  • Krog Wars
  • The First War It started off when Kross was playing rock, paper, scissors with Toros. He lost the game and was very angry. So he attacked Erexion. Toros invaded Mermaid Tasha and Mermaid Uniqua's garden and Bikini Bottom. Kross sent bombers to bomb Erexion. However, the pilots went insane and dropped pie bombs. Maron, Keron, Anodine, Tatooine, Mondas, Skaro, Pyrovilia, Weta, Neo-Japan, and Alwas were bombed. Kross attacked the most of Tokyo and Toros's spaceship warehouse. Toros then faked his death. He was later found on Ebay the next day. The Second War The war against Toros was over.
  • The First War It started off when Kross was playing rock, paper, scissors with Toros. He lost the game and was very angry. So he attacked Erexion. Toros invaded Mermaid Tasha and Mermaid Uniqua's garden and Bikini Bottom. Kross sent bombers to bomb Erexion. However, the pilots went insane and dropped pie bombs. Maron, Keron, Anodine, Tatooine, Mondas, Skaro, Pyrovilia, Weta, Neo-Japan, and Alwas were bombed. Kross attacked the most of Tokyo and Toros's spaceship warehouse. Toros then faked his death. He was later found on Ebay the next day. The wars took 2000 hours. Millions of people died. Toros was thrown into the Space Prison. The Second War Many years later Toros died, He was never seen again and Kross was Victorious. Next day, Toros came back as a zombie while Michael Jackson was singing "Thriller". Zombie Toros escaped to France and He was revived by Schwarzwald. Toros came to Canada and started taking over nearby countries. Kross was doing the same. Kross conquered Cyprus and went to an auction. He saw something very large. It was the long lost Mountain-side Death Star. Kross decided to take over the world and aimed his Superlaser at Canada. Toros was shocked and suddenly attacked Cyprus. This would be the start of a doomsday war. Toros started to use his evil energy very fast to conquer most of the Middle-East and planets (Except for Telos, which was being invaded by the Cybermen, and Jupiter, which was being used as a construction site for a city). Everybody in Toros's Army suddenly realized they were being blackmailed and they quited Toros's Enterprise E with Evil Energy installed in it and two TIE Advances piloted by Toros's brothers attacked the Mountain-side Death Star at night. Kross wasn't expecting this, so he just FIRED HIS LAZOR!!! Kilokhan and Kroppen did the same, and Toros started to attack the Death Star. The battle lasted for 10 weeks until Kross fired a laser at Toros's Enterprise E. Toros's body was hit by the laser and he exploded (but he survived). A small ball of energy fired from the Enterprise E hit the core reactor of the Death Star. Kross's body was torn to numerous pieces (he didn't survive). Kilokhan and Kroppen tried to fly away from the most biggest and epic explosion in history caused by the destruction of the indestructible Death Star. But they failed and died. The war against Toros was over.