  • Horusian
  • A Horusian is a member of one of the most extreme of the Radical factions of the Inquisition -- a sub-faction of the Xanthite creed -- that holds that the Arch-traitor Horus might have succeeded in bending the Warp to his will had he not been opposed by his brother Primarchs. Most Horusian Inquisitors carefully hide their true beliefs behind the mask of the more acceptable Xanthite faction and are especially cautious of contact with Thorians.
  • A Horusian is a member of one of the most extreme of the Radical factions of the Inquisition -- a sub-faction of the Xanthite creed -- that holds that the Arch-traitor Horus might have succeeded in bending the Warp to his will had he not been opposed by his brother Primarchs. Most Horusian Inquisitors carefully hide their true beliefs behind the mask of the more acceptable Xanthite faction and are especially cautious of contact with Thorians.