  • Harnekil
  • So wizened by age thai she appeared to have been treated with the mummification process used by the Haradrim, Harnekil the Crone led the ruling clan of Bar-en-Ibun during the settlement's last days. Ill-treated in her childhood, she encouraged obsequious fawning from her followers and fanned their awe with displays of her magical powers. Senility clouded her mind for some years before her death, but she retained enough clarity to act wisely when faced with a Sea-raider attack.
  • So wizened by age thai she appeared to have been treated with the mummification process used by the Haradrim, Harnekil the Crone led the ruling clan of Bar-en-Ibun during the settlement's last days. Ill-treated in her childhood, she encouraged obsequious fawning from her followers and fanned their awe with displays of her magical powers. Senility clouded her mind for some years before her death, but she retained enough clarity to act wisely when faced with a Sea-raider attack.