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  • From: [[]] Go to see Sinning Jenny. If it's happened in Veilgarden, she will know about it. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • 'Oh, him. Yes.'
Failure title
  • 'The Surface? Not this year, petal.'
  • 40
Failure description
  • Jenny makes a show of thinking […] In the end, she shakes her head. 'I don't think so. I'd remember a gent from the Surface.' Your client's face shows a mixture of disappointment and joy. What does she see in yours?
From Card/Storylet title
  • Did the Secular Missionary's husband visit Veilgarden?
Success description
  • […]'Yes, I've heard about a man from the Surface.'[…]'He'd drink in the taverns, talk to the girls. He couldn't afford to talk to me.' The Secular Missionary blinks back tears […] but smiles at you when you put your hand on her shoulder. […]
  • Go to see Sinning Jenny. If it's happened in Veilgarden, she will know about it.
  • From: [[]] Go to see Sinning Jenny. If it's happened in Veilgarden, she will know about it. [Find the rest of the story at ]