  • Doc's letter
  • Doc's letter was a three-page letter sent to Marty McFly from Emmett Brown — via several generations of Western Union — while he was trapped in 1885. After settling down as a blacksmith, on September 1, 1885, Doc gave the letter to Western Union with the explicit instructions that it be delivered on the highway in front of the future Lyon Estates to a person responding to the name of "Marty McFly" on November 12, 1955, the same place and time as when he disappeared when lightning struck the DeLorean time machine.
  • Doc's letter was a three-page letter sent to Marty McFly from Emmett Brown — via several generations of Western Union — while he was trapped in 1885. After settling down as a blacksmith, on September 1, 1885, Doc gave the letter to Western Union with the explicit instructions that it be delivered on the highway in front of the future Lyon Estates to a person responding to the name of "Marty McFly" on November 12, 1955, the same place and time as when he disappeared when lightning struck the DeLorean time machine. Western Union held the letter for over 70 years and many in the department made bets as to whether this "Marty" would actually show up at that very location and at that very time. The delivery man had bet against there being anyone there, but he was proven wrong when Marty was found standing right in the middle of the highway in the rain as he pulled up. Marty opened the letter in the rain and realized that it was from Doc, and ecstatically jumped for joy. Marty ran back to town to find the only man that could help him at that point, the younger Doc Brown of 1955. After Doc sent the first version of Marty back to the future, the second version ran up the street from behind and took Doc by surprise. Doc fainted and Marty drove him to his mansion in his Packard. Doc woke up to Howdy Doody starting to play on his television set and started to record the events of the night before on his reel-to-reel tape recorder, saying he could not figure out how he arrived home, unless there was an effect of temporal displacement that created temporary amnesia. Marty appeared and showed him the letter. Using a magnifying glass, Doc proceeded to read aloud the letter, and also studied the enclosed map for reaching the DeLorean hidden in the Delgado Mine.