  • Ariadne
  • Ariadne
  • Ariadne
  • Ariadne
  • Ariadne
  • Ariadne es una cazadora de sombras actualmente comprometida con Charles Fairchild.
  • The Ariadne was a starship in service in the 2370s. Among its crew were Steyn, Auger and Trasser. In 2374, the Ariadne left Yridia for Lissepia while carrying a valuable shipment of latinum. An incident aboard the vessel forced it to divert to Deep Space 9 for repairs. (DS9 novel: Hollow Men)
  • Ariadne is a Shadowhunter currently engaged to Charles Fairchild.
  • Lauren Corazon is the sister of Araña.
  • center|thumb|450px|Ariadne em Naxos, de John William Waterhouse (1898) Ariadne, Ariagne, Ariane ou Ariana era a filha de Minos, rei de Creta e Pasífae. Apaixonou-se por Teseu e ajudou-o a derrotar o Minotauro, mas foi por ele abandonado. Entretanto, o deus Dioniso a viu e por ela se apaixonou, tornando-a sua esposa. Seu nome parece derivar de ari hadnê, "a mais sagrada"; a variante Ariagne significa ari hagnê, "a mais honrada". Em Roma, foi sincretizada com Líbera, a esposa de Líber, deus do vinho sincretizado com Dioniso.
  • Ariadne, also known as the Dark Lady of Vulpengaard, is the leader of the Purple Paladins and a close underling and potential love interest of Richelieu. She used to work for the Clergy of Mardük but later joined the Magicracy of Alent. She is one of the few people who knows Richelieu's real name and past. Ariadne participated in the Battle of the Rivers as one of the Alentian commanders and was forced to return back to Alent with the survivors after the Coalition overwhelmed her forces.
  • Ariadne az Utolsó Órák egyik szereplője, aki Charles Fairchild menyasszonya.
  • Ariadne was a princess of Crete. She was a daughter of King Minos and his Queen, Pasiphaë, and the legacy of the god Zeus (on her father's side). She is most commonly known for helping the Greek demigod hero Theseus get through the Labyrinth in Ancient Greece. She became the immortal wife of the god Dionysus after Theseus abandoned her. Her Roman counterpart is Ariana.
  • Ariadne was a favorite of Apollo who treated her with little respect. Hercules was able to convince her she should have more respect for herself. When Apollo placed her in a death trap, Hercules fought him and released her. Mythologically, Ariadne a princess of Crete, the sister of the Minotaur and the wife of Dionysus, whom she married after Theseus abandoned her. She had no connection with Apollo whatsoever.
  • Her curly hair is tied up with a purple ribbon, She wears a necklace. She has an armlet on her left arm and a bracelet on her right arm. She also wears a violet dress and a knee-length, purple sandals. There is a purple tattoo on her forehead.
  • Ariadne (Gr: Αριαδνη) was the immortal wife of the wine-god Dionysos. She was the daughter of MInos, King of Crete, and his wife Pasiphae, daughter of Helios.
  • Ariadne era filha do rei Minos de Creta, e é bem conhecida por ter ajudado o herói Teseu, de Atenas, a entrar e sair do labiríntico palácio em que vivia o Minotauro, meio-homem, meio-touro. Depois de decapitar o monstro, Teseu seguiu o novelo desfiado que a apaixonada Ariadne lhe deu, encontrando ao mesmo tempo a saída e a bela. No entanto, depois de levá-la consigo, Teseu abandona Ariadne na ilha de Naxos. Na Teogonia de Hesíodo, o mais antigo poema grego completo (Séc. VIII a.C.), os versos 946 a 948 referem-se a Ariadne, e podem ser traduzidos livremente como:
  • Ariadne was featured in the story of "Theseus and the Minotaur". She was the daughter of Minos the King. Every day she would enter the Labyrinth and care for the Minotaur. She knew the heart was human, no matter what the face. In Greek Mythology, it was mentioned that she was rescued by Dionysus.
  • Ariadne was a sprawling planet with a population of around 1.5 billion (1,500,000,000) humans and home to a Zohar research facility, as well as one of the Zohar Emulators. It is implied Ariadne is slightly bigger than Lost Jerusalem because of the km diameter of the Cathedral Ship. Ariadne is divided into three sections: a zone filled with greenery, a zone surging with businesses and research facilities, and a living space for regular citizens.
  • Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete, the owner of the Minotaur. When Theseus came to Crete to end Minos's annual demands that Athens send 7 men and 7 women to sacrifice to the Minotaur, Ariadne fell in love with Theseus. She gave him a sword to fight the Minotaur and a ball of string so he would be able to find his way out of the labyrinth. After Theseus achieved his goal, Ariadne eloped with him. On the way back to Athens, they stop to the island of Naxos. Due to a false alarm of the Cretan fleet pursuing them, Theseus' crew fled the island the next morning, unwittingly leaving Ariadne behind. A short while later, Dionysus saw the abandoned Ariadne and took her in order to be his wife. Since then she remained faithful to him, but she was killed by Perseus at Argos. Dionysus ho
  • Ariadne ist eine freie und unabhängige Stadt im Nordwesten des Kaiserreichs Hellas. Sie ist die Stadt der Gelehrten und bietet die beste Ausbildung für Magier in Mundus Magicus. Zwar ist Ariadne als Stadtstaat naturgemäß klein, dennoch stellt die Stadt einen Machtfaktor dar. So werden Vertreter der Rittertruppe nach Ostia entsandt um das Ende des Krieges vor 20 Jahren zu feiern.
  • Since ancient Greek myths were passed down through oral tradition, many variations of this and other myths exist. According to an Athenian version of the legend, Minos attacked Athens after his son was killed there. The Athenians asked for terms, and were required to sacrifice seven young men and seven maidens every seven or nine years to the Minotaur. One year, the sacrificial party included Theseus, the son of King Aegeus, who volunteered to come and kill the Minotaur. Ariadne fell in love at first sight, and helped him by giving him a sword and a ball of thread, so that he could find his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth.
  • 30
  • 42
  • Brown
Portrayed By
Row 4 info
Row 7 title
  • Roman Name:
  • Greek
  • Psy
  • weiblich
  • Ariadne
Row 1 info
  • Ariadne
  • Schattenjägerin
  • 1
Row 4 title
  • Consort:
Row 2 info
  • Female
  • Él
Row 6 info
  • Ball of String
  • Fortune
Row 1 title
  • Name:
Row 5 info
  • Labyrinths
Row 2 title
  • Gender:
Greek/Roman form
  • Ariana
Row 6 title
  • Item/Weapon:
Only appearance
Row 5 title
  • Symbols:
  • Ariadne
Row 3 info
  • Paths and Labryinths
Row 3 title
  • goddess of:
Row 7 info
  • Ariana
Box Title
  • Ariadne
  • Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
  • The Titan's Curse
  • Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes
  • *Magicracy of Alent *Clergy of Mardük
  • Unknown
  • Brown
  • String Art Beast\i Apt Pupil\i Miracle Punch\i Attack Master\31 High Voltage\32 Evade Phys\34 Power Charge\36
  • String Art Beast\i Apt Pupil\i Miracle Punch\i Auto-Mataru\43 Heat Up\44 Evade Phys\46 Power Charge\48
  • 35
  • Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
  • Alive
  • Immortal
  • Viva
  • Lebend
  • Unknown
  • Brown
  • 20
  • 29
  • Ariadne
  • Ariadne
  • Lauren Corazon
  • 250
  • OC
  • 17
  • 24
  • Unknown
Character Name
  • Ariadne
  • Ariadne
  • Unknown
  • 18
  • 21
  • 100.0
Image caption
  • The planet Ariadne in the process of Gnosifying, in which it becomes the Cathedral Ship, from Episode I.
  • Goddess of Labyrinths and Paths
  • Goddess of Passion
  • Immortal Wife of Dionysus
  • 23
  • 36
  • 301.0
  • Any height
  • None
Image size
  • 300
  • Unknown
  • Paladin
  • Gun, Bless
  • 19
  • 23
  • 160
  • Nuclear
  • 1991
  • Minos
  • Minotaur
  • Phaedra
  • Pasiphaë
  • Dionysus
Image File
  • Ariadne-0.jpg
  • Female
  • Femenino
  • Human
wikipage disambiguates
  • -
  • ?
  • -
  • Ariadne es una cazadora de sombras actualmente comprometida con Charles Fairchild.
  • The Ariadne was a starship in service in the 2370s. Among its crew were Steyn, Auger and Trasser. In 2374, the Ariadne left Yridia for Lissepia while carrying a valuable shipment of latinum. An incident aboard the vessel forced it to divert to Deep Space 9 for repairs. (DS9 novel: Hollow Men)
  • Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete, the owner of the Minotaur. When Theseus came to Crete to end Minos's annual demands that Athens send 7 men and 7 women to sacrifice to the Minotaur, Ariadne fell in love with Theseus. She gave him a sword to fight the Minotaur and a ball of string so he would be able to find his way out of the labyrinth. After Theseus achieved his goal, Ariadne eloped with him. On the way back to Athens, they stop to the island of Naxos. Due to a false alarm of the Cretan fleet pursuing them, Theseus' crew fled the island the next morning, unwittingly leaving Ariadne behind. A short while later, Dionysus saw the abandoned Ariadne and took her in order to be his wife. Since then she remained faithful to him, but she was killed by Perseus at Argos. Dionysus however descended into Hades and brought her and his mother Semele back. They then joined the gods in Olympus.
  • Ariadne era filha do rei Minos de Creta, e é bem conhecida por ter ajudado o herói Teseu, de Atenas, a entrar e sair do labiríntico palácio em que vivia o Minotauro, meio-homem, meio-touro. Depois de decapitar o monstro, Teseu seguiu o novelo desfiado que a apaixonada Ariadne lhe deu, encontrando ao mesmo tempo a saída e a bela. No entanto, depois de levá-la consigo, Teseu abandona Ariadne na ilha de Naxos. Mas, ao contrário de Teseu, que não rejeitou o novelo mas desprezou a moça, este Projeto (que de um certo modo se refere e é construído sobre a idéia de labirintos), dispensa o fio que lhe permitiria saídas e abraça Ariadne. Afrodite, encontrando Ariadne em desespero na praia de Naxos, promete-lhe um futuro. E, logo, o deus Dioniso a encontra e a desposa. Essa é a porção Ariadne que convém ao Projeto e em razão da qual recebe o nome: Ariadne ama e é amada por Dioniso, o deus da Tragédia, suave e terrível (como o vinho), aquele cujos olhos são capazes de tirar os homens de si, o deus de toda alteridade, o senhor da mímesis. Na Teogonia de Hesíodo, o mais antigo poema grego completo (Séc. VIII a.C.), os versos 946 a 948 referem-se a Ariadne, e podem ser traduzidos livremente como: * “Dioniso, cabelos-de-ouro, tomou por esposa a loira Ariadne, virgem de Minos, e Zeus a tornou imortal e eternamente jovem.” Por isso este Projeto recebe provisoriamente seu nome. Não em razão do novelo, do fio, ou por ter vencido o labirinto, mas por ter se tornado a líder das Mênades, a bacante mais amada, aquela a quem o deus da alteridade ofertou a própria, aquela, eternamente jovem. Mas talvez o aspecto que mais tenha pesado na escolha do nome (provisório como um novelo, mas significando vida ou morte), é o que Deleuze diz sobre ela, em 'A Crítica e a Clínica', comentando ensaio de Nietzsche: Dioniso canta: "Sê prudente, Ariadne!... Tens pequenas orelhas, tens muitas orelhas! Põe aí uma palavra sensata! Não é preciso primeiro odiarmo-nos se devemos nos amar? Sou teu labirinto." E, por fim, Nietzsche interroga/afirma no Ecce Homo, pretensiosamente, verdadeiramente (afirmação da qual me aproprio, desavergonhadamente, também pretensiosamente, ainda que ciosamente): "Quem, além de mim, sabe quem é Ariadne?"
  • Ariadne is a Shadowhunter currently engaged to Charles Fairchild.
  • Lauren Corazon is the sister of Araña.
  • Since ancient Greek myths were passed down through oral tradition, many variations of this and other myths exist. According to an Athenian version of the legend, Minos attacked Athens after his son was killed there. The Athenians asked for terms, and were required to sacrifice seven young men and seven maidens every seven or nine years to the Minotaur. One year, the sacrificial party included Theseus, the son of King Aegeus, who volunteered to come and kill the Minotaur. Ariadne fell in love at first sight, and helped him by giving him a sword and a ball of thread, so that he could find his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth. She eloped with Theseus after he achieved his goal, but according to Homer "he had no joy of her, for ere that, Artemis slew her in seagirt Dia because of the witness of Dionysus" (Odyssey XI, 321-5). Homer does not expand on the nature of Dionysus' accusation, but the Oxford Classical Dictionary speculates that she was already married to Dionysus when Theseus ran away with her.
  • center|thumb|450px|Ariadne em Naxos, de John William Waterhouse (1898) Ariadne, Ariagne, Ariane ou Ariana era a filha de Minos, rei de Creta e Pasífae. Apaixonou-se por Teseu e ajudou-o a derrotar o Minotauro, mas foi por ele abandonado. Entretanto, o deus Dioniso a viu e por ela se apaixonou, tornando-a sua esposa. Seu nome parece derivar de ari hadnê, "a mais sagrada"; a variante Ariagne significa ari hagnê, "a mais honrada". Em Roma, foi sincretizada com Líbera, a esposa de Líber, deus do vinho sincretizado com Dioniso.
  • Ariadne, also known as the Dark Lady of Vulpengaard, is the leader of the Purple Paladins and a close underling and potential love interest of Richelieu. She used to work for the Clergy of Mardük but later joined the Magicracy of Alent. She is one of the few people who knows Richelieu's real name and past. Ariadne participated in the Battle of the Rivers as one of the Alentian commanders and was forced to return back to Alent with the survivors after the Coalition overwhelmed her forces.
  • Ariadne az Utolsó Órák egyik szereplője, aki Charles Fairchild menyasszonya.
  • Ariadne was featured in the story of "Theseus and the Minotaur". She was the daughter of Minos the King. Every day she would enter the Labyrinth and care for the Minotaur. She knew the heart was human, no matter what the face. When Theseus came to kill the Minotaur. Ariadne fell in love with Theseus at the first sight of him, and helped him by letting him out of jail and giving him a information and a ball of the thread, so that he could find his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth. Theseus killed the Minotaur, only after learning that the monster was Ariadne's brother. Despite this, Ariadne was still madly in love with Theseus and went with him. However on the return trip, he abandoned her on the island of Naxos. In Greek Mythology, it was mentioned that she was rescued by Dionysus.
  • Ariadne was a princess of Crete. She was a daughter of King Minos and his Queen, Pasiphaë, and the legacy of the god Zeus (on her father's side). She is most commonly known for helping the Greek demigod hero Theseus get through the Labyrinth in Ancient Greece. She became the immortal wife of the god Dionysus after Theseus abandoned her. Her Roman counterpart is Ariana.
  • Ariadne was a sprawling planet with a population of around 1.5 billion (1,500,000,000) humans and home to a Zohar research facility, as well as one of the Zohar Emulators. It is implied Ariadne is slightly bigger than Lost Jerusalem because of the km diameter of the Cathedral Ship. Ariadne is divided into three sections: a zone filled with greenery, a zone surging with businesses and research facilities, and a living space for regular citizens. The business zone housed the headquarters of a company which focused on the artificial plant industry, such as Green Plant Company. The planet's green zone was dominated by the artificial plants of the business, and new types of flowers, among other items, were sold to the citizens of the main planets. The "Ariadne Flower," with its unique blue petals, was an especially popular product. However, lurking beneath all of this was an experimental facility owned by Ormus and the U-TIC Organization. Two years before Episode I, the U-TIC Organization began conducting connection experiments with the Zohar Emulators at their facility on the planet. Eventually, two years later, a Zohar Link Experiment with the Zohar Emulators, carried out in this facility under Andrew Cherenkov's command, caused a space-time anomaly that annihilated planet Ariadne, turning it into a Gnosis called the Cathedral Ship. This event was later referred to as the "disappearance of planet Ariadne", the Ariadne Incident.
  • Ariadne was a favorite of Apollo who treated her with little respect. Hercules was able to convince her she should have more respect for herself. When Apollo placed her in a death trap, Hercules fought him and released her. Mythologically, Ariadne a princess of Crete, the sister of the Minotaur and the wife of Dionysus, whom she married after Theseus abandoned her. She had no connection with Apollo whatsoever.
  • Ariadne ist eine freie und unabhängige Stadt im Nordwesten des Kaiserreichs Hellas. Sie ist die Stadt der Gelehrten und bietet die beste Ausbildung für Magier in Mundus Magicus. Zwar ist Ariadne als Stadtstaat naturgemäß klein, dennoch stellt die Stadt einen Machtfaktor dar. So werden Vertreter der Rittertruppe nach Ostia entsandt um das Ende des Krieges vor 20 Jahren zu feiern. Nachdem die durch Fate herbeigeführte Krise abgewendet wurde, ist man in Ariadne um die Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen mit Mundus Vetus bemüht. So soll schon bald eine ständige Gesandschaft in die alte Welt geschickt werden.
  • Her curly hair is tied up with a purple ribbon, She wears a necklace. She has an armlet on her left arm and a bracelet on her right arm. She also wears a violet dress and a knee-length, purple sandals. There is a purple tattoo on her forehead.
  • Ariadne (Gr: Αριαδνη) was the immortal wife of the wine-god Dionysos. She was the daughter of MInos, King of Crete, and his wife Pasiphae, daughter of Helios.
is Beziehung of
is partnerek of
is Persona of
is Row 2 info of
is Row 7 info of
is Consort of
is Relatives of