  • Lun Minsal
  • Commander Lun Minsal was an Atrean male serving in Starfleet in the 24th century. He was a veteran science officer, and held an A7 computer rating. In 2355, Minsal was called as an expert witness in the court martial of Jean-Luc Picard. His simulations showed the unlikelyhood of a ship being able to ambush another ship as the (as yet unidentified) Seventy-Fifth Rule ambushed the USS Stargazer at the Battle of Maxia. He also estimated that a mission to speed the descent of the abandoned Stargazer into Maxia Zeta V had a 70 percent probability of life-threatening failure, while its eventual destruction was mathematically certain. (TNG - The Lost Era novel: The Buried Age)
  • Commander Lun Minsal was an Atrean male serving in Starfleet in the 24th century. He was a veteran science officer, and held an A7 computer rating. In 2355, Minsal was called as an expert witness in the court martial of Jean-Luc Picard. His simulations showed the unlikelyhood of a ship being able to ambush another ship as the (as yet unidentified) Seventy-Fifth Rule ambushed the USS Stargazer at the Battle of Maxia. He also estimated that a mission to speed the descent of the abandoned Stargazer into Maxia Zeta V had a 70 percent probability of life-threatening failure, while its eventual destruction was mathematically certain. (TNG - The Lost Era novel: The Buried Age)