will prompt her to return the playable character to the place in the dungeon where he was defeated.
- Angela is published by Marvel Comics. Current price per issue is $3.99.
- Angela is an angel and a hunter of Hellspawn. She is first introduced in Spawn issue #9 and is the first Angel to be introduced in the series. A beautiful woman, fit with long red locks and a perfect figure, she is a recurring character in the [[:w:c:imagecomics:|Spawn Universe]]. Albeit cocky, she is very, very good at what she does.
- Angela was a character that appeared in Season 7 and 8 of Barney & Friends. She was portrayed by future well known Disney star Demi Lovato as one of her earliest roles in television.
- Hair color: Blonde;To waist Headgear:Feather like clip Hairdo: Has curly side bangs Eye color: Pink. Earphones: None Dress: A top with a stripes on the left side and is light blue witah a pink strap and sky blue skirt and shorts underneat and has pink stockings with blue maryjane shoes Nationality/Race: Japanese. Catchphrase: I love cooking! Watashi wa ryōri ga daisuki (私は料理が大好き!
- An Angle-Fish that can be found at anywhere. They look cute, however they like playing Favourite Trick very much. They use "Lovely Arrow" to control pepole's loving heart, which make couples get into trouble! Their shining eyes are full of curiosity, and looking for every moment that can playing Favourite Trick. |}
- Angela is a teacher at a Ninja School.
- Angela was the daughter of Chase Edmunds.
- All fast teammates get a Large Bonus to AP when attacking and Taking Damage
- Angela was a young girl living in Daukern, Germany. She became a level 2 akuma when her sister Sophia called her back making her the so-called witch of Daukern. She appeared in Reverse The Village Where the Witch Dwells and later in episodes 33 and 34 of the anime.
- Sternensystem: AngelaLokalität: G.A.E. (Bündnis)
- Angela es una estudiante de la Preparatoria Estrella Naranja; Angela es una compañera de Gohan y es muy inocente y algo despistada pues siempre quiere tener un novio, su tipo de sangre es B y tiene problemas de la vista por lo cual utiliza lentes de contacto.
- Angela is a vain but likable French singer and dancer who is also a member of France's secret rescue team. Despite her cocky arrogance (and the fact that most of the other pilots don't understand her in the least), she means well. In the English version of Sonic Wings 2, Angela is depicted as a male punk star named Steve. However, in the original Japanese version, Angela is a woman who stars in musicals. Angela has long, wavy blond hair and large, sparkling green eyes. She is usually shown wearing her musical costume: a red military-dress style uniform in Sonic Wings 2 and a white costume in Sonic Wings Special and Sonic Wings Limited. Angela also always carries a rose, red in SW2 and white in SWS/SWL. In Sonic Wings 2, Angela describes herself as "a beauty in male attire," such as the all-female Takarazuka Revue musical troupe. Several factors have led to much debate over whether Angela is a man or a woman: her attire, her English name of Steve, her use of masculine language in the Japanese games, and her appearance as a naked man in endings found both in Sonic Wings 2 and Special/Limited. The Sonic Wings official website and sketchbook Pseudo Sky Rascals, however, emphasize that the character is female, stating that the endings showing her as male weren't meant to be taken seriously.
- Angela was a Human female who lived in Coronet City on the planet of Corellia during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
- Angela tiene su cabello blanco azulado y ojos purpuras, lleva puesto un vestido de colores lavanda y blanco con un pañuelo en forma de sombrero en su cabeza.Cuando esta en su forma de Angel lleva un vestido blanco con un ligero aire lavanda y la parte inferior parece ser de plumas.Tambien se puede decir que es muy hermosa ya que llamo la atencion de Finnian y Baldroy
- Angela was a witch and herbalist. She owned a shop in the city of Teirm, but, as an ally of the Varden, she spent considerable time with the rebels in Farthen Dûr and in Surda. She was often accompanied by a werecat named Solembum. She said that she liked to be wherever big events were happening. She was widely respected, even by the elves.
- Angela ist eine unabhängige Kräuterhexe und wird ständig von der Werkatze Solembum begleitet. Sie lebte in Teirm bevor sie zu den Varden zog. Als sie Eragon das erste Mal traf, sagte sie ihm die Zukunft voraus. Sie kämpft mit einem Hûthvír (Doppelschwert), welches sie einem Zwerg des Dûrgrimst Quan beim Spielen abgeknöpft hat.Sie trug in der Schlacht um Farthen Dûr eine grün-schwarze Rüstung.
- Angela is a character who makes a brief one-time appearance in the Season 2 episode titled "HX-1".
- Angela to siostra bliźniaczka Agathy. Jest od niej o wiele ładniejsza. Miała urodzić się pierwsza, lecz Agatha wciągnęła ją za pępowinę i to ona urodziła się pierwsza. Angela chciała by dzieciaki Ross lubiły ją bardziej niż Jessie, lecz Agatha w porę ostrzegła Jessie. Angela na poczatku była miła dla Jessie i dzieciaków, aż cała prawda wyszła na jaw. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Postacie z serialu Jessie
- Kategoria:Artykuły do rozbudowania __HIDDENCAT__ Angela – uczennica Liceum Pomarańczowej Gwiazdy w Satan City. Zakochała się w Son Gohanie. Postać epizodyczna występująca w serii Dragon Ball Z. Poznajemy ją, gdy Son Gohan przebiera się z "Super Galaktycznego Wojownika" w normalne ubrania. Chciał bowiem zachować anonimowość. Niestety zostaje zauważony przez Angelę. Son Gohan pewny, iż został zdemaskowany prosi dziewczynę by ta nie zdradzała jego sekretu. Angela zgadza się pod warunkiem, że Gohan pójdzie z nią na randkę. Jest bardzo problematyczną dziewczyną, zazdrosną i nadwrażliwą, w końcu wyjawia sekret wojownika. Okazuje się, że podczas przemiany Son Gohan z "Super Galaktycznego Wojownika" nie miała założonych soczewek kontaktowych (ponieważ jest krótkowidzem), a za jego wielki sekret uznała bokserki z wyszytym misiem.
- Angela era una bruja y una herbolaria. Ella tenía una tienda en la ciudad de Teirm, pero como una aliada de los vardenos, se pasaba un tiempo considerable con los rebledes en Farthen Dûr y en Surda. Era acompañada la mayoría del tiempo por un hombre gato llamado Solembum.
- Angela es un personaje secundario en los videojuegos spin-off Pachislot Akumajō Dracula. Ella es enviada por la Iglesia algún tiempo después del año 1479 para ayudar a Trevor Belmont. Usando runas encantadas que aparecen sobre su cuerpo mientras baila, es capaz de utilizar una gran variedad de habilidades mágicas en batalla.
- Angela (エンジェラ, Enjera) est une étudiante au lycée Orange Star, et a été la première petite amie de Son Gohan , elle est aussi sa camarade de classe
- Though Angela is a powerful individual, she is not invulnerable, and can sustain injury, albeit at extremely high levels.
- Angela is a minor character in "How to Fire a Rifle Without Really Trying."
- Angela is a character from Gargoyles. Appearing in the second season's Avalon arc, she was one of the surviving eggs of the Wyvern Castle massacre before being taken by Princess Katharine and the Magus to the magical kingdom of Avalon for safekeeping. She is later revealed to be Goliath and Demona's biological daughter.
- Angela is a miner from Al Maajik. She came to Castele in order to find a topaz. She can join your party when you reach master miner. She fights by swinging with her left leg and sometimes following up with a roundhouse kick. During the introductory quest Angela is hugged by the Miner Master due to him mistaking her as his wife, Mary/Ruby, he even loses his anniversary gift because it got caught in Angela's hair. Angela approaches you later, revealing she came to Castele all the way from Al Maajik in search of a Topaz. Her reasoning for that is because she thinks you are the miner master. In return for a Topaz she offers you a Amethyst that she mysteriously found in her ponytail after being hugged. The Amethyst turns out to be the anniversary gift for Mary/Ruby. After all this is over, Roque says he wants to follow her to Al Maajik because he is in love.
- Angela i jej siostra zostały osierocone. Mogły polegać tylko na sobie. Żyły w zgodzie, ponieważ ojciec przed śmiercią, powiedział, że życie jest zbyt krótkie aby się kłócić. Jednak jak to życie zawsze stawia płotki i kopie dołki w które wpadamy. Angela nie miała pracy. Utrzymywała się z pieniędzy, otrzymywanych od dziadków, a jej mała siostra wymagała opieki, więc nie miała czasu na podjęcie szkoły, a tym bardziej pracy. Po kilku latach dziadkowie Angeli umarli, a ona i jej siostra zostały same. Nie miały nic. Pewnego dnia gdy Angela robiła śniadanie, zobaczyła przez okno kogoś, kto podłożył coś pod jej drzwiami. Angela wyszła z domu, ale tej osoby już nie było. Przed drzwiami stało pudło. Angela wzięła je do domu i otworzyła. - O mój Boże! - krzyknęła. W pudle znajdowała się maska, trzy noże, pistolet oraz lista osób. Pod tym wszystkim leżał list. Angela otworzyła go. "Znam twoją sytuację. Wiem także, że masz siostrę, którą chcesz chronić. Dostrzegam w tobie kogoś mi znajomego, jednak nie wiem czy będziesz tak samo użyteczna jak on. Ale do rzeczy: jestem Ci skłonny zapłacić 500 000 $ za zabicie osób z tej listy. Rozumiem, że nie masz doświadczenia w tego typu sprawach, ale nie martw się; jutro przyniosę kolejny list, w którym wszystko dokładnie opiszę. Oczywiście jeśli się zgodzisz. Jeśli odmówisz, zabierz wycieraczkę sprzed drzwi, a jeśli się zgadzasz, zostaw ją w spokoju. Miłego Dnia" Angela nie miała wyboru. Musiała podjąć jakąś pracę, a nagroda zapewniłaby jej przyszłość. Tylko kto zaopiekuje się jej siostrą? Następnego dnia Angela niecierpliwie wyczekiwała pudełka, aż w końcu przyszło. Angela otworzyła je. W nim było 10 000 $ i list. "To, co otrzymałaś, to zaliczka. Na odwrocie listu znajduje się adres mojego znajomego który Cię wyszkoli. Jeżeli spyta kto Cię przysyła, odpowiedz Siódmy Krąg." Angela poprosiła swoją przyjaciółkę o zajęcie się jej siostrą. Gdy Angela doszła na miejsce, okazało się, że jest to stara akademia wojskowa. Przy drzwiach stało dwóch bramkarzy. Angela podeszła do nich i powiedziała: - Siódmy Krąg. Jeden z bramkarzy dał jej opaskę. - Załóż ją na oczy. - mruknął. Angela włożyła opaskę i poszła zgodnie z wskazówkami bramkarza. - Jesteśmy na miejscu. Możesz zdjąć opaskę. Angela zdjęła opaskę i zobaczyła szereg kobiet w maskach. Z nimi stał bardzo dobrze zbudowany mężczyzna. - Ty pewnie jesteś Angela? - zapytał. - Tak, to ja. - Mój przyjaciel mówił, że przyjdziesz. Chodź za mną. - po chwili burknął do swoich podwładnych: - Oddział, rozejść się! Angela poszła z mężczyzną. - Jak już pewnie zauważyłaś, zostałaś tu sprowadzona, ponieważ mój przyjaciel zauważył w tobie potencjał. Ale nie będę cię tym zanudzał. Wytoczę ci zasady i czego oczekuję. Po pierwsze: oczekuję pełnej dyscypliny, szacunku i bezwarunkowego wykonywania rozkazów. Po drugie: nikt nie może wiedzieć o tym miejscu. Po trzecie zostaniesz tu wyszkolona na zabójczynię. Rozumiesz? - Tak. - Odpowiadaj "Tak, Sir." -Tak, Sir. - Co tydzień będziesz dostawała grafik treningów. Po 2 miesiącach będziesz miała 3 egzaminy: jeden pisemny, drugi ustny, trzeci praktyczny. Angela po powrocie do domu dużo rozmyślała. Nie mogła się w żaden sposób wycofać. Nie miała pieniędzy, a czynsz za mieszkanie nie był zapłacony, w każdym momencie mogła wylądować na ulicy, więc Angela podjęła naukę w Akademii Zabójczyń. Po dwóch tygodniach Angela była zupełnie wykończona. W 3 i 4 tygodniu była to dla niej rutyna, stawała się narzędziem do zabijania. W marcu nadszedł czas egzaminów. Egzamin ustny i pisemny zdała na stopień "Dobry". Na egzaminie praktycznym okazało się, że ma zabić wyznaczony cel. Angela na początku się wahała, ale myśl o ochronie siostry wzięła górę i Angela zabiła cel. Całą następną noc Angela płakała w swoim pokoju. W końcu zrozumiała, że część uczuć jest zbędna. Po zakończeniu akademii, Angela miała zabić osoby z listy. Było ich 6: 1. Szef straży miejskiej; 2. Policjant; 3. Cywil; 4. Cywil; 5. Dyrektor szpitala. Po zabiciu tych osób zobaczyła na osobę nr 6. - O Boże... - przestraszyła się. Na 6 miejscu była matka jej przyjaciółki. Angela nie mogła jej zabić. Po dwóch tygodniach nieznajomy wezwał Angelę do akademii. Angela została zaprowadzona do ciemnego pokoju. Na środku była szyba, a za nią ktoś stał. - Angelo, rozczarowujesz mnie... - Nie mogę jej zabić! - mówiła przestraszonym głosem, a do oczu zaczęły napływać jej łzy. - Musisz! - A co jeśli odmówię? - Nawet się nie waż! - syknął groźnie mężczyzna. - Rzucam tą robotę! Mam swoją część pieniędzy. - Angelo, popełniasz błąd... posłuchaj, jeszcze tu wrócisz. Gdy Angela doszła do domu, zauważyła że okno jest wybite. Szybko pobiegła do salonu gdzie znalazła ciało swej przyjaciółki, a w jej głowie wbity był sztylet z listem. Angela szybko odwinęła zwiniętą kartkę papieru i odczytała list: "Twoja siostra to nasze ubezpieczenie. Jeśli chcesz ją jeszcze zobaczyć, wykonuj rozkazy bez żadnych sprzeciwów!" Angela upadła na kolana i pogrążyła się w łzach. Dwa tygodnie później wróciła do akademii by dowiedzieć się czegoś o swojej siostrze. Frank, jej przełożony, powiedział, że jej siostra jest bezpieczna, ale w rzeczywistości zaginęła podczas transportu w Meksyku. Angela musi ślepo wykonywać rozkazy aby zobaczyć zaginioną siostrę. Ciąg dalszy nastąpi, ta historia jest nawiązaniem do Kris The Killer Dziękuję za przeczytanie Kris Kategoria:Opowiadania Kategoria:Legendy miejskie
- Angela es una luchadora americana. 1.
- After searching Kevin Costner's House for clues for his supposed missing scientist brother Dan Costner who invented a converter to change liquids into fuel in "The Full Cognitive Redaction of Avery Bullock by the Coward Stan Smith", Avery Bullock finds a birthday card announcing a gift in Kevin's name from Dan. Bullock and Stan dress as dogs to ransack the SPCA, upsetting Angela the receptionist before they are kicked out.
- Superman (TV series) (1988)
* Night of the Living Shadows
- Angela is one of the Sertoris' cousins. She only appeared in one episode, in Season 1, which was Hurricane Angela.
- Angela the Winged-One is a character in the Epitaph of Value.
- Angela (ア ン ジ ェ ラ, Anjera) es un personaje de Story of Seasons. Ella es una de las solteras elegibles. Trabaja como enfermera en un hospital local, Angela es tranquila y serena. Mientras que apenas muestra emociones - comprensible, con sus a veces, sangrientos alrededores - cuando se expone a eventos inesperados y repentinos, ella muestra su lado débil.
- „Gee!...And those weneable blow-heart singer types give me a headache,Next House!„. Ellada (Also called Antoine or Angela) were an Italian-Roman character that is playable only In France rome and italy that appears in Megaman X:World Tour.
- Angela (real name: Angela Beesley) is the co-founder of Wikia, and an administrator on Wikipedia. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Angela is one of the three Sparkbots, secret agents of Unicron, though she professes to work for Primus. She can fly, communicate telepathically and transport others through time when activated by a kiss. She has "linked" herself to Marissa Faireborn. Angela transforms from a pink flying glowing sphere into a pink flying robotic lion. She is pink. PINK!!!
- Angela Dawson is a character in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. Rescuing her from the abandoned temple is the objective of the Save Angela quest.
- Angela was the brief girlfriend of Dex and Torg. Her relationship with Dex was described as fluctuating. After all her college friends were killed by the EVIL, Angela was committed to an asylum and developed an extreme fear of cats. Upon leaving, she bought a dog, named Koji, for protection. She came to live with Torg at the Brie Meighsaton house and became his girlfriend. After she was possessed by Beth, she considered leaving the house, but a voice in her head convinced her to stay. Unfortunately, she never got the chance, as Bert's pet cat Titian jumped on her head, triggering a massive regression and returning her to the asylum. She was later abducted by the Arny during K I T T E N I I, and was catatonic throughout the ensuing carnage. Angela first appeared on October 31, 1999.
- Angela is a gargoyle and member of the Manhattan Clan. She is a former member of the Avalon Clan.
- Angela is a female professional wrestler and manager who has wrestled primarily in the Independent circuit.
- Angela (アンジェラ, Anjera) is one of the six main characters of Seiken Densetsu 3.
- Родилась 3 августа 1977 в городе Норидж, в Великобритании. В 2004 году совместно с Джимми Уэйлсом основала вики-хостинг Fandom и являлась её разработчиком до конца 2012 года. Также участвовала в Фонде Викимедиа, с июня 2004 по июль 2006 года входила в совет попечителей, с 2006 по 2012 — в комитет по коммуникациям (ComCom). В 2012 году покинула викисреду и начала заниматься развитием компании Chalk Drop, однако та спустя несколько лет была закрыта. О деятельности Анджелы после Chalk Drop пока ничего не известно, но на википроекты она не возвращалась.
- Angela Sutcliff is a tall, female dragon-slayer with long, blood-red hair, yellow-green eyes, and surprisingly sharp teeth. She is a Newbie Dragon Slayer at the Slayers Corner. Angela Sutcliff is Roleplayed by SnapeFan1.
- Angela is a cherub sent to bring heavenly cheer. In regular play, she’ll help you add an extra floor to any of your construction projects, while in competitive play, she’ll give money to anyone within a 5x5 area for several turns.
- Angela is the daugher Lucifer who has been sacrificed for the Divine Design.
- Items you will need for Angela's quest: -A Space Craft -A Manual Blender -A Coconut Basin -A Ladder You will have to go to the moon using a Space Craft and talk to the Jade Rabbit there and give it the coconut basin. After that, Go back to Earth and then go to the moon again.This time, give the Jade Rabbit the Manual Blender. It will then give you a [Rabbit's Mashu] Now go to Oslya, the 2nd cave from the left. There you will find a portal to a garden, where the jade rabbit and a old woman are waiting. Talk to the rabbit and give him the Rabbit's Mashu. After that, walk to the next portal. You will see angela in the lake, talk to her and go back to the tree, take her clothes using a laddder. After that, go to talk to her again. Choose the second option in the conversation, or she will take huge damage on you and you will get overkilled. After that, you will see a cutscene, and Angela will join your team.
- Angela is head of the Shipping Department of the Pawtucket Brewery and the supervisor of Peter Griffin and Opie. She is voiced by Carrie Fisher. She likes Opie far better than Peter and treats Peter very coldly. She apparently likes Soundwave as well, as seen in the episode "The Courtship of Stewie's Father" where he is promoted to Opie's old position. Having "asked around the office" and found out she liked animals, Peter tries in vain to suck up to her by organizing a cock fight in her house. This however backfires as the two birds have killed each other in a bloody carnage destroying Angela's living room and further infuriating Angela. In "Peter-assment", after Peter refused to have sex with her, she tried to kill herself by turning on her car in her garage and sitting in the car. After Peter rescued her, it was revealed that she hasn't dated anyone in 10 years. Feeling bad for her, Peter disguised himself as a stereotypical 1920s New York billionaire, and had sex with her. But, it is revealed that Angela knew all along that it was Peter even though he was really using Mort Goldman. It is also revealed that Angela has aggressive gingivitis. In "Baby, You Knock Me Out", Angela is the ring girl at Lois' fight with Deirdre Jackson. The crowd start showing displeasure, and start to boo, as her fat is rolling over the sides of the bikini she is wearing. She yells at the audience to 'shut up', because, according to her, 'this took a lot of courage'. In It's A Trap!, Angela portrayed Mon Mothma. Angela's voice actress, Carrie Fisher, portrayed Princess Leia in the film which the special parodies, as well as the two films that precede it, making her the second to play two Star Wars characters on Family Guy. Peter quits working at the brewery after winning the lottery in "Lottery Fever", leaving a big pile of poo on Angela's desk. In "Friends of Peter G", a drunken Peter is shown having sex with Angela in a restroom stall in a flashback from Death. In "Road to the North Pole" she asks Santa Claus for spermicidal foam. Angela has sex with Chip, Peter's vestigial twin in "Vestigial Peter". Peter glumly notes that he can taste what Chip eats. Angela promotes Peter to forklift driver in "Peter Problems", but fires him when he gets drunk attempting to chug an entire vat of beer and wrecks a meeting. Quagmire tries to convince her to give Peter his job back and she relents when Peter presents her with coupons for a rehire and a hug. To get out of work in "Candy Quahog Marshmallow!", Peter reveals his secret is to hold the phone up to Who’s the Boss? while calling Angela. She appears dressed as Opie in "A Lot Going On Upstairs" when Brian tries to fool Stewie by dressing the family and neighbors as each other.
- Solo se puede obtener si eliges a Angelita como tu inicial y lo evolucionasframe|sprite
- Angela is the head manager of the Pawtucket Brewery. She is the boss of Peter Griffin as of this being his third and current job, but has a lot of problems with Peter Griffin, specifically. She is always having to visit Peter Griffin in his office as yell at him for one of his classic, lovable antics. Due to this, Peter has become her least favorite, yet most memorable employee.
- Angela ist eine Kuh. Sie hat am 25. August Geburtstag und ist eingebildet.
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