  • Deep Space 9
  • Deep Space 9
  • Deep Space 9
  • Deep Space 9
  • Deep Space 9
  • Deep Space 9
  • Deep Space 9
  • Deep Space 9
  • Die Reise von Bajor nach Deep Space 9 dauert 3 bis 5 Stunden. (DS9: , )
  • One of the single most historically, politically, and strategically important space stations in the Alpha Quadrant, Deep Space 9, originally known as Terok Nor, was an orbital space station constructed by the Cardassians in orbit of Bajor. Under Federation administration following the Cardassian withdrawal, DS9 became a vital commercial port and defensive outpost because of its strategic location near the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole. It later became a key tactical location in the Dominion War.
  • thumb Deep Space 9 (DS9) är en rymdstation som är lokaliserad i omlopp kring planeten Bajor. Där TV-serien Star Trek: Deep Space Nine utspelar sig.
  • La maquette de la station fut conçue par Herman Zimmerman et Rick Sternbach. Le processus de création avait pour objectif de concevoir une station originale au design alien qui serait nettement reconnaissable sur petit écran. Plusieurs directions artistiques furent envisagées avant que le design final ne soit accepté.
  • Una delle stazioni spaziali storicamente, politicamente, e strategicamente più importanti del Quadrante Alpha, Deep Space 9, originariamente conosciuta come Terok Nor, era una stazione spaziale orbitale costruita dai Cardassiani nell'orbita di Bajor. Sotto l'amministrazione della Federazione in seguito alla sconfitta cardassiana, DS9 diventò un porto commerciale vitale e un avamposto difensivo a causa della sua posizione strategica sita vicino all'ingresso del Tunnel spaziale bajoriano. Diventò successivamente una base tattica chiave durante la Guerra del Dominio.
  • Deep Space 9 is a Federation Deep Space station located in the Bajor System in the of the . For a time Deep Space 9 served as checkpoint to the Federation, Klingon Empire and even the Romulan Star Empire, in the Dominion Wars, in which the Cardassians also participated.
  • Jedna z najważniejszych historycznie, politycznie i strategicznie baz gwiezdnych w Kwadrancie Alfa, Deep Space 9, wcześniej znana jako Terok Nor, była orbitalną bazą gwiezdną skonstruowaną przez Kardazjan na orbicie Bajor. Po wycofaniu się Kardazjan DS9 oddana w zarząd Zjednoczonej Federacji Planet stała się ważnym portem handlowym oraz przyczółkiem defensywy z uwagi na lokalizację tuż przy wejściu do bajorańskiego korytarza podprzestrzennego. W trakcie Wojny z Dominium jeszcze bardziej zyskała na znaczeniu jako kluczowy punkt strategiczny do obrony Kwadrantu.
  • Once a Cardassian ore-processing station in orbit of Bajor known as Terok Nor, Deep Space 9 became one of the most important starbases in the Alpha Quadrant after the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369. Following the Cardassian withdrawal, ownership of the station passed to the Bajorans, operating jointly with Starfleet, under the command of Benjamin Sisko. With the discovery of the wormhole, DS9 was relocated to a position near the wormhole's mouth in the Denorios belt. (DS9: "Emissary")
  • Terok Nor is gebouwd tussen 2346 en 2351. (DS9: "Babel" • "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night") Het oorspronkelijke doel was te dienen als een verwerkingsfaciliteit voor Uridiumerts dat op het oppervlak van Bajor werd gedolven. Om die reden was het station voorzien van uitgebreide ertsverwerkings en -transportfaciliteiten die een groot deel van de pylonen in beslag namen. Ook diende het station als de commandopost van waaruit de Cardassian Prefect van Bajor, gul Dukat, de militaire aspecten van de Bezetting van Bajor in de gaten hield.
  • Deep Space 9, or more fondly called DS9, is a Federation space station that became one of the single most strategically, historically, and socially important outposts in the entire Milky Way Galaxy. The station is of Cardassian design, being of the Nor-class of Cardassian space stations, built by Bajoran slave labor between 2351 and 2356. Called Terok Nor by the Cardassians, the station was used for the processing of Uridium ore by Bajoran laborers. After the Cardassian withdrawal in 2369, the provisional government of the newly-established Republic of Bajor petitioned the United Federation of Planets for relief efforts and Federation Member status, and offered to allow Starfleet to administer the station as a starbase, prompting its new designation. In an alternate timeline, the station w
  • Deep Space 9 je jednou ze strategicky, ekonomicky a politicky nejvýznamnějších vesmírných stanic v celém kvadrantu Alfa. Oficiálně patří Bajoru, avšak na jejím provozu jakož i obraně se podílí Hvězdná flotila Spojené federace planet. Výstavba stanice započala v roce 2346 na orbitě planety Bajor a pod cardassijským označením Terok Nor sloužila svému účelu, tj. zpracování uridiové rudy, až do roku 2369, kdy se cardassijská vojska z Bajorské soustavy stáhla.
  • Deep Space Nine (oder kurz DS9) ist eine von Cardassianern im Orbit von Bajor konstrierte Raumstation. Nun wird sie von der Föderation verwaltet.thumb|300px|Deep Space Nine Die Station wird in den Jahren zwischen 2346 und 2351 von den Cardassianern im Orbit von Bajor errichtet und unter der Bezeichnung Terok Nor in den nächsten knapp 20 Jahren geführt. Während der Besetzung Bajors durch Truppen der Cardassianischen Union von 2328 bis 2369 wird das gesamte auf dem Planeten abgebaute Erz auf die Station gebracht, wo es in einer der großen Erzveredelungsanlagen von bajoranischen Zwangsarbeitern weiterverarbeitet und anschließend mit Frachtschiffen nach Cardassia Prime gebracht wird. Täglich werden etwa 20.000 Tonnen Erz verarbeitet.
  • Deep Space 9 was a Federation starbase during the 24th century. During the occupation of Bajor it was built by Cardassians and placed in orbit of Bajor and was the center of the occupation under the name Terok Nor. After the Cardassian withdrawal Starfleet took over the station, renamed it Deep Space 9, and moved it to the entrance of the Bajoran wormhole upon its discovery. Cast Avery Brooks as Captain Benjamin Sisko # Human, commander of DS9 Nana Visitor as Cornel Kira Nerys # Bajorin, first officer René Auberjonois as Constable Odo # Changling, cheif of security
  • Deep Space Nine consists of three main areas: The central core which contains the power core, the Promenade and Ops. The habitat ring which provides quarters for crew and visitors and is connected to the rest of the station by large crossover bridges and the outer docking ring (otherwise known informally as the "outer ring") which can accommodate numerous small ships and has six docking pylons to allow larger vessels to dock.
  • 1451.82
  • 6
  • 18
  • 2376
  • Deep Space 9
  • ;Typ:Deep-Space-Station ;Fertigstellung:~ 2346 ;Bevölkerung :~ 2000 Personen :davon ~ 900 Sternenflotten-offiziere ;Max. Kapazität :7000 Personen ;Andock­möglichkeiten :18 Andockschleusen :6 Landeplattformen ;Bewaffnung :84 Phaser :48 Torpedowerfer ;Verteidigungs-
  • systeme :Schutzschilde
  • 98
  • 1451
  • [[#Manifeste d'équipage
  • June 2004
  • Active
  • active
  • destroyed
  • Deep Space 9
  • 969.26
  • 10120000
  • 300
  • 1393967
  • May 2012
  • active
  • Deep_space_9.jpg
  • Entre 2346 et 2351
  • Cardassian ore processing station
  • 6
  • 98
  • Deep Space 9
  • 1451.82
  • Deep Space 9 CGI.jpg
  • Deep Space 9 CGI.jpg
  • 196849
  • 2346
  • Deep Space 9
  • 300
  • 48
  • Deep space nine aussenansicht.jpg
  • Thrusters
wikipage disambiguates
  • 3
  • 36
  • 48
  • 5000
  • Fasers en fotontorpedo's
  • 969
  • 7000
  • Once a Cardassian ore-processing station in orbit of Bajor known as Terok Nor, Deep Space 9 became one of the most important starbases in the Alpha Quadrant after the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369. Following the Cardassian withdrawal, ownership of the station passed to the Bajorans, operating jointly with Starfleet, under the command of Benjamin Sisko. With the discovery of the wormhole, DS9 was relocated to a position near the wormhole's mouth in the Denorios belt. (DS9: "Emissary") After first contact was made with the Dominion, the station became the Federation's first line of defense from invasion from the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar") The station was visited by a Klingon Defense Force task force in early 2372 under the guise of joining the Starfleet forces in defending against possible invasion. In reality it was used as a staging ground to launch an invasion of the Cardassian Union, starting the Klingon-Cardassian War. The station then came directly under attack from the Klingons after Sisko sheltered the Cardassian Detapa Council. The Klingons failed to capture the council or the station thanks to the station's defenders and the eminent arrival of Starfleet reinforcements. (DS9: "Way of the Warrior") DS9 was captured during the Dominion War, but liberated by Operation Return. Throughout the war, the station and wormhole were of the utmost strategic value, seen as the "key to the Alpha Quadrant." (DS9: "Call to Arms", "Sacrifice of Angels", "What You Leave Behind")
  • Deep Space 9 was a Federation starbase during the 24th century. During the occupation of Bajor it was built by Cardassians and placed in orbit of Bajor and was the center of the occupation under the name Terok Nor. After the Cardassian withdrawal Starfleet took over the station, renamed it Deep Space 9, and moved it to the entrance of the Bajoran wormhole upon its discovery. Cast Avery Brooks as Captain Benjamin Sisko # Human, commander of DS9 Nana Visitor as Cornel Kira Nerys # Bajorin, first officer René Auberjonois as Constable Odo # Changling, cheif of security Alexander Siddig as Dr. Julian Bashir # Human, doctor Terry Farrell as Commander Jadzia Dax # trill, science officer and eye candy Colm Meaney as Chief of Operations Miles O'Brien # human, mechanic Armin Shimerman Quark # Ferangi, owns a bar Cirroc Lofton Jake Sisko # human, reporter/writer, Cpt. Sisko's son Michael Dorn Lt. Cmdr. Worf # Kliongon, tactical and luckiest guy on DS9 (marries Jadzia)
  • Terok Nor is gebouwd tussen 2346 en 2351. (DS9: "Babel" • "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night") Het oorspronkelijke doel was te dienen als een verwerkingsfaciliteit voor Uridiumerts dat op het oppervlak van Bajor werd gedolven. Om die reden was het station voorzien van uitgebreide ertsverwerkings en -transportfaciliteiten die een groot deel van de pylonen in beslag namen. Ook diende het station als de commandopost van waaruit de Cardassian Prefect van Bajor, gul Dukat, de militaire aspecten van de Bezetting van Bajor in de gaten hield. In 2362 nam Dukat het ongebruikelijke besluit om een niet-Cardassian aan te stellen als de veiligheidschef op Terok Nor. Odo, een vormverwisselaar die enkele jaren daarvoor ontdekt werd op een schip bij Bajor, heeft banden met zowel de Cardassians als de Bajorans op het station. (DS9: "Necessary Evil") In 2369 besloten de Cardassians zich terug te trekken van Bajor, na een bezetting van zestig jaar. Aangezien ze niet in staat waren om het station over grote afstanden te verplaatsen, waren ze gedwongen om het station achter te laten in een baan om Bajor. Voordat ze vertrokken vernielden ze echter een groot gedeelte van de apparatuur en infrastructuur aan boord. (DS9: "Emissary") Het is onbekend waarom de Cardassians besloten het station te verlaten in plaats van het op te blazen om te voorkomen dat de Bajorans het station konden gebruiken. Wellicht dat er plannen waren om Bajor later opnieuw te veroveren; hoewel hier geen enkel bewijs voor is.
  • Die Reise von Bajor nach Deep Space 9 dauert 3 bis 5 Stunden. (DS9: , )
  • One of the single most historically, politically, and strategically important space stations in the Alpha Quadrant, Deep Space 9, originally known as Terok Nor, was an orbital space station constructed by the Cardassians in orbit of Bajor. Under Federation administration following the Cardassian withdrawal, DS9 became a vital commercial port and defensive outpost because of its strategic location near the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole. It later became a key tactical location in the Dominion War.
  • thumb Deep Space 9 (DS9) är en rymdstation som är lokaliserad i omlopp kring planeten Bajor. Där TV-serien Star Trek: Deep Space Nine utspelar sig.
  • La maquette de la station fut conçue par Herman Zimmerman et Rick Sternbach. Le processus de création avait pour objectif de concevoir une station originale au design alien qui serait nettement reconnaissable sur petit écran. Plusieurs directions artistiques furent envisagées avant que le design final ne soit accepté.
  • Deep Space Nine (oder kurz DS9) ist eine von Cardassianern im Orbit von Bajor konstrierte Raumstation. Nun wird sie von der Föderation verwaltet.thumb|300px|Deep Space Nine Die Station wird in den Jahren zwischen 2346 und 2351 von den Cardassianern im Orbit von Bajor errichtet und unter der Bezeichnung Terok Nor in den nächsten knapp 20 Jahren geführt. Während der Besetzung Bajors durch Truppen der Cardassianischen Union von 2328 bis 2369 wird das gesamte auf dem Planeten abgebaute Erz auf die Station gebracht, wo es in einer der großen Erzveredelungsanlagen von bajoranischen Zwangsarbeitern weiterverarbeitet und anschließend mit Frachtschiffen nach Cardassia Prime gebracht wird. Täglich werden etwa 20.000 Tonnen Erz verarbeitet. Außerdem ist die Station Wohnort und Kommandozentrale für den Oberbefehlshaber der cardassianischen Streitkräfte auf Bajor gewesen, Präfekt (Gul) Dukat. Vor ihrem Rückzug 2369 nahmen die Cardassianer sämtlichen kostabren Gegenstände aus Raumstation mit, sodass die DS9 bei der Ankunft der Sternenflottenofffiziere kaum einsatzfähig ist. Die provisorische bajoranische Regierung äußerte der Föderation gegenüber den Wunsch, die Station unter Verwaltung der Sternenflotte zu stellen, jedoch sollte Deep Space Nine weiterhin im beitz Bajors bleiben. Daraufhin brachtie USS Enterprise-D die ersten Offiziere, Ausrüstung und drei Runabouts zur Station. Als Bajor schließlich Mitglied der Föderation wird, übernimmt die Sternenflotte Deep Space Nine komplett.
  • Una delle stazioni spaziali storicamente, politicamente, e strategicamente più importanti del Quadrante Alpha, Deep Space 9, originariamente conosciuta come Terok Nor, era una stazione spaziale orbitale costruita dai Cardassiani nell'orbita di Bajor. Sotto l'amministrazione della Federazione in seguito alla sconfitta cardassiana, DS9 diventò un porto commerciale vitale e un avamposto difensivo a causa della sua posizione strategica sita vicino all'ingresso del Tunnel spaziale bajoriano. Diventò successivamente una base tattica chiave durante la Guerra del Dominio.
  • Deep Space 9, or more fondly called DS9, is a Federation space station that became one of the single most strategically, historically, and socially important outposts in the entire Milky Way Galaxy. The station is of Cardassian design, being of the Nor-class of Cardassian space stations, built by Bajoran slave labor between 2351 and 2356. Called Terok Nor by the Cardassians, the station was used for the processing of Uridium ore by Bajoran laborers. After the Cardassian withdrawal in 2369, the provisional government of the newly-established Republic of Bajor petitioned the United Federation of Planets for relief efforts and Federation Member status, and offered to allow Starfleet to administer the station as a starbase, prompting its new designation. In an alternate timeline, the station was heavily damaged during the Second Battle of Bajor during the war with the Klingon Empire and was later scrapped for parts to assist in defence of Bajor.
  • Deep Space 9 je jednou ze strategicky, ekonomicky a politicky nejvýznamnějších vesmírných stanic v celém kvadrantu Alfa. Oficiálně patří Bajoru, avšak na jejím provozu jakož i obraně se podílí Hvězdná flotila Spojené federace planet. Výstavba stanice započala v roce 2346 na orbitě planety Bajor a pod cardassijským označením Terok Nor sloužila svému účelu, tj. zpracování uridiové rudy, až do roku 2369, kdy se cardassijská vojska z Bajorské soustavy stáhla. Díky své pozici poblíž ústí Bajorské červí díry se ze základny pod správou Federace rychle stalo nejen velké obchodní centrum ale také vojensky významné zařízení, jehož důležitost se ukázala zvláště v letech 2373 až 2375 ve válce s Dominionem.
  • Deep Space Nine consists of three main areas: The central core which contains the power core, the Promenade and Ops. The habitat ring which provides quarters for crew and visitors and is connected to the rest of the station by large crossover bridges and the outer docking ring (otherwise known informally as the "outer ring") which can accommodate numerous small ships and has six docking pylons to allow larger vessels to dock. Facilities on the station include Medical D for autopsies, 25 personnel and cargo transporters, and the mineral assay office. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky; DS9 video game: Crossroads of Time)
  • Deep Space 9 is a Federation Deep Space station located in the Bajor System in the of the . For a time Deep Space 9 served as checkpoint to the Federation, Klingon Empire and even the Romulan Star Empire, in the Dominion Wars, in which the Cardassians also participated.
  • Jedna z najważniejszych historycznie, politycznie i strategicznie baz gwiezdnych w Kwadrancie Alfa, Deep Space 9, wcześniej znana jako Terok Nor, była orbitalną bazą gwiezdną skonstruowaną przez Kardazjan na orbicie Bajor. Po wycofaniu się Kardazjan DS9 oddana w zarząd Zjednoczonej Federacji Planet stała się ważnym portem handlowym oraz przyczółkiem defensywy z uwagi na lokalizację tuż przy wejściu do bajorańskiego korytarza podprzestrzennego. W trakcie Wojny z Dominium jeszcze bardziej zyskała na znaczeniu jako kluczowy punkt strategiczny do obrony Kwadrantu.
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