  • Neuron
  • Neuron
  • In 2267, the crew of the USS Enterprise discovered that neural parasites resembling enormous brain cells were the cause of several outbreaks of mass insanity that had moved linearly through the galaxy. These parasites were interconnected in some fashion (although without physical contact); they formed a collective, single organism. The parasites were equipped with stingers; using these, they could inject a piece of tissue into a victim; this tissue grew tendrils that infiltrated the victim's nervous system very rapidly. A part of the larger organism, this mass of tendrils could exert control over the victim by inflicting intense physical pain - so intense, that the sensation eventually drove the victim insane. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!" )
  • Neuron is a Praetorian Earth archvillain, the Praetorian counterpart to Primal Earth's Synapse. Heroes face him on the following missions: * Stop Anti-Matter's invasion mission from Tina Macintyre (Levels 40-44) * Get the data scanners back mission from Maria Jenkins (Levels 45-50) * Defeat Neuron & his robots mission from Unai Kemen (Levels 45-50) Defeating Neuron is required for the Dimensional Warder Badge.
  • Neurones are nerve cells, which carry messages from one part of the body to another. These messages are carried as tiny electrical signals.
  • A neuron is a biological formation, a type of cell in the nervous system, including the brain, of many lifeforms.
  • Aus den Neuronen (auch Nervenzellen) setzt sich neben den Gliazellen das Nervensystem zusammen, sie ermöglichen die elektrische Informationsübermittlung und Verarbeitung im Gehirn.
  • Neuron is a species of unknown origin with some sort of whiskers on their head. They are an ally in the Yoshi series.
  • Neuron is the main cell of the Nervous System. It is an electrical excitable cell that is responsible for the transmision of the nerve impulse. With it, they process (in the brain, ganglia and spinal cord) and transmit information. A human brain has 100.000 millions of neurons. The other type of cell is glia, which protects the former. Neurons have three main parts:
  • Neurons were sensory cells in many organisms, including Humans and Bith. They sent information as signals to the brain, where they usually had their highest concentration, and back to other parts of the body, controlling motor and sensory functions. After breaking the neck of Darth Tenebrous, Darth Plagueis saw microscopically through the Force as the neurons in his master stopped firing and his midi-chlorians died out.
  • There is a very narrow gap between the neurons called the synaptic cleft. This is where the nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to the next. Transmission is done by relaying the message across the synaptic cleft using neurotransmitters, which diffuse across the gap. The neurotransmitters then bind to receptor sites on the neighboring neuron, which in turn produces its own electrical/nerve impulse. This impulse is sent to the next synapse, and the cycle repeats itself.
  • The Hartmann Neuron was a commercially produced synth that relied on resynthesis as its main synthesis technique. Designed by Axel Hartmann and produced by his company Hartmann Music GmBH, the Neuron was introduced in 2003. Its synthesis method involved loading a sample sound to be analyzed, performing an analysis which built a model of the sound, and then using the model to construct other sounds from raw sources. Unlike traditional resynthesis which relies on Fourier analysis to extract the frequency spectrum from a source sound, the Neuron used a neural-network technique to build a sort of physical model of a hypothetical acoustic device that might produce that sound. The performer could then alter the parameters of the model or apply it to other models to create new sounds.
  • Yoshi's Story
  • Yoshi's Story
  • Yoshis
  • Neuron's artwork from Yoshi's Story.
  • Bouncy body
  • Unknown
  • The Hartmann Neuron was a commercially produced synth that relied on resynthesis as its main synthesis technique. Designed by Axel Hartmann and produced by his company Hartmann Music GmBH, the Neuron was introduced in 2003. Its synthesis method involved loading a sample sound to be analyzed, performing an analysis which built a model of the sound, and then using the model to construct other sounds from raw sources. Unlike traditional resynthesis which relies on Fourier analysis to extract the frequency spectrum from a source sound, the Neuron used a neural-network technique to build a sort of physical model of a hypothetical acoustic device that might produce that sound. The performer could then alter the parameters of the model or apply it to other models to create new sounds. Unfortunately, the high price of the Neuron ($5000 USD list price) and the difficulty for synthesists of working with an unfamiliar method of synthesis, combined with some teething problems and operating system bugs, limited acceptance at the time. And the otherwise-extensive user interface was hobbled by limited display capability. The Hartmann company ran out of money in 2005, before it could put a less expensive follow-up model into production. The Neuron is now a highly sought after collectors' item.
  • In 2267, the crew of the USS Enterprise discovered that neural parasites resembling enormous brain cells were the cause of several outbreaks of mass insanity that had moved linearly through the galaxy. These parasites were interconnected in some fashion (although without physical contact); they formed a collective, single organism. The parasites were equipped with stingers; using these, they could inject a piece of tissue into a victim; this tissue grew tendrils that infiltrated the victim's nervous system very rapidly. A part of the larger organism, this mass of tendrils could exert control over the victim by inflicting intense physical pain - so intense, that the sensation eventually drove the victim insane. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!" )
  • Neuron is a Praetorian Earth archvillain, the Praetorian counterpart to Primal Earth's Synapse. Heroes face him on the following missions: * Stop Anti-Matter's invasion mission from Tina Macintyre (Levels 40-44) * Get the data scanners back mission from Maria Jenkins (Levels 45-50) * Defeat Neuron & his robots mission from Unai Kemen (Levels 45-50) Defeating Neuron is required for the Dimensional Warder Badge.
  • There is a very narrow gap between the neurons called the synaptic cleft. This is where the nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to the next. Transmission is done by relaying the message across the synaptic cleft using neurotransmitters, which diffuse across the gap. The neurotransmitters then bind to receptor sites on the neighboring neuron, which in turn produces its own electrical/nerve impulse. This impulse is sent to the next synapse, and the cycle repeats itself. Neurons are also sometimes classified by the direction in which they conduct nerve impulses. Afferent (sensory) neurons carry impulses to the CNS. Efferent (motor) neurons carry impulses from the CNS.
  • Neurons were sensory cells in many organisms, including Humans and Bith. They sent information as signals to the brain, where they usually had their highest concentration, and back to other parts of the body, controlling motor and sensory functions. After breaking the neck of Darth Tenebrous, Darth Plagueis saw microscopically through the Force as the neurons in his master stopped firing and his midi-chlorians died out. Darth Vader was equipped with a sensor web that attached to his neural system in order to power the prosthetics that he acquired after the Duel on Mustafar. If his neurons failed to send signals to his limbs, he would be rendered immobile and a programmed alert would be automatically sent to the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center by hyperwave signal. When Tobb Jadak was in his decades-long coma following a starship collision, his neurons were stimulated at the by Chief Neurologist Lial Sompa at the Aurora Medical Facility. The last time Sompa performed this operation on Jadak was weeks before his awakening in 43 BBY.
  • Neurones are nerve cells, which carry messages from one part of the body to another. These messages are carried as tiny electrical signals.
  • A neuron is a biological formation, a type of cell in the nervous system, including the brain, of many lifeforms.
  • Aus den Neuronen (auch Nervenzellen) setzt sich neben den Gliazellen das Nervensystem zusammen, sie ermöglichen die elektrische Informationsübermittlung und Verarbeitung im Gehirn.
  • Neuron is the main cell of the Nervous System. It is an electrical excitable cell that is responsible for the transmision of the nerve impulse. With it, they process (in the brain, ganglia and spinal cord) and transmit information. A human brain has 100.000 millions of neurons. The other type of cell is glia, which protects the former. Neurons have three main parts: * Cell body or Soma: it is the main part of the cell, the one that makes all metabolism and functions. It is very similar to other body cells, except for the difference that neurons do not replicate. * Axon: it is the longest and most important part of the neuron, it transmit the impulse. A neuron has one only axon. * Axon terminals: these terminals contain the synaptic bulbs which secrete neurotransmitters to initiate the impulse on the next neuron. * Dendrites: they detect the neurotransmitter and have receptors to receive the neurotransmitter and they start the impulse if it is strong enough. Neurons do not reproduce like many others type of cells (they are amitotic, they do not have mitosis). Their DNA copying is blocked. Thus, they usually don't regenerate (except for aferent and eferent neurons) and have to be protected from damage by the glial cells. The regeneration is done via Schwann cells (glia).
  • Neuron is a species of unknown origin with some sort of whiskers on their head. They are an ally in the Yoshi series.
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