  • 990
  • 990
  • 990
  • El número (990) es el número natural que sigue al 989 y precede al 991. Categoría:Números
  • Sabrina shows up at Collinwood and enters the drawing room. She sits down at the table and acts as if she is about to begin a séance. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Roger walk down the stairs, wondering where Quentin, Maggie, and Hoffman have gone. They enter the drawing room and Sabrina announces that it is time for the séance to begin. Later that night, Sabrina is taken to an upstairs bedroom at Collinwood as Cyrus watches over her. She is still convinced that another séance must be held, but Elizabeth refuses.
  • Während Jenny alles vorbereitet, um Essen endgültig zu verlassen, kommt Axel langsam dahinter, dass regelmäßig Geld von Firmenkonten abgezweigt wurde. Jenny macht ihrer Familie vor, drei Wochen Urlaub machen zu wollen, um ihre Flucht zu vertuschen. Doch Simone merkt, dass Jenny ihr etwas vorenthält und stellt sie zur Rede. Celine schmerzt es, dass die Beziehung zu Richard nicht funktioniert hat. Trotz Richards Protest findet Celine Unterschlupf im Loft. Oliver ist Celine in allem eine große Stütze. Als Richard den Bildband über Australien mit Olivers Widmung findet, konfrontiert er Celine mit Plänen, die sie noch gar nicht gefasst hat. Lena gibt sich die Schuld an dem Tod ihres Babys, was Katja ihr auszureden versucht. Lena nimmt Katja das Versprechen ab, Maximilian nichts von der Fehlgebu
  • 990
  • 1970-03-27
  • 975
  • 1970
  • 1970-04-10
  • 990
  • El número (990) es el número natural que sigue al 989 y precede al 991. Categoría:Números
  • Während Jenny alles vorbereitet, um Essen endgültig zu verlassen, kommt Axel langsam dahinter, dass regelmäßig Geld von Firmenkonten abgezweigt wurde. Jenny macht ihrer Familie vor, drei Wochen Urlaub machen zu wollen, um ihre Flucht zu vertuschen. Doch Simone merkt, dass Jenny ihr etwas vorenthält und stellt sie zur Rede. Celine schmerzt es, dass die Beziehung zu Richard nicht funktioniert hat. Trotz Richards Protest findet Celine Unterschlupf im Loft. Oliver ist Celine in allem eine große Stütze. Als Richard den Bildband über Australien mit Olivers Widmung findet, konfrontiert er Celine mit Plänen, die sie noch gar nicht gefasst hat. Lena gibt sich die Schuld an dem Tod ihres Babys, was Katja ihr auszureden versucht. Lena nimmt Katja das Versprechen ab, Maximilian nichts von der Fehlgeburt zu erzählen. Nun muss Katja Maximilian notgedrungen anlügen, obwohl sie weiß, dass Lena durch ihr Schweigen die Sache nur noch schlimmer macht. Doch Lena hat Angst, Maximilian zu verlieren.
  • Sabrina shows up at Collinwood and enters the drawing room. She sits down at the table and acts as if she is about to begin a séance. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Roger walk down the stairs, wondering where Quentin, Maggie, and Hoffman have gone. They enter the drawing room and Sabrina announces that it is time for the séance to begin. Roger is confused and tells Sabrina there will be no séance, but Sabrina, who appears to almost be in a trance, orders Elizabeth to have Cyrus, Quentin, Bruno, and Angelique come to Collinwood so the ceremony can begin. Roger hears the clock chime from the foyer and realizes the séance that caused Angelique's death began exactly six months ago. Elizabeth decides to call Cyrus. Later that night, Sabrina is taken to an upstairs bedroom at Collinwood as Cyrus watches over her. She is still convinced that another séance must be held, but Elizabeth refuses. Cyrus goes to Bruno's cottage and asks him to come to Collinwood. Bruno is sarcastically surprised by the invitation, but Cyrus thinks Bruno might be able to help Sabrina. Bruno wonders if Cyrus has something to do with her condition, but Cyrus dismisses the notion. Cyrus explains that Sabrina wants to perform the séance again, but Bruno is against it because Angelique wouldn't be there. Bruno becomes upset when he thinks about Angelique's death. Cyrus again asks him to come to Collinwood, but then suggests if another séance is held, then Alexis should take Angelique's place, and that is his only condition. Roger is in Angelique's room at Collinwood, speaking to her portrait and wondering if she will ever return. He turns around and notices Alexis watching him, but he is convinced she is Angelique. In Sabrina's room, Elizabeth asks Quentin for permission to hold a séance, but he refuses. Elizabeth wonders what happened to Maggie, but Quentin dodges her questions and leaves the room. Roger is still impressed at Alexis' appearance. Alexis holds Roger's hand to convince him she isn't a ghost. In the drawing room, Quentin grows increasingly frustrated with Elizabeth's questions about Maggie's whereabouts. Roger and Alexis soon arrive and he introduces her to Elizabeth. Alexis feels like she is intruding, but Sabrina stops her from leaving and says it is time to begin the séance. As Quentin and Alexis talk in the foyer, Cyrus and Bruno enter, which immediately upsets Quentin. Bruno suggests Alexis should fill in for Angelique, and Quentin gets even more upset. After more deliberation, Alexis finally agrees, but Quentin wants nothing to do with the séance and leaves. Sabrina arranges the table exactly as it was six months earlier and Cyrus begins the ceremony. Moments later, Sabrina falls into a trance and only says "Let me go." She points across the table to Alexis and claims that she is dying. Sabrina exclaims "Murderer!" Alexis faints.
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